60 CLAMP interviews milestone


Thank you for your continuous support towards this website.

For those of you who don’t follow me on my social networks, I just wanted to let you all know, in case you’re not aware of, that we’ve just reached the milestone of 60 CLAMP interviews translated to English available in the archive.

The catalog includes now 60 interviews with CLAMP dated from 1990 and later from multiple sources, with translations kindly provided by multiple volunteers from the CLAMP community. Thank you to each of you who have contributed with a translation.

There is more to come and there also more interviews in different shapes, forms and sizes in need of translation. If you’d like to contribute with translation, please don’t hesitate in contacting me.

~Chibi Yuuto

Cybozu interviews CLAMP and Nanase Ohkawa

clampCLAMP served as a case study for Cybozu on how the Cybozu Live tool can be used for team management. CLAMP use Cybozu Live in their daily work to communicate between themselves and their editors.

Cybozu is a Tokyo-based software company that provides a web-based groupware known as Cybozu Office, popular in Japan (Wikipedia). Early in 2013, CLAMP tweeted their appreciation for Cybozu:


“We don’t use e-mail, we use ‘Cybozu Live’ to communicate with our editors and partners. It’s really useful. Thank you very much, Cybozu-san!”

Apart from the interview with CLAMP, there is also a talk with Nanase Ohkawa and a Cybozu staff member. To fit the company’s case study purposes, the interview with CLAMP is very Cybozu-centered and how the tool helps their daily routine. The talk with Nanase Ohkawa, on the other hand, touches various social aspects, including her view on minorities.

CLAMP Interview
Nanase Ohkawa talk

Although it isn’t very CLAMP-centered, this is the first CLAMP interview in years and we get to see a few pictures of their studio in Kyoto for the very first time.

I urge all the kind people who translate XXXHOLiC and Card Captor Sakura monthly to contribute with a translation to this interview. The CLAMP community would highly appreciate it.

Nanase Ohkawa interview about BLOOD-C movie

The official website of BLOOD-C: The Last Dark movie has updated with the first part of an interview with CLAMP member Nanase Ohkawa. Part 2 will be posted tomorrow.

In the interview, she explains the differences between the “BLOOD” series and mentions the likes of Quentin Tarantino and Zack Snyder.

Nanase Ohkawa is one of the screenwriters for BLOOD-C: The Last Dark along with Junichi Fujisaku. The movie opens on June 6 in Japan.


Moving on to MOON SAGA now, its official website updated with a video interview with actor Saotome Taichi, who is part of the cast in the play version of the project.


Lastly, CLAMP members recently made blog posts about being in Kyoto. They did another location hunt there, most likely for GATE 7.

XXXHOLiC volume 19 release campaign

To celebrate the release of the 19th and final XXXHOLiC volume, CLAMP is publishing special contents in the members area of CLAMP-NET.COM and in the CLAMP@MOBiLE website. The special contents are “blog parts” and cellphone wallpapers.

The blog part is a clock that can be added to your personal blog/website. There are two versions:

Version 1:

Here is the code that you must copy and paste in your blog/website in order to have it:

<script src=”http://www.clamp-net.com/js/blogparts.js&#8221; language=”javascript”></script><script language=”javascript”>inBlogparts(‘holic_degital1103’);</script>

Version 2:

Here is the code that you must copy and paste in your blog/website in order to have it:

<script src=”http://www.clamp-net.com/js/blogparts.js&#8221; language=”javascript”></script><script language=”javascript”>inBlogparts(‘holic_analog1103’);</script>

There is also a cellphone wallpaper featuring the same illustration but I am unable to get it since the file is encrypted and transfer options are blocked.

Also, there is a new CLAMP Interview in Mantan Web about the ending of XXXHOLiC and Tsubasa. Translations were kindly provided by bitter_rain_here.

CLAMP interview from Me & My Blythe vol. 2

While we are in the subject of Blythe dolls, in February of this year was announced that a CLAMP article/interview would be published in the “Me & My Blythe vol. 2” book.

