Card Captor Sakura – Clear Card arc – Chapter 37

© CLAMP・Shigatsu Tsuitachi CO.,LTD. / 講談社

© CLAMP・Shigatsu Tsuitachi CO.,LTD. / 講談社

Japanese RAWs

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The title page is truly breathtaking! After last chapter’s revelation that Sakura and Akiho’s mothers were BFFs, CLAMP couldn’t wait any longer to draw them together in a color illustration. The fact that they are both angels (even though I see only 3 wings, instead of 4) implies to me that Akiho’s mother is really dead — not that we didn’t assume as much. Her face remains hidden. I wonder if we will ever see how she looks…

The plot gears moved quite a lot in the previous chapter, so we got a rather normal chapter this time around.

Somehow, I didn’t think the sparks between Syaoran and Sakura were the doings of a card, but that was her first thought, of course. Syaoran believes that judging by the mere fact that it wasn’t a card, it means it’s not Sakura’s power, but I’m not so sure of that. I still think it’s meant to protect Syaoran, not hurt him. It could be Sakura acting unconsciously or someone else trying to protect him (his mother? But he would sense her power I would assume).

Oh! So the place where Yukito wanted to go to was the Tsukimine Shrine! Long time no see! I’m very curious to what is going to do that, given that Kaho isn’t there. I think it must be something related to the Moon, after all, Yue and Ruby Moon feeds their powers from the Moon and this shrine is devoted to the Moon.

Sakura’s outfit for when she comes home is so adorable and fashionable!

The fact that even Momo, who is a sweet tooth, approved Sakura’s macarons makes it even hard to believe that Sakura managed to bake a hard thing such as macarons. Looks like Sakura suddenly got highly skilled in cooking. We’ll see if she can keep that standard high.

Oh crap, I really wanted to know if Kaito likes chocomint… I have a feeling he does, because of his feminine attributes that fit the profile for CLAMP characters that like chocomint. I wonder if that info is any relevant because CLAMP totally deprived us from such information as a gust of wind hit them so strong omg they couldn’t even talk anymore (lol)

Said gust of wind (?) made Sakura — and her staff and her cards — suddenly really tiny. I am not going to go overboard in questioning why her cards shrunk too but I did think about that.

Good thing Syaoran was there to save the day. Good thing he brings Sakura’s deck of cards with him, too. Now, I wonder what made Sakura create this possible card? She was probably thinking about the “dream” with Syaoran in Akiho’s robes before she bumped into Akiho. What exactly triggered her? Is she avoiding Syaoran at all costs?

It seems that after a good while, we are finally getting another card. It seems like The Little counterpart, even though that card doesn’t exist in the manga.

The updated list of cards secured so far:

  1. GALE
  2. SIEGE
  3. AQUA
  8. LUCID
  10. SNOOZE
  12. APPEAR
  13. BLAZE
  14. MIRROR
  15. BLADE
  16. REPAIR
  17. REWIND

Anime-only cards:

  2. HAIL
  5. SWING

29 pages for this chapter, 86 pages for volume 8 so far. We’re halfway through volume 8.

6 thoughts on “Card Captor Sakura – Clear Card arc – Chapter 37

  1. Here we are, steadily proceeding towards chapter 50 (I’m kinda convinced about our theory XDD)! The “feeling” is indeed the one of “hey we’re heading towards the climax but not quite yet”, the revelation about Sakura and Akiho’s mothers last chapter was quite a bomb. I didn’t expect it at all!
    This color page is breathtaking indeed, and it doesn’t even feature Sakura! Also I’m intrigued by Akiho’s mom, so every time I see this color page appearing I get double excited!

    The fact that they are both angels (even though I see only 3 wings, instead of 4)
    I guess the second wing of Akiho’s mom is hidden behind Nadeshiko, because I can still see some feathers on her shoulder/back area, where the 4th wing should be. But yeah, the most important info is that Akiho’s mom is not only “undefinitely missing”, she’s really dead. I’m intrigued by her personality, she seemed nice but also more “self-confident” than Akiho, I don’t know if you get what I mean? She appeared really for too little to judge, but that was the vibe she gave off to me.

    I still think it’s meant to protect Syaoran, not hurt him.
    Well whoever did this is not doing a good job then, because the sparks hurt only him, and not Sakura X,DDDD and the more he tries to touch her, the more his wounds get worse.

    Oh! So the place where Yukito wanted to go to was the Tsukimine Shrine!
    I’m exicted for this, because Tsukimine Shrine was where Earthy was captured…is the counterpart of Earthy on the way (I still think it’ll be the last card, somehow)??

    Looks like Sakura suddenly got highly skilled in cooking. We’ll see if she can keep that standard high.
    “Cooking is like handling magic…” do you remember who said this? ^__^ maybe it’s because of her power that became so strong! I dunno, I’m trying to justify this randomness XDD

    Oh crap, I really wanted to know if Kaito likes chocomint… I wonder if that info is any relevant because CLAMP totally deprived us from such information
    HAHAHA, YOU JUST KNOW that info will be somehow relevant, precisely because of how Akiho was interrupted before spilling the beans XDDD
    I’m somehow scared to know, because Akiho’s mom was exactly like her and used to travel around the world with her most important person (who didn’t like chocomint)…I’m just praying Kaito has got nothing to do with Akiho’s father…..XDDD

    Now, I wonder what made Sakura create this possible card? She was probably thinking about the “dream” with Syaoran in Akiho’s robes
    Hell, I have to admit the revamp of Evil!Syaoran from her dream was a big surprise. More than anything, because I thought that after having settled and clarified everything with Syaoran, her “fears” of him hiding and being shady were put to rest. But no, the unsettling feeling still remains and at this point I think it’s gonna cause some big mess. After all, her berserk power is highly depending on her emotions…..
    I also wonder how Syaoran will be able to help her, now that he risks being fried everytime he touches her…..

    I wonder how chapter 38 will be. Will it be a fun game of tag or Ohkawa will find a way to transform it into an anxiety fest as usual? LMAO, stay tuned to find out XDDDDDD

    Liked by 1 person

    • steadily proceeding towards chapter 50 (I’m kinda convinced about our theory XDD)!
      My fingers are crossed!

      she seemed nice but also more “self-confident” than Akiho, I don’t know if you get what I mean?
      I know what you mean. She doesn’t seem as “lightheaded” as her daughter at all.

      is the counterpart of Earthy on the way (I still think it’ll be the last card, somehow)??
      It could be, but Sakura would have to go there, somehow xD

      “Cooking is like handling magic…” do you remember who said this? ^__^
      Not at all LOL was it Clow?

      I thought that after having settled and clarified everything with Syaoran, her “fears” of him hiding and being shady were put to rest. But no
      Oh no, that was unresolved business for sure.

      Thanks for your comment, dear!


      • It could be, but Sakura would have to go there, somehow xD
        OOOOR hear about the visit from Yukito and Ruby, and go down memory lane……..that’s literally all she needs to trigger a card production (I’m sure it’s kinda an important memory to her, as Earthy was the last Clow Card)

        Not at all LOL was it Clow?
        It was your dear Fai, while explaining why he had good cooking skills hahaha ^__^


  2. I really enjoyed the pacing in this chapter! For some reason, it looked especially good this month, too?

    You know how Sakura immediately thought to try and to “secure” the problem here, while during the pool incident, she tried to sense the source of the power first? I think that’s our clue that this is Sakura’s own doing again, except now that she knows what’s going on, she can’t consciously seal her powers into cards anymore. (We talked about this on the Discord server already, but if this is really true, it would justify Syaoran and Eriol’s secrecy from the first half of the series.)

    Something I appreciated about this chapter was how quick and professional Tomoyo was in handling the strange situation between Sakura and Syaoran. She’s felt much more like her original self here and in the last chapter.

    Sakura’s casual outfit looked like something from the original series, what with the cute hat and everything! And poor Fujitaka is left wondering if there’s anything he can do for his daughter anymore. Is this a metaphor for parents struggling to deal with their kids growing up, CLAMP

    I’ll forgive Nekoi for the whole chocomint thing if it turns out Sakura suddenly being able to make macarons was a sign of her powerful magic casually leaking into her day-to-day life. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • For some reason, it looked especially good this month, too?
      Hopefully it’s gonna be like this from now on. If the 10-volumes theory is correct, we have only 2.5 volumes left! No time to waste.

      I think that’s our clue that this is Sakura’s own doing again, except now that she knows what’s going on, she can’t consciously seal her powers into cards anymore.
      Hummm good point!

      Sakura’s casual outfit looked like something from the original series, what with the cute hat and everything!
      And it lasted for only 3 or 4 pages, what a waste! XD


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