Kobato 6 AND 7 + Kobato’s whereabouts !

Drawcomic-san promised me she would get the 2 remaining chapters of Kobato and here they are !!!

They are in chinese, though.

Kobato 6
Kobato 7

Let’s all thank her very muchly *bows a 1000 times* Thank You !! ^___^

Translations are always appreciated !

One more thing, the splash page from chapter 6 wasn’t scanned. Instead, the person who scanned the chapter (drawcomic’s friend) got a wallpaper made with the same splash page from Clamp Kingdom website. As I’m aware that the webmistress does not wish to distribute her materials in any other website without her knowledge, I removed it from the zip file. So if you want to see it, go to the site’s wallpaper section.

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