Gate 7 first picture !!! has the cover of CLAMP’s upcoming new manga, Mangettes: Gate 7!

Although Amazon reports it’ll be released in 2010, the release date remains being August, 2009 (got this confirmed by Dark Horse itself).

Major thanks to for pointing this out!


First official art!!!!!!! XD

My impressions! It looks SO XXXHOLiC! I’m not sure if that’s a good thing. Sure, I love XXXHOLiC’s unique style, but I wanted something new? However, it’s just one picture, I’m sure it has its own singularities. But it looks very XXXHOLiC, the patterns and the lotus flower, etc.

The girl, Hana! I thought she would be older, the summary said she was a high-schooler but I expected someone like Arashi, but it’s fine! I thought she would have dark hair so that I was right about! And her hair is as long as Kobato’s, nice! Maybe the lotus flowers are because of her name, that means flower.

The creature! Is it a little calf? If that’s so, that’s new in CLAMP! It looks so cute xD It’s the creature that helps her when she’s in the dream world.

The logo! I don’t like the typography at first, looks simple to me O.o And what are those symbols? Is that japanese?

The art! Definitely Mokona. At least the girl, the creature might be Nekoi as usual.

Very very much looking forward to this! What do you think? ^^

117 thoughts on “Gate 7 first picture !!!

  1. I didn’t even notice that braids until you mentioned the long hair. xD I’m interested in, what look like, nine tails in the background. Possible character? The goat/calf/thing is A-dorable though. Can’t wait to see more!~~



    • I thought the supposed ninetails was part of the illustration? Not really part of the logo since it comes from Hana’s back, but it looks like part of the drawing…

      >The goat/calf/thing is A-dorable though

      Yeah, it looks so dreamy~ I thought it could be a goat too! Either a goat or a calf X3


  2. Those are some heavily stylized kanji, I think. I shall investigate further.

    My impression: OMG I want to read it now.

    Personally, too, I wouldn’t mind so much if the style stayed in the vein of HOLiC, since Holic is so beautiful, and Clamp use it to depict dreams so well.


  3. A little too much like Holic for my comfort. XD; One of my favorite things about CLAMP is how distinctive the art style between each series is. Though with only one illustration out there’s lots of time to hopefully be proved wrong on this point.

    Eeee still I can’t wait! It looks like it’s going to be really cool.


    • >One of my favorite things about CLAMP is how distinctive the art style between each series is.

      I second that…

      >Though with only one illustration out there’s lots of time to hopefully be proved wrong on this point.

      …and that. If you take XXXHOLiC’s first colored art, for example, it looks very different from what it became later. I’m sure it has its own unique style.


  4. **VAChE**
    Hi Chibiyuuto-kun!

    Thank you very very very much for bringing us this!! I didn’t expect a picture that soon and all I can say it’s great!!…I was really looking for this manga and now I can’t wait!
    Hana is beautiful *-* I never imagined it would look like HOLiC ^^ that style is as unique as CLAMP…I love it!
    This fall will be awesome…definitely…Kobato and Gate 7 will kick some asses!!!

    Muchas gracias!


    • Hi VAChE!

      You’re welcome! I expected the art this soon, actually I was expecting it even earlier but nothing showed up xD I don’t think we’ll be seeing much (apart from bigger versions of THAT pic) until we are closer to the release date, though.

      >This fall will be awesome…definitely…Kobato and Gate 7 will kick some asses!!!



  5. The girl look like the cool calm type more than the cute type (like kobato or Sakura).

    It’s still too soon to conclude that the art style is xxholic-ish. I can’t wait to see more ♥


    • >The girl look like the cool calm type more than the cute type (like kobato or Sakura).

      Well-spotted. Which I think it’s nice since for the time being we already have Kobato ^^


  6. Oh, but it’s so preeetyyy…

    The story sounds fascinating, and CLAMP does some amazing stuff using dreams, so the plot should be great. The little animal is adorable. OMG, I’m looking forward to this! It’s going to be a long wait, though! XD


  7. I’m so reminded of Yuuko. Hana looks liek she could be a younger or maybe even descendant of Yuuko. And goat/calf/creature looks cute. Definitely some pretty art there!


