CLAMP to publish new “Card Captor Sakura” manga (Updated)

© CLAMP・Shigatsu Tsuitachi CO.,LTD. / 講談社

© CLAMP・Shigatsu Tsuitachi CO.,LTD. / 講談社

According to Anime News Network:

The April issue of Kodansha’s Nakayoshi magazine announced on Thursday that the members of the creative team CLAMP are publishing a new manga in their Cardcaptor Sakura franchise. The announcement does not list any details about the new work, and the magazine says it will announce which future issue will run the new manga when that is decided. The Japanese wording of the announcement indicates that the new manga is not a full-length series.

So it looks like it’s going to be a celebratory, temporary thing. Longer than an one-shot but shorter than a full series.

I already hear the OAD bells.

Update: according to Comic Natalie, it’s going to be a one-shot.

32 thoughts on “CLAMP to publish new “Card Captor Sakura” manga (Updated)

  1. yes!!! IT’S NEW MANGA MATERIAL!!!!!!!!

    \(~o~)/ \(^o^)/ \(-o-)/ ヽ(^。^)ノ ヽ(^o^)丿 (*^0^*)


      • Getting new chapters of Card Captor Sakura is like a dream come true! The thing many people thought about inside, and hoped for, but never sincerely believed it was going to actually happen….IT IS HAPPENING!! 😀


        • I wished for this so hard 15 years ago and now it’s happening. I have mixed feelings about it because that probably means CLAMP will be too busy to resume any of their unfinished works, though.


          • Well, these new chapters will be released as a celebration of the 20th anniversary, and the announcement says very clearly that this is not a full length series… So this is not “CCS 2.0”, “CCS re-” or “The Rebuilt of Evangelion urh.. of CCS” XD
            I am now wondering if there are going to be enough chapters to make at least one full volume ^^;


            • I hope so! And yes, I also think this will be running throughout the entire year of 2016, because it’s also a good vehicle to advertise all the other CCS-related merchandise and make more money (of course).


              • Now that I am thinking about it, this must be quite stressful for CLAMP: Card Captor Sakura is by far their most famous series, and it’s also well known worldwide, actually, she is simply in the top of the magical girl genre.
                Even if it’s only a few chapters, the expectations and the dreams of the fans from all over the planet, that accumulated for 20 years, are probably so high that it will be one Hell of a challenge for them to make us all happy ^^;


  2. I don’t care if it’s short, even if it’s only one volume!
    I have only one thing to say: TAKE MY MONEY! Yes! I am asking them to please milk the CCS manga as much as they want! If it’s new manga drawn by CLAMP, I’m fine with it!


      • hahahaha~ For once, I won’t complain 😉 It’s not like the endless goods they released for years, CLAMP is actually to work on a “new” series, and hopefully release the chapters on time, and with no breaks!


  3. Wonder what kind of story the manga will tell. Will it link up with TRC/TWC and xxxHolic, or be its own standalone thing? I know there are some answers needed thanks to TRC/xxxHolic. I would think this will probably be a miniseries with a volume, maybe even two. For one, I’m looking forward to it, regardless of what they do with it. It doesn’t have to link up for me to anything but the original run.


    • Some fans are speculating that it’ll be centered around the “business” that Syaoran had to do in Hong Kong and also around Sakura giving her staff up for Tsubasa!Sakura. So yeah, I think it’ll be linked to XXXHOLiC and Tsubasa for sure.


  4. omg! im squealing right now! im so happy its not a re-make. i loved the original soooo much. it was my very first manga and anime. in england it came out roundabout 2000. im cool with ANY new story or picture of ccs! i wouldnt mind that link to twc or xxholic. i think her and watanuki would be great working together. im totally biased of course since sakura, syaoran( all 3 of them ) and watanuki are my absoloute favourite clamp characters. well there have been a few pictures of her with tsubasa syaoran and watanuki. i’d love to see ccs set like 10 or so years on from when it finished. i love your site by the way! i only discovered it last year when i decided to re- read trc and xxxholic. thanks so much for creating such a wonderful blog that makes me smile as much as all things clamp do! seriously well done. do you do this professionally? its so well done, and you always keep up to date with your posts. you could work with clamp and help them get over their hiatus comfort habit. ;D


    • Everybody is very excited about it! It looks like it’s going to be just a one-shot, though, and not a full series.

      i love your site by the way! i only discovered it last year when i decided to re- read trc and xxxholic. thanks so much for creating such a wonderful blog that makes me smile as much as all things clamp do! seriously well done. do you do this professionally? its so well done, and you always keep up to date with your posts. you could work with clamp and help them get over their hiatus comfort habit. ;D
      Hahahaha that last sentence made me smile =) You’re welcome! I’m glad my site is helpful to you! Thank you for visiting it.


  5. Can they please focus on finishing series on hiatus that have been nearing their end for over a decade, such as X, instead of all this new nonsense? Please don’t forget about X.


    • It looks like it’s going to be just a one-shot, so it’s not going to take a lot of their time. Fingers crossed!