My Brazilian friend blaize_chan was kind enough to share pictures of the article and transcribe the interview with CLAMP (which can be checked below, after the cut!). Many thanks to her!

Download pictures.

CLAMP Interview

CLAMP and Maaya Sakamoto Talk

The talk between CLAMP and Maaya Sakamoto was that was published in 0331 (Maaya Sakamoto’s 15th Anniversary commemorative pamphlet) has been translated to English and can be read here.

The talk is extremely long, entertaining and very enlightening. Among the discussed topics, they talk about preferences for dating, women lifestyle after 30s, career and more.

I thought it was very cute the relation of Maaya and CLAMP in this talk… Maaya seems like a young sister asking advices to CLAMP, who seem like their older sister or something xD I was very amazed by how mature the members of CLAMP all sound. They all seem pretty sure of who they are and what they want while Maaya is still wondering a lot about those things (which is totally understandable considering her age).

It’s also a very very very revealing talk about CLAMP’s personal tastes, it’s extremely rare to have them talk about themselves and not about their work.


Nanase Ohkawa interview from Newtype #8 (Updated)

Here is the interview with Nanase Ohkawa that was published in this month’s issue of Newtype magazine, it also features a new Wish illustration:

Click to enlarge it.
It’s not really an interview since there is no interviewer, just Ohkawa talking about the anime ^^;

Credits for the scan goes to undini (thank you so much!), who also points some highlights from the interview:

– Kobato.’s world and Wish’s world is the same.
– When they were setting the plot for Ioryogi, from the beginning they thought that he did something in the world of Wish and because of that he became like this.
– They don’t know how many characters from Wish will appear in the Kobato. anime.
– Ohkawa says that Kohaku knows about Kobato and Ioryogi, but she doesn’t want to say anything else since it will be spoiling the anime.

EDIT: Allan Montenegro kindly translated the interview to portuguese and I retranslated it to english:

Two worlds connected

The worlds of “Kobato.” and “Wish” are the same!! In the end, there will probably be a lot of readers who cannot hide the surprise upon seeing this new fact! To start with, where the idea came from?

“When we first thought about Ioryogi’s creation, we thought about making a mysterious being coming from a world like the Heaven that we first described in “Wish”, for some reason, we thought about changing his appearance to the way it looks now. Since we decided that Ioryogi would appear, one could tell that both worlds were connected.”

With the animation of “Kobato.”, the two worlds will be more closely connected.

“It was a decision that came up during a meeting. We decided that to visually show the world of angels would be easier to understand to story. So, by making Kohaku appear, both stories become much more connected. Even so, in the end the title is still “Kobato.”. At the moment, it’s not clear how much Kohaku and the other “Wish” characters will appear (laughs). Besides, it is known that Kobato and Kohaku both sing very well, it would be very pleasant to make them sing.”

They are not just good at singing, in one way or another, Kobato and Kohaku have a lot in common. What kind of connection there is between them?

“If I tell you that, I would be spoiling a lot (laughs). However, it’s established in the anime version that Kohaku knows about Kobato and Ioryogi. The uncommon love that exists in the [Wish] manga is very strong, I think we won’t be able to develop Kohaku’s efforts [in the anime]. Upon watching the Ending, I thought “I’m so glad! It looks so cute!”, it looks good in the anime, very pleasant to watch. I hope you’ll like it.”

So the Ending animation is already done! And in the end it was an interview. A 3-questions long interview, but an interview nonetheless xD

CLAMP in Paris: more media appearances

I honestly don’t know when I’ll stop talking about CLAMP in Paris xD Probably when the news stop coming ^^;

First let’s start with a new article published in ParisMatch.com featuring a very nice new picture of the CLAMP members. The interview was conceived just before going to the opening party of the CLAMP exposition in Paris.

The article reveals that more than 110 million copies of CLAMP mangas have been sold worldwide so far. Also, Ohkawa tells ParisMatch that CLAMP works 12 hours per day and 25 days per month.

Thanks for the tip!

