I’ve been trying to post this since yesterday but LiveJournal was down for updates for some reason.

First of all, HAPPY CLAMP DAY EVERYONE!! It is safe to congratulate CLAMP for their 23rd Anniversary as professional manga artists this year! Long life to our favorite manga artists!

To celebrate this special day, yesterday CLAMP-NET.COM was redecorated with a new look:

Due to timezone differences, the website is back to is usual look.

There was a special campaign going on at the website to celebrate the “CLAMP Day” that, up until now was celebrated amongst fans on April 1st of every year, now it seems CLAMP themselves will adopt that day as their official day. The campaign is no longer reachable, though, since it’s no longer April 1st in Japan.

The campaign consisted in finding the CLAMP-NET.COM banner spread across different websites related to their works. A similar campaign was held for the promotion of CLAMP IN WONDERLAND 2. The prize for finding all keywords was a wallpaper featuring the CLAMP Festival crossover illustration that was used as the background image of CLAMP’s official website yesterday.

I have uploaded the wallpaper for those who might have missed it:

Click to enlarge it.

– Next scheduled chapters (red means new):

03/02 – Young Ace #04 – Chapter 5 (on sale).
04/04 – Young Ace #05 – Chapter 6.
05/02 – Young Ace #06 – Chapter 7.

– Next scheduled chapters (red means new):

03/02 – Jump SQ #04 – Chapter 13 (on sale).
04/04 – Jump SQ #05 – Chapter 14.
05/02 – Jump SQ #06 – Chapter 15 – Color pages, beginning of tankoubon 4.

• Comics:

The 3rd volume of GATE 7 will be released on May 2 (same day as Jump SQ #06 goes on sale). Additionally, messages of support to CLAMP will be published in Jump SQ.19 Vol. 01, which goes on sale April 19. I’m not sure if these messages are related to the release of the 3rd GATE 7 volume or because of the disease that CLAMP is currently under treatment.


There is going to be two new editions of the CLAMP FESTIVAