CLAMP@MOBiLE Fes! 2011 further reports

Here’s one last (?) round up of reports from the CLAMP@MOBiLE Fes! 2011 event I was able to gather from several sources.

– The XXXHOLiC OAD screening was cut after 30 minutes or so and the message “continues on the DVD out March 9” was shown.
– “XXXHOLiC Rou” is over, for the time being.
– Ohkawa asked the other CLAMP members how they felt regarding XXXHOLiC ending. Mokona said she’s “relieved” (as in, after running a huge marathon), Satsuki and Nekoi said they want to reread it because for the moment they are a little confused about it.
– OAD Director Tsutomu Mizushima wanted to come to the event but was unable to.
– CLAMP asked the audience who was the main character in XXXHOLiC: Yuuko or Watanuki. CLAMP thinks it’s Watanuki, Tsutomu Mizushima thinks it’s Yuuko.
– They don’t think Doumeki is “ikemen“, same as they don’t think Watanuki is “bishounen“.
– When the last chapter of “Rou” was finished, they celebrated drinking until morning even though they had to work on the following day.
– They mentioned the episode in France where CLAMP were asked about the lack of kissing scenes in their works. The kiss between Hana and Chikahito was a response to that.
– Hana’s gender was also discussed. The majority of the audience thinks she is a girl, but there were also those who thought her as genderless. CLAMP didn’t said anything, though.
– For GATE 7 color illustrations, first they draw and paint the characters using analog instruments. Then they scan the picture and background and other effects (flowers) are added using CG. You can check this more clearly on the picture of GATE 7’s gallery in CLAMP-NET.COM’s report below.
– CLAMP said that they want to do more events of this nature and art exhibitions in the future.


CLAMP-NET.COM posted their report up here with a few (very small) pics.

59 thoughts on “CLAMP@MOBiLE Fes! 2011 further reports

  1. I think Doumeki is absolutely IKEMEN!
    and Watanuki is somewhat like a bishounen I think..sometimes at some scene I think that he is pretty one…

    and I’m gonna say I understand Satsuki and Nekoi’s comment about Holic’s ending…

    thank you for these~


    • Hahahaha I find it amusing (and cute) that they don’t understand either XD (srly, only Ohkawa understands xD).

      Maybe because CLAMP has done prettier male characters? I mean, Doumeki and Watanuki have rather simple drawings in comparison to Kamui and Fuuma, for example. Kamui is definitely bishounen.


      • Yes…we shouldn’t compare them with X characters..I mean..I think X is the best CLAMPs artwork so far..
        No one beat Kamui in term of bishounen..okay maybe Ashura-ou..but Kamui is one hell of those pretty bishounen from CLAMP…
        Almost too pretty…and Fuuma is a hot ikemen…
        Noo I’m start digging my own pain again…
        TT____TT I can’t stand Kamui/Subaru/Fuuma/Seishirou…hikss…


  2. Satsuki and Nekoi said they want to reread it because for the moment they are a little confused about it.

    EVEN CLAMP IS CONFUSED I am laughing my ass off about this.


  3. OMG LOL @ Satsuki and Nekoi being confused at the ending. We are totally not alone!

    I am super excited about the XXXHOLiC OAD. I hope it gives us a better closure.

    Chibiyuuto, do you know what it will be mainly about?


  4. Aww that sounds good. But I hope they also depict what happened later in life.

    But I hope they make it to Doumeki’s point of view in this episode because from the beginning, it’s always been in Watanuki’s point of view.


  5. They really shouldn’t drink so much alcohol, maybe the stories would be less confusing then. *g*

    – They mentioned the episode in France where CLAMP were asked about the lack of kissing scenes in their works. The kiss between Hana and Chikahito was a response to that.

    Hah! I thought so. Don’t mind at all. Hopefully there’ll be even more on-screen kisses in the future.


  6. Thank you for sharing!
    Maybe we’ll find out a little more about XXXholic’s end in the oad.
    No news about Kobato.? I was expecting them to say something about it ending this year, I feel it’s approaching its climax (or maybe it’s me wanting them so bad to do something new or something OLD, if you know what I mean haha).
    Marina. (sorry for my poor english)


  7. Ah, I wish I could go there!!!! So the OADs gonna be long huh… *hopes for a hour* Ahaha~

    And I love how really only Ohkawa knows what just happened in Holic. She IS the writer after all. 😛

    I can’t wait for more Kobato and Gate 7. I think Holic’s ending was spot on, even though so many don’t like it.


  8. Satsuki and Nekoi said they want to reread it because for the moment they are a little confused about it.

    LoL This made me so happy(?) now how about us?
    I didn’t know Yuuko was also in the OVA, I can’t wait for it!
    Thanks for sharing :3


  9. So Yuko is in the OAD and xxxHOLiC isn’t finished yet huh I hope that means Himiwari is also in the OAD and we learn about Doumeki and no doubt the person he chose to spend his life with I am glad I am not the only one who doesn’t totally understand the ending to rou.


  10. “Satsuki and Nekoi said they want to reread it because for the moment they are a little confused about it.”

    this statement made me really happy ever since my major super depression mode of Doumeki not appearing in the last chapter 😀 Cause now it’s payback to CLAMP


  11. “For now”, eh? Did they say the same thing for GD and Clover? XD

    I LOL’ed at Satsuki and Nekoi not understading the plot too.

    And it’s very interesting that they added the kiss scene because of that question! We need to make more “questions” to them XDD


    • They said the same for Gouhou Drug, yes! They said “this is all, for now”. For CLOVER I don’t think they said anything.

      And it’s very interesting that they added the kiss scene because of that question! We need to make more “questions” to them XDD

      It was really amusing to see their reaction… they were like “Eh?”, as if they never realized their works lack kissing scenes XD

      But they have been asked so many times about X and they still don’t bring it back u.u


    • Not dissatisfied, confused. You can hope for a few extra pages explaining what they didn’t get, but CLAMP won’t go around changing the endings just like that. It’s their work, and they decided to end it like this.


  12. XXX Holic end

    I think Okhawa has an idea for a new manga who ends the story of XXXX Holic and TRC just like X did it with Tokyo Babylon.
    For me the last chapter of XXX Holic is the begining for an upcoming manga


  13. I’m very confused about that “for the time being” and really REALLY hope more xxxHOLIC! Some appearances ofZashikiwarashi, Amewarashi and Himawari wouldn’t be rejected hahaha


  14. Дополнительный отчет по CLAMP@MOBiLE Fes! 2011

    User referenced to your post from Дополнительный отчет по CLAMP@MOBiLE Fes! 2011 saying: […] Блог Chibi Yuuto […]


  15. I’m wondering now if we can talk about your sites statistics – search volume, etc, I’m trying to sites I can buy adspace through – let me know if we can talk about pricing and whatnot. Cheers mate you’re doing a great job though.


  16. Re: Gohou Drug?

    It would be sooo great to see more gohou drug, but I don’t think its been mentioned in Tsubasa ending. If I remember correctly once it ended clamp said they were thinking about resuming once holic finishes. But now its over I have yet to hear anything about it either. So yeah It would be great to know.


  17. xxxHOLiC dilemma

    from forums I read, they stated that kimihiro-kun’s just having dreams…as in DREAMS…It might be from the start of ROU but I’m hoping to see something fascinating in ROU ADAYUME. I was shocked for the whole, “You lookes just exactly like him, your great grandfather.” I mean where did that come from? well, anyways, let’s wait for ROU ADAYUME for some additional info about the story… Loving the green outfit of Kimihiro in ROU ADAYUME


  18. Жесткий диск

    Здарова пацанчики! Стало мне места не хватать для компе, инет стал широким, кучу фильмов с торентов слил за достаточно короткое период, в конечном счете забил свой терабайтник 🙂 он у меня беспокойный – WD Coal-black Print run, ни какой-нить там грин alias блю серии, вообщем решил я жениться дальнейший как такой же, однако эту модель уже успели снять с производства, заменив более лучшим – с 64 мегабайтным кэшем! Ещё быстрее за теже бумажка) Рекомендую всем кому нужен беспокойный винт брать именно WD Resentful Version, он конечно подороже, чем грин, только свои мелочь отрабатывает для все сто! Вот тут [url=]прайсик[/url] на винты и не только.


