Card Captor Sakura 20th Anniversary Artbook cover and backcover

© CLAMP・Shigatsu Tsuitachi CO.,LTD. / 講談社

© CLAMP・Shigatsu Tsuitachi CO.,LTD. / 講談社

Here’s the front and back cover of the upcoming Card Captor Sakura 20th Anniversary Artbook. The book will come in a shiny clear case in which the design matches the one for the Nakayoshi 60th Anniversary re-edition.

The artbook will be released on March 24. You can order it online from CD Japan, YesAsia and

It’s been also announced that the lolita brand of clothes BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT will release a collaboration dress inspired by the one Sakura is wearing on the artbook cover.

Source: Comic Natalie, Nakayoshi 60.

Don’t you think the spine looks a bit thick for a 144-pages book? But I guess it’s just the clear case… plus, there’s also the chronology poster.

28 thoughts on “Card Captor Sakura 20th Anniversary Artbook cover and backcover

  1. Hi, Yuuto-chan! Maybe the paper is thin enough so the spine should be OK. I’m so excited about the release! I hope I can purchase on Amazon, Ebay or CDJapan, otherwise I’ll be all tears on my bed, crying like Nobita xD

    It is always such a pleasure to enter to your web, read something and leave a comment for you.

    Un abrazo para ti! =)



    • They just re-stocked more copies at CD Japan so if you’re fast enough you will be able to order one for you 😉 I already ordered mine and can’t wait to have it!

      And for me it’s an even greater pleasure reading everybody’s comments. Thank you for sharing yours. Big hugs to you too!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. If you look only at the front cover in the nakayoshi page, you can see that there is pink space on the side of the picture, meaning that this big spine truly is an illusion when seen flattened like this, but definitely not a reflection of reality: almost 2/3 of it is actually part of the front/back cover!

    So? Do you still don’t like the illustration too much? I personally think it’s looking quite fine ^_^


    • If you look only at the front cover in the nakayoshi page, you can see that there is pink space on the side of the picture, meaning that this big spine truly is an illusion when seen flattened like this, but definitely not a reflection of reality: almost 2/3 of it is actually part of the front/back cover!

      That’s true! 😉

      So? Do you still don’t like the illustration too much? I personally think it’s looking quite fine ^_^

      You know, I got used to it now. Plus it looks really great with the clear case design above it.


      • You know, I got used to it now. Plus it looks really great with the clear case design above it.

        So you think the shiny gold frame is part of the sleeve? I actually thought it was printed on the book’s cover like for the mangas, and that the transparent case was not revealed yet.

        What I am most curious about is definitely that mystery giant poster with the “chronology” of CCS, I can’t wait to see what is it about after all? ^_^ Any guesses?


        • Yeah, I do think the golden frame and lettering are from the case. The Nakayoshi website says: クリアケース&表紙のデザインはこちら! so it means the image we are seeing is showing both the cover and the clear case.

          I am very curious about the poster too! I really love those technical data because I’m such a geek! As for guesses, it could either be story-wise (which would be INTERESTING to put everything since Clow in a timeframe although maybe not even CLAMP know that, lol), or it could be more technical, like date of first chapter was published, all 49 (?) chapters published, all twelve volumes released, times when CCS was in the front cover of Nakayoshi, date when TV Anime premiered, movies, DVD releases and re-releases etc.


          • If both gold frames from the front and back covers are actually not printed on the book itself, then the final look of the artbook depends quite heavily on the presence of the clear case!

            When we see the word “chronology” we obviously associate Time with it, but my thoughts went on another direction: I thought about things like the changes in drawing style along the years, and Sakura growth on them and things like that, due to the format of the poster: it feels like it’s way too big to contain mostly text, unless the CCS timeline is shown through pictures and not sentences (or both).
            My favorite idea would definitely be the same as yours though: the timeframe in the CCS universe since Clow was still living until “today”, including the extra info we got from Tsubasa, but it sounds too good to be true ;_;

            Well! We don’t have much longer to wait! We either will see it with our own eyes since we ordered it, or it will be leaked online before that 😉

            Liked by 1 person

          • From the one that shows the books sideways, they are indeed a bit tick I think? And I forgot to wonder about a very simple thing: is it a hard cover or a flexible one? I kinda assumed it would be the same as the mangas and the previous artbooks and didn’t think further about it.
            I don’t know what is written on it other than the obvious things like the 70×100 poster, 100 illustrations, clamp, card captor sakura, 20th anniversary illustration … *silence* wait, I pretty much listed everything actually…? ^^;

            Liked by 1 person

  3. I broke down and ordered a copy today, haha. CLAMP and Kodansha are pushing this artbook hard! The press release from Nakayoshi is making this sound like it’s part of the big kick-off for the 20th anniversary of CCS.

    Nakayoshi also implies that CLAMP designed Sakura’s costume on the cover in anticipation of the collaboration with BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT. It already looks like something from their catalogue, which means CLAMP is being nice this time around — remember when they had a costume design commission for Tekken and purposefully made the costume hard to rig on a 3D model? Even back when CLAMP was working on designs for the third CCS OP with Madhouse, Mokona proposed a costume for Sakura that was mostly made from transparent materials — because it would have been difficult for the production staff to animate! (The costume ultimately got relegated to a Newtype cover.) CLAMP is currently designing a scale figure for Goodsmile, so I wonder how they’re going to approach that. As much as some fans wish they would focus on their newest works, I can understand why this CCS anniversary project would be a lot of fun for CLAMP to do.


    • I broke down and ordered a copy today, haha.

      Welcome to the Dark side!…urrgg *coughcough* CLAMP SIDE! Welcome to Clamp side! XD

      Well, there are many goods that are “not necessary” and that we can live without if you see what I mean (and I actually bought tons of those these past few years…), but for me, CLAMP’s actual original material is definitely a must!

      And thanks for the info, your post was full of things I didn’t know ^_^ Clamp clearly didn’t like to make thing wasy for others, but on the whole, I would still say they are quite cooperatives 😉
      About the figure…it’s actually quite scary…the PRICE I mean ;_; Scale figures are expensive to begin with, but with it being CLAMP’s original design, I am already shuddering and sweating at the thought of the final price tag on it…


    • Nakayoshi also implies that CLAMP designed Sakura’s costume on the cover in anticipation of the collaboration with BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT. It already looks like something from their catalogue, which means CLAMP is being nice this time around

      I guess it makes sense because the dress is not something that CLAMP usually do (maybe for Chobits but not for CCS). It looked very lolita when I first saw it so it makes sense that when they drew it, they had that collaboration in mind.

      Agreed, the Tekken costume was great but not very 3D friendly xD

      I didn’t know about the dress originally planned for the 3rd OP of the anime. May I ask you where did you first see this information?

      But it’s interesting, indeed, when you are working for other media, you have to consider many things other than just the drawing like the materials and in Madhouse’s case, the animation itself.


      • I didn’t know about the dress originally planned for the 3rd OP of the anime. May I ask you where did you first see this information?

        It’s from the booklet included in the CCS Poster Box, which is…uh…another thing I recently broke down and bought. Blueline on Tumblr shared some photos of the booklet a while ago, and you can see the concepts for the third OP in the upper-right of this page.


  4. So, if I’m not mistaken, this is what I found so far about the poster:


    This is definitely not something pretty I would like to show off on my wall, that’s for sure, but we nonetheless went the information route which we both wanted: we got the covers of the Nakayoshi magazines in which CCS was featured, the listing of all the goods on which Clamp’s arts appeared in 1996-2000, there is also some sort of chronology with pages of the manga, and I think the poster is very likely two faced.


  5. mmhhh…

    I already wrote 2 posts about the poster and links to images but both didn’t appear, so I will assume they were blocked because of the links, and better than re-write a post for the 3rd time, I will simply let you un-spam it so that it can be visible ^_^


    • Just approved it! I’m sorry that WordPress keeps doing that to you, I don’t know why?

      I didn’t see the poster in your link, though o.o where is it?


      • I don’t understand your question? If it’s the links in the post, all 3 images appear very clearly, and also the source link.
        If you mean you don’t see where the pics came from, FROM the source link, it’s on the one before last paragraph:


        You need to click on the words “「なかよし」グッズ” and “付録ポスターの謳い文句” which are both underlined.


  6. Pingback: CLAMP x BABYSSB Card Captor Sakura collaboration dress revealed | Chibi Yuuto's CHRoNiCLEs

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