  6. Clamp will do any slops but not finishing their dropped projects. But at this rate I think we have tiny hope for Drug & Drop cause this is from same universe as Holic , CCS , TRC and had many crossovers before . Maybe according to this they continue it ….


    • It looks like it’s going to be just a one-shot, so it’s not going to take a lot of their time. Fingers crossed!


  7. nokiirat just posted a link to the actual announcement in Nakayoshi, which includes a new illustration of CCS:

    My first reaction was: “she is a kid!”
    HaHaHa~ XD
    My 2nd reaction was: *looking closer* “wait, there are other illustrations next to it” *me/ start to actual look at what is around the picture* “oooohh!! It’s about the artbook, not the new manga! So this is the new cover after all?”

    BTW chibiyuuto: can you tell what the 70cmx100cm is about in the pink bubble?


    I am seriously wondering about the Time in which the events of these new chapters will be taking place.
    Will it be an adventure happening inside the CCS original story line? Or will we be getting a “sequel”, but we are talking DIRECT sequel here, like days or weeks after SxS separated, and both are still children?
    I’ve been thinking all these years about what CLAMP said in a Paris in…2009? About the fact they would tell us in the future what is that business Syaoran needed to do at any cost and made him leave no matter what. I guess this is another possibility.
    Another: link it with TRC and Holic, in which case, the probability of them being in their teens is pretty much assured, since we already saw Sakura in TRC as a teenager.


    • Wait, I am sorry, I re-read my post and I think what I wrote is wrong and confusing (this is what happens when you have insomnia like me, and wake up at 1am….right not it’s 4am, so tired! but still awake…)
      This is not the announcement of the new manga, this is just an ad with all the on-going things related to CCS, and one of them is the artbook with the new illustration, which I highly suspect to be the cover.


      • You’re right, that’s the cover illustration on the top left of the advertisement. The “70cmx100cm” is the dimensions of the poster that’s going to be included in the book (like the fold-out posters that were included in the old illustration collections).

        On another note, I remember CLAMP’s response to that question about Syaoran at the 2009 Paris Expo, and to be honest, I was surprised they even bothered answering it. I thought they had made it clear in-comic that Syaoran had to go back to Hong Kong to make preparations to move to Japan permanently? The first thing he says to Sakura when they meet again in the last chapter is something along the lines of, “I’ve finally finished the legal procedures in Hong Kong, so from now on I’m living in Tomoeda.”

        The latest installment in the Cardcaptor Sakura series will be a helpful guide to the Japanese immigration process!


        • The “70cmx100cm” is the dimensions of the poster that’s going to be included in the book (like the fold-out posters that were included in the old illustration collections).

          thank you for the info! My immediate thought was ‘poster’ too, but when I saw the dimensions, I rescinded because the dimensions felt too big to be included inside the book…but it is! Good for us!! ❤ I wonder which illustration that chose to make into a 1m poster, maybe the cover of the artbook?

          The latest installment in the Cardcaptor Sakura series will be a helpful guide to the Japanese immigration process!

          I burst out laughing when I read that! (⌒▽⌒) (⌒▽⌒) (⌒▽⌒)

          Well, about the whole going back to HK, and papers to come back etc..
          The thing is that we have no actual proof he had any thoughts about coming back to Japan (he expressed he overstayed his sojourn in Japan more than what was planned)
          + he looked way too determined and focused (do you remember the panel with the close-in on his face?) when he said that he had to return
          + he clearly stated he had to go back because he had ‘something to do in HK’ before Sakura confessed to him, and the indirect meaning was that no one (including Sakura, and she understood that quite well from the look of shock she had after he determinedly said he was leaving) would stop him.

          If we leave our feelings and own conclusions aside, the actual facts of the manga in chronological order would be:
          -Syaoran gets call from Home
          -Syaoran prepares to move back to HK
          -Sakura goes to see him and find him packing
          -Syaoran declares his intentions to move back to HK now that both Clow and Sakura cards are sealed and done with.
          -Sakura asks him tearfully if he really have to go? Determined answer of Syaoran “yes, there are things I have to do in HK”
          -His return was decided swiftly: he tells Sakura he had to go back to HK the very next day.
          -Sakura confesses on the day he leaves, he tells her to wait for him, and that he would come back one day, not specifying a time. To which Sakura reacts thinking she would wait for him forever.
          –years later–
          -Syaoran and Sakura has been in contact through letters and phone, there is no mention of them ever meeting face to face in the past 3 years.
          -Reunion: Sakura asks if she won’t have to live by with only letter and phone calls, Syaoran answers that he had finished the formalities in HK and that he would be able to stay in Japan from now on.
          -Happy Ending! ❤

          At first sight: his determination to absolutely go back, and fast, to HK because he has something he to do there, and the promise he made afterwards with Sakura after she confessed to him, are in all likeliness not related.


          • The “helpful guide to the Japanese immigration” bit made me laugh too xD

            I didn’t really love the cover, what did you think? I was expecting something more classy, I don’t know… it doesn’t scream “20th Anniversary” to me.