  19. Длительно квартиру сдам

    Прочитайте объявление [url=]сдам квартиру Ужгород[/url]
    . Моё мнение, что рынок охватили нереальные предложения! Вообщем конкретно не понятно, в данное время, Вы бы делали при такое время, если бы Вас интересовали данные объявления? Поделитесь мнением по этим объявлениям. С идеологическим уважением повёрнутый на данной теме.


  20. Соковыжималка

    Здравствуйте! Надоело мне пить бадягу из магаза, не сок, а буквальное развадилово – девяносто процентов воды и десять процентво красителей, никакого сока 🙂 решил обзавестись [url=]соковыжималкой[/url] и выжимать свежие фруктики! 🙂 куча витаминов, соответственно польза организму и хорошее настроение – не стоит экономить на своем здоровье! Не ленитесь покупайте свежие фрукты и гоните фреш!


  21. Yo Chibiyuuto-san, long time without writing here! Since I got some free time, I was checking the status of other Gate 7 releases, here it is what I have found:


    EMA (EGMONT Manga & Anime) official page

    According to their release calendar, Gate 7 will be out on February 2012, you can check it here


    NORMA Editorial official page

    Gate 7 announcement is here

    Release date on the event “Salón del Manga de Barcelona” which will be held on October 29 – November 1, so for the ones that can’t go to that convention, it will be available on November.


    Dark Horse official page

    You already got the announcement one but recently (yesterday) DH updated their website with Gate 7 page, here

    Interesting fact that de cover is not the one with the new illustration but Japanese version has 176 pages (according to Amazon) and DH one 200 pages, so I think all missing things will be added on those extra pages.

    Also, first change for the release date, now on sale on October 12 instead of October 25 as previously announced. Moreover, Amazon listed it on November 8 (until yesterday) and now it’s back to October 25 LOL XD

    And that’s all until today.


  22. lol for the kiss, they did plenty of kissing in Clover, and sometimes they even have sex. XD
    … I miss Clover. T_T

    For the records, I think Hana is genderless.


  23. They already removed? D=

    Don’t worry, it will pop up somewhere else sooner or later. And I am sure some group will pick it up. I mean, it’s CLAMP we’re talking about!! D=


  24. Which bring us back to Kobato’s uniform in the last chapter of her series, “See me next in Gouhou Drug!”



  25. CLAMP works cross genders so I’m expecting CLAMP will not change Gouhou Drug’s essence just because of its magazine.

    *crossing fingers for that*


  26. Wut.

    And I’d just given up on CLAMP after reading Kobato. Although I’ll remain a sceptic until Gohou restarts again and probably until the ending but hey, that’s awesome news anyway. Thank you! ♥


  27. OT: XXXHolic continues???

    Hi Chibiyuuto,
    A friend of mine told me that on Clamp website the status of XXXHolic changed from “Completed” to “In progress”… is that true?
    Do you think CLAMP will link XXXHolic to Gate 7?


  28. Overall, I’ll give it a 7. I think the real problem here is the pacing. As for the characters, obviously, you can’t have any attachment to them because they’re playing fake roles. But srsly, Fumito is really an asshole here and I hope he’s get a terrible and painful death on the movie.

    I guess I’m one of the few who enjoyed this series. But this is not my favorite show for the Summer 2011 season. I guess some people were expecting it to be like Blood+ but it’s not.

    Speaking of the movie, it will be also funded by the Japanese government:
    But I don’t know what are the opinions of the Japanese viewers about the series considering that most of the negative impressions that I’ve seen are from non-Japanese viewers.


  29. Apparently this doll can be pre-ordered on Ebay…better break open your piggy banks kiddies cause it costs nearly $400…


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