Next, this video provided by HachetteVideos in shows some footage of CLAMP in Japan Expo from July 4.

The video is available in HD quality and I have ripped and uploaded the HD version (72 MB) in MegaUpload for anyone interested in keeping the video.

Lastly, gettyimages has 3 videos from the interview that CLAMP gave to the AFP press agency on July 3. This is the raw version of the interview, all in japanese, no french translation. There are other 2 videos (a raw version and an english version) about shoujo manga with some new CLAMP footage as well.

To download the videos, click on the Download 4:3 preview clip link at the sidebar. Since they are preview clips, all videos are watermarked.

Interview (raw) / Shoujo manga + CLAMP (raw) / Shoujo manga + CLAMP (english)

I love when Ohkawa says “It wasn’t as if we decided that we didn’t want men, but it just ended up that we were all women” xD

CLAMP in Japan Expo – Day 1

Second day of Japan Expo, first day of CLAMP activities.

Today there was a sign session and the CLAMP Cosplay contest. I left after the contest so I don’t know if there was a second sign session. I heard a rumor that it got canceled but I have to confirm that. The Cosplay Contest did end much later than planned so maybe it’s true. Anyone can confirm that?

The signing rooms at Japan Expo are in an open area, basically anyone can watch the artists doing the signs, even if they haven’t won any tickets, which is pretty cool.

I think the first session had around 50 to 100 people, and CLAMP greeted each one of them and the fans were able to talk to them and ask questions. If anyone here won a ticket or knows someone who has, and if they asked any questions, please let me know the question and answer! ^^

Unlike the signing sessions from the USA and Korea, CLAMP did not give a special signing board do sign on, you could bring anything for CLAMP to sign on.

They were very generous with the fans, Mokona took pictures from two girls with her cellphone camera because of the way they looked.

Later there was the CLAMP Cosplay contest where CLAMP were the judges. Each member chose a winner individually and CLAMP as a group chose another winner.

Satsuki Igarashi chose a CLOVER group with Suu, Kazuhiko and Oruha.
Mokona picked a Code Geass duo with Cornelia and Euphie.
Tsubaki Nekoi chose a Blck and White Mokona duo.
Nanase Ohkawa picked a Sakura Kinomoto.

CLAMP as a group chose a Card Captor Sakura duo made of a Sakura and a Syaoran. I really liked that duo, the performance was so funny and the music was great, it was one of my favorites.

The winners got CLAMP’s autographs and other official goodies such as clearfiles and shitajikis.

However, originally there should have been only one winner picked by CLAMP as a group, but there was a duo from Tsubasa made of a Syaoran and a Sakura that CLAMP liked so much, that they decided to give them a priwe too.

They promised to draw something to them and they also gave to them their Ioryogi plush toy that used to be in CLAMP’s studio and that Nekoi carried around everywhere in their events.

I have a few pictures and videos, but I’m not allowed to share them until monday but please look forward to them!

On other news, CLAMP was featured in today’s edition of the french newspaper Le parisien. They were interviewed in their hotel room just before leaving for the opening of their art exhibition that I mentioned yesterday. There’s a very cool nez picture of CLAMP members sitting on a bed.

Click to enlarge it.
Special thanks goes to flowright for scanning the article!

DOWNLOAD: CLAMP Video Interview from Bande Dessinée Festival (Updated)

Great exclusive material today!

Remember last year when CLAMP was featured in the Bande Dessinée Festival, coincidentally also held in France? There was a video screening at the event showing CLAMP’s studio along with an interview shot specifically for the event.

Turns out that video was included in a special DVD celebrating CLAMP’s 20th Anniversary released exclusively in France!

The DVD was released by Kaze and Pika Édition and apart from the interview, it also contains the first episode of Angelic Layer, Chobits, XXXHOLiC and Tsubasa Chronicle (animes licensed by Kaze).

kei-san77 was kind enough to rip the video interview in high quality! There’s a total of two videos. The first one is very short and it shows CLAMP working in their studio, the second video is the interview itself.