            Also, it looks like it’s going to be just a one-shot. Hopefully a very big one =)


            • If you look at the other artbooks’ covers, they pretty much give off the same feeling: it’s not bad, Sakura is as cute as ever, but they just don’t blow us over…
              In this case, I think it’s the “whole package” that will be pleasing: the glittery case, the pink and gold embossing on the cover like the mangas’, the nice printing on smooth paper of a good illustration, even if not the best one we’ve seen, but good enough?


          • RE the Hong Kong thing: I think we have to look at it in the context of when the comic was first being serialized in Nakayoshi. For the readers checking in on a month-by-month basis, Syaoran’s return to Hong Kong was this big, dramatic mystery. “Why does he have to go back? What does he have to do there?!” The reason for why he had to return in the first place was the phone call from his mother, obviously, since he didn’t have any reason to stay in Japan (and had almost definitely overstayed his visa!), but the readers were left in suspense as to whether or not he and Sakura would ever get back together again.

            When Syaoran’s on the bus waiting to go to the airport, he thinks to himself, “She [Sakura] never answered me, but…,” ending with a determined look into the distance. In Japanese, the “but…” there implies an unspoken end to the sentence, which ends up getting answered in the epilogue: “She never answered me, but I’m going to see her again.” His determination to return to Hong Kong was driven by the fact that the sooner he got back, the sooner he could start filling out the immigration forms and convincing his family to let him move to Tomoeda permanently to be near Sakura. The reason why Syaoran never told Sakura about his intentions via letter or over the phone over the 2 – 3 years he was in Hong Kong was most likely because he was worried that he would be foisting his emotions on her and troubling her — an issue we saw him struggle with during the festival scene at the end of Volume 10 (?).

            Granted, CLAMP could totally prove me wrong, but I’m pretty sure that was the implication.


            • The problem in your reasoning: this is way to “real” ^^; You are talking like an adult in the real world, forsaking this is a magical shoujo world full of flowers and stars: implying that right after the Last Battle against the reincarnation of an ancient magician who died hundreds of years ago, sword master magic user 12 years old Syaoran was making plans about immigration, thinking about process periods, and looking into the distance determinedly thinking about the papers to provide to HK administration is sort of…off? ^^;;;

              even if we followed your realistic scenario: if there were such visa issues, then we would have seen that at the end of the Clow Arc: there wasn’t supposed to be any ‘Sakura Cards Arc’ in Syaoran’s plans when he came in Tomoeda. Plus: Which kind of visa does he have? He moved to Japan as a transfer student, is there a time limit to this? This is no College mobility in which university students go to another country for a few months of a year > He is a minor who came on his own with no relatives: how was he even allowed to do that to being with? Under which conditions? How long? Based on what demands from both governments of Japan and China? What did he have to do to renew it during the time he was in Tomoeda? (at least 2 years passed between the beginning and the end of the series, story line timeline wise)… Too many questions.
              I honestly think CLAMP had no such deep thoughts about this subject, not to say no thoughts at all: they just wanted their male character to come from China, and used the fact he was from another country at their advantage for his style of magic, his clothes, and at the end, for the drama of having a long distance relationship.

              I do agree with you about his last thoughts in the bus: that even if she didn’t confess to him that day, he would have come back for her after some years, just like he did in the end ^_^
              But talking about the bus scene, it also reinforce the whole “have things to do in HK” : when he was on the bus that was driving away, even after having happily received Sakura’s confession and pink bear, his position on things did not change at all: he told Sakura that he would be back once he was done with the things he had to do in Hong Kong and that it “would take time.” And asked if she could wait for him…
              >Really: do you think this was about getting a visa? … ^^;;

              Last thing: unless CLAMP was teasing the fans or just said it thoughtlessly, then how do we justify their statement:

              [JAPAN EXPO CONFERENCE 2009 PARIS]

              >Sakura and Syaoran are among your recurring and most symbolic characters. Many fans wonder why, at the end of Card Captor Sakura, Syaoran leaves for Hong Kong?

              >CLAMP: You’ll have to wait a bit, and you’ll know why, perhaps in one of our future works.
              But don’t say that on the internet.

              >The public is shocked at this announcement, but then laugh at the joke.

              At the time, both TRC and xxxholic were on-going so everyone assumed it will happen in either series. But it never happened in the end.
              If there was no deep meaning behind Syaoran’s return, I think CLAMP would either said it straight, or joked their wait out of this question not to disappoint the fans and keep them dreaming; but “You’ll have to wait a bit, and you’ll know why, perhaps in one of our future works.” = there is an actual reason.

              And btw, it’s always a pleasure to talk with you about CCS ^_^ I enjoy it very much!


  8. I’m really, really excited for this. Personally, I don’t expect this to be too big on plot, since it’s just a oneshot. In fact – I’d be perfectly ecstatic if the entirety of the oneshot is just older/teenage Syaoran and Sakura being a happy couple and doing sappy, coupley shit together… But that’s just me, I just really want the Fluff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  9. Pingback: Card Captor Sakura vai ganhar novo mangá – .little S A K U R A.

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