  8. haha i thought the ripples are smokes from xxxholic. and yes, it’s soo… “Holic”? XD well, i’m glad because the art, so far, looks beautifully simple (look at that little mascot! XD)…

    ok, i’m still amused by that mascot. 😛 it’s so cute! Kudos for Nekoi-san for drawing another amazing mascot for this manga!

    thanks for the wonderful news! i really hope this manga will become a great success! ;D


  9. Wow, it really is xxxHolic-ish!
    This looks like it will be quite interesting ^^ More stuff to look forward to!

    Woah, I didn’t notice how long her hair was either before you pointed it out.
    Hmm, there seems to be something on her forehead. A marking? Reminded me of Hinoto at first =/


  10. Am I the only one who thought she looked like a real girl Ashura at first? 😛
    It does look very xxxHOLiC though… hmm… I do like the art style but it makes me miss the old CLAMP styles a bit. 😡

    Still, can’t wait to see this in high quality, I’m very much looking forward to the beginning of a new series! ♥


  11. Roger

    *___________*!! Thanks Its beautiful, I dont mind if they stay with xxxHOLiCs Art, i love it too. Now Im more exited At the begginig I hated, I wanted them to finish X & Clover first, boy now im so impatient

    I love the creature!!


    • Re: Roger

      Easy there Roger xD Let’s enjoy this new CLAMP work that it should be great!

      I’m positive they’ll resume at least one of their on hold series this year. We’ll see!


  12. OMG!!! *dies in excitement* D:
    this first image is heavily holic influenced but right now I couldn’t care less about that fact!! I’m pretty sure it will be distinctive from it…it’s our first gate 7 image! and omg D: I want to read it so badly!!


  13. Not the first and guess not the last but…
    It looks a lot like Holic *o*
    which is not bad since i love the art, so misterious and stylish XD
    i miss the old style like CCS ir Chobits with a little bit more ‘normal’ anatomy XD

    I don’t like the font neither D: its so simple and thin
    hope they change it later or something XD

    ZOMG im so excited ;O; thank you so much chibiyuutochan


    • >i miss the old style like CCS ir Chobits with a little bit more ‘normal’ anatomy XD

      But if you look closely, the girl has pretty normal anatomy to me O.o

      >I don’t like the font neither D: its so simple and thin hope they change it later or something XD

      Me too! XD


  14. It does remind me of HOLiC but it also reminds me of RG Veda. The blue ripples, the red plumes and the whispy gold writing all scream of HOLiC cover pages. But the girl herself reminds me of RG Veda, (even if she does look like the lovechild of Watanuki and Himawari…). I love her braids, though!

    I’m curious as to what the text under ‘gate 7’ says.

    The creature is adorable, too. Quite different from their normal cute mascots! Having a realish animal for once, instead of cute plushy types, will be interesting.

    It is beautiful, though. VERY MUCH looking forward to this! Especially with the international release!


    • RG Veda meets XXXHOLiC, I think so too!

      >I’m curious as to what the text under ‘gate 7’ says.

      Me too! I tried to read it but no success XD

      >Having a realish animal for once, instead of cute plushy types, will be interesting.

      Indeed! I might be doing a very early judgement here, but I think it’s the most realistic mascot so far? Well, there’s Inuki but he’s not really a mascot xD


  15. In the end the summary leaked was right even with all that care about keeping secret the information XD

    The art resembles to xxxHOLIC with all the items, background, colors, etc, but in some part the Tsubasa style is present, that’s a peculiar mix if you ask me. As for the font of “Gate 7”, I’m agree, it’s so simple. The only things that it makes me think is that since it’s a work not only for Japan, they wanted to use a simple one understandable for everyone. Also, since seven is a cabalistic number it doesn’t need to be remarked in order to keep the attention of someone. And finally, maybe the important thing wasn’t the logo, and actually is the new style and characters.

    Either way, I can’t wait to read it >.


  16. Hi Chibi Yuuto,I have been watching your journals for a long time,but this is my very first comment.So,first of all,thanks for sharing so much information with us,you’re very kind!!^_^
    I didn’t even know Clamp were going to release a new manga,I assumed they’d go on working on Kobato and hopefully on Shiritsu Horitsuba Gakuen as well(I’d love a new manga with Syaoran as a main character!!!)
    As for the characters on the cover,they look like Indian or Corean to me,today I’ll ask my friends who study them and if I know something sure,I’ll tell you,ok?


    • Hi Daniele! Is Daniele or Daniel?

      Nice to meet you! Thank you for reading my journal all this time, so much! Thank you also for commenting for the first time. I hope this is the first of many more to come ^^

      Oh yeah, CLAMP is working on a new manga, they never stop, those ladies xD

      >today I’ll ask my friends who study them and if I know something sure,I’ll tell you,ok?

      Oh please! Thanks ^^


      • Hi!!!!^_^
        As promised,I’ve asked my friends who are learning Corean,and I can tell you this is definitely not Corean.Problem is my friends who can speak Indian have just gone to India for studying purposes and will be back in about 3 weeks.So,I can ensure it is Indian,this will have to wait a little ^^;

        P.S:it’d be Daniele,but Daniel is the same!!Sorry for my bad English!!


  17. I know the kanji is really stylized, (kinda similar to the font they used for CLAMP Su, or is it just me?) but is there anybody out there who has a guess as to what it says?
    Just curious ^_^


    • >kinda similar to the font they used for CLAMP Su, or is it just me?

      I THOUGHT THE SAME THING! O_O And I thought I was the only one who thought that XDDDD

      >but is there anybody out there who has a guess as to what it says?

      Not yet u.u


  18. Ugh, I don’t like it at all, it’s girl!Watanuki with super long hair o_O;;; I was expecting some short/middle hair pretty girl…

    …Wait, now that I look at it, it looks like Watanuki and Yuuko’s child OTL

    Oh, well, I have to wait and read it when it’s available, I might love this character later.


    • Really? Well, maybe without the big cloak she will look a little different?

      >Oh, well, I have to wait and read it when it’s available, I might love this character later.

      I think so too ^_~


  19. Wow! So we have first picture *___*

    As everyone said, style is similar to xxxHOLiC: smokes, patterns, colors, etc. but I get as well TRC DX covers’ feeling.
    Hana seems a little younger, isn’t it? O_o I feel she would be the same age as Hinata frmo Suki. Dakara Suki O_o

    I don’t want TRC and xxxHOLiC to finish T_T but can’t wait to know more about Gate 7 :3


    • Yeah, it seems like the illustration continues on the other side xD

      >Hana seems a little younger, isn’t it?

      I thought the same thing. The summary says she’s a high-schooler, so… But I was expecting something like Arashi or even Yumegari’s Tatsumi ^^


      • Yeah, at first sight everyone thought it was Moko-chan X)
        Actually, tried to find kanji similar to this logo, but i failed. Maybe it’s just not japanese. On the other hand i don’t know Japanese well, i could be wrong O__o


  20. I like very much the picture!
    Hana looks misterious and the little pet looks incredible really
    Its looks like a mix of xxxHOLIC, RG Veda … but also if you look, the face and the body seems to be Kobato’s style
    Not exactly, but.. sort of…

    Anyway .. xD… that you very much chibiyuuto!
    The plot of Gate 7 was very interesting!
    Let’s see what has CLAMP to do here


  21. dmnfasdfs Very ‘holic-like indeed…I hoped for something a little more detailed, like the older works ;o;
    The girl looks pretty cool 😀
    And the goat-creature is so cute!!


  22. My first impresion was “watanuki in female”!!! But well, yeah, is to much of the style of Holic! The animal look likea lam.
    I hope is realised in august, because is not much time long for the end of tsubasa… So, what are they going to spend their time in if it’s realised in 2010? Maybe X or Lawful Drug!? I hope so…

    I’ll try to vote for your cover (the best along with cover C and F) if I found out the way to do it!


    • >So, what are they going to spend their time in if it’s realised in 2010? Maybe X or Lawful Drug!? I hope so…

      Haha that would be nice! But I think Amazon messed up with the dates ^_~

      >I’ll try to vote for your cover (the best along with cover C and F) if I found out the way to do it!

      You just have to leave an anonymous comment the same way you left this one in my journal, there’s no difference ^^ You know the link, right?


  23. It’s a bit xxxHolic-ish, mainly because of pale skin and the colour of her eyes, though the brushy style reminds me of Shin Shunkaden which I enjoyed very much. The logo however reminds me of India or Arabia – this one is like origin of Tsubasa. And thank you for info, I was afaid it would be some steampunk, which is pretty but somehow difficult to read. Asian climat is so much better!


  24. I don’t know why but the girl reminds me Watanuki plus a bit of Hideki from Chobits and Nekoi from X… ^^’ It’s really something. But that’s only one illustration, we can’t judge Gate 7 yet… XD


  25. I thought it looked like Holic as well, but it also reminded me of The Legend of Chunyang (did I spell it right?). I was thinking the art would be more modern and smooth but if they make it more elaborate that looks great too. Can’t wait to hear more about it…


  26. so pretty, so CLAMP-ish ~(^o ^*)
    and I am all confused with all the date changing… so when is it released again? in tank? in English? and original English Manga?


  27. I was also expecting an Arashi-look!But i’m not dissapointed she has the Clamp air that i haven’t personally seen in a new character since Yuuko(not counting Okiura),also i bet you that cute little thing will have a totally kick ass “true form”.XD!


  28. Pretty… when I saw that girl, I thought she looked like Himawari.

    I love seeing how Clamp’s artwork and style have really developed since their debut.


  29. That looks really interesting, but does it mean XXXHolic and Tsubasa are really going to end soon….? Because I’m not sure they’ll be able to pull all three of them at the same time, and what about X or Gouho Drug? Will they ever see their finish??

    )): I’m happy that there is going to be a new manga from them, but I’m a little afraid as well…


  30. chapter 176 and 177 of holic are out and u re not gonna believe what happened in the last one!
    177 was supose to come out on monday, but it’s been already uploaded in


  31. OMG~!!!
    The picture looks amazing! I wonder if that lamb-like creature can talk XDD

    btw, I tried to look up those characters….I think they are a type old Chinese writing…The character at the left looks like 祈 and the one at the right looks like …you can see how 祈 looks like in old Chinese writings at here
    …but I’m probably wrong because I’m looking up Chinese word instead of Japanese word ^^;;


    • So you got confirmation from dark horse themselves?right? it’s still 2009??
      THANK GOD!!! when I heard that amazon change the dates I was like “that cant be, Clamp didn´t say anything about postpone the manga again!” really THANK GOD!!
      Hana looks great! It reminded me of a mix between ashura and yuuko…I think the art of Holic is great but I also had always a problem with the arms and the legs dont ask me why.
      Is it weird to look at the picture and start to imagine the anime?? I did it when I looked at the picture but I was like “already thinking about THAT?”



    Chibi Yuuto-sama!
    I saw you won the competition of the Fan-book Cover! o_o’ Although I thought you would definitely win, seems like it was cover F xD’ But, anyways, he withdrew, so, YOU WIN – CONGRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATS *_____________*
    *Twice happy because apparently I’m the first one to comment this*
    And don’t kill me – I’m still working on my piece – actually, can I send you an e-mail? I have some doubts about it x.x


  33. This is awesome.
    Though I like xxxHolic’s art, I agree with you that something new would be cool. That’s mostly because it seems like the character designs for both xxxHolic and Tsubasa are really ‘noodle people’ like. I hope the character designs are more in the are of CLAMP’s more life-like characters. Still, I love the art (like clothes, backgrounds, etc.) from xxxHolic, so some similarities would be cool.

    The lotus might pictured for the reader to equate the traditional symbolism of the lotus, such as detachment from the world, wisdom, enlightenment, and rebirth.

    Perhaps the animal is a baku (a nightmare eater), since this story is supposed to have some connection to dreams and the dream world?


  34. When I first saw this journal entry I thought it was Watanuki & Mokona as a goat. I thought “Why is Mokona a goat?” And then I actually read the entry. XD


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