Review: Card Captor Sakura Clear Card arc TV Anime – Episode 4



Episode 4 – Sakura and the wonderful transfer student

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Unlike the previous two episodes, this episode was pretty much straight out from the manga — except with a few extended scenes and adaptations.

I like that they changed Nadeshiko’s portrait. They didn’t do it from Episode 1 to Episode 2. I’m always paying attention on it.

I don’t think they nail Touya’s design. He doesn’t look handsome enough in comparison to CLAMP’s art. It’s not terrible but it’s far from being on point, like Sakura. Thankfully Sakura is the main character, haha.

I was afraid Akiho would have an annoying voice (I wonder why) but her seiyuu doesn’t sound annoying at all. I had a sense of what her voice sounded like from looking at some of her work when her name was first announced. I think she’s perfect for Akiho.

Yes, Akiho, I share the same feelings of how everyone is SO kind on this manga/anime. It’s surreal

It’s nice seeing more of the school grounds, by the way. We don’t get to see much of it in the manga — CLAMP aren’t really known for their amazing backgrounds.

Again the battle scene with ACTION was greatly animated. The action scenes are looking really great, with Sakura being very badass and all. But this time though, unlike the previous battle scenes, this one was pretty faithful to the manga.

I loved the bit with Touya sneezing wearing the Ushagi costume. And it looks like he’s standing in front of a drugstore but alas, it’s not the Green Drugstore (a competitor, perhaps?). Be more specific next time, Ohkawa.

We’re up to episode 4 and the animation looks consistent enough. Surely the faraway shots don’t look as great as the amazing closeups, but it’s still completely tolerable as far as faraway shots go. And to think that they might just do a few touch ups for the DVD & Blu-Ray release… Thank you MADHOUSE

We’re done with volume 2. The only thing left out was the omake with Kero and Suppi. I wonder if they will ever animate that…

Next episode seems to be a complete original one based on the hanami story that wasn’t show in the manga. So in a way, this will be like an extended version of the manga, which is great.

8 thoughts on “Review: Card Captor Sakura Clear Card arc TV Anime – Episode 4

  1. So another episode and just as you’ve pointed out, it was probably the most faithful one to the manga so far.
    Akiho was pretty okay with her voice and somewhere I’ve heard the actress is new to the industry. Well we all start somewhere right? She is doing fine.
    I still see some rushed art between several scenes of mid and long range distance. That wasn’t seen in the first and second episode, only starting in the third I noticed this inconstancy and bothers me a bit. Maybe most people may not notice but that’s because I’m an illustrator and that sort of stuff usually catches my eye. It has absolutely no intent to offend the artstyle, as the close range scenes are very well drawn.
    Unlike others shows I like, I don’t have favorite characters in this one so I tend to pay less attention to characters in specific. Thus why I didn’t notice if Touya was really that less handsome or not. But I did notice they mess around with Yue in one time or another.
    (though the part where he pokes the dancing tea pots was hilarious for his standards)

    So the next episode seems we will see the first filler clear card. I was looking forward to see FLIGHT but since we are still so early on in the episodes and catching up with the manga, no wonder there’s where we may start seeing this content.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am not an illustrator but I can be *very* picky when it comes to CLAMP animes, but at least to me I can safely say MADHOUSE is doing an excellent job. And I am not trying to force things here, I really am satisfied, which is a complete relief.

      I also thought Yue poking the dancing tea cups very amusing.


    So yeah, same story of episode 3, this one too had a little quality fall on the faraway shots but still looked good on close ups and action scenes. Sakura is all set on parkouring here and there, until she gets *that* card…I love it XD
    I agree with you, this time they stayed closer to the manga, maybe because it was a really important part, Akiho was finally introduced!!
    You know well that I feared too for Akiho’s voice, but this choice really seems fitting to me. Asaka said he chose Minori Suzuki for a “husky” quality to her voice that made it unique while still being cute, and I applaud that!
    Akiho’s design is really cute, even if it seems to me that, being her first appearance, the animators are still trying to grasp her style (I’m talking about that curious curly hair, mostly).
    I LOVED how they animated the scene in which Syaoran stares at Akiho and Sakura leaving, I laughed so much! Look at the wolf coming out again!! We missed you XDD
    I also appreciated the small added parts, like the class…I really wanted to see more of their school life, since in the manga it’s a bit lacking, CLAMP just really stick to the necessary parts and that’s all. It could be that Ohkawa felt more at ease showing those parts in the anime because there’s a lot more “time”.
    Kudos for how they animated the romantic part of the episode: the sunset, Sakura all alone talking at the phone with Syaoran, the BGM, everything really screamed “ROMANCE!”.
    BTW in the review of episode 3 I forgot to mention it but I’m sure YOU DO remember how I loved the part where Syaoran gives his jacket to Sakura, right?XD
    And then….in perfect CLAMP style….when you think it’s all so cute and romantic and unicorns and rainbows….THE ICE WATER BUCKET! XDDDD
    Gosh that was so expected from the manga readers….I mean… they cut all the parts in which Syaoran made those ominous faces or the first call with Eriol…it had to be because of this….they wanted to give a good slap in the face when the audience didn’t expect it! XD and looking at the reactions on the internet, it worked!! everyone is freaking out about Syaoran, I’ve read the most eccentric (let’s say that) theories….
    I’m looking forward to next episode with excitement!!! The first episode that will have a (seemingly) heavy original content! Can’t wait to see how they’ll manage that! I trust you, anime staff & Ohkawa-queen!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Akiho’s hair is rather too flufly/curly at times, but nothing to the extreme of bothering me. At least it doesn’t look flugly.

      I LOVED how they animated the scene in which Syaoran stares at Akiho and Sakura leaving, I laughed so much! Look at the wolf coming out again!! We missed you XDD
      I liked that play with the focus as well! Well played.

      when you think it’s all so cute and romantic and unicorns and rainbows….THE ICE WATER BUCKET!
      What exactly do you mean? I’m so used to CLAMP’s icy water buckets that I can’t even tell them apart anymore xD

      But it is interesting how the anime-only audience is reacting. I know a few people and they already figured out that Syaoran is hiding something.


      • What exactly do you mean? I’m so used to CLAMP’s icy water buckets that I can’t even tell them apart anymore xD
        I was mainly referring to the scene in which Syaoran hungs up with Sakura and dials Eriol’s number…that was like a slap in the face because it became apparent that Syaoran *does* know something and he’s “plotting” with Eriol on Sakura’s back…^_^””


  3. Did you notice that Yuki and Touya were working at Chiroru? (I don’t quite remember if the romaji is correct, but that’s how it’s written in kana xD) It’s the bakery from Chobbits. I don’t really remenber the episode they showed it, though (maybe the 2nd one?), but I found it so nice! It’s always great to feel like Clamp’s characters all share the same universe somehow =)


    • Oh yeah! It appeared in the manga too =) It seems that the correct romanization would be “Tirol”, but I’ve called it as Chiroru for years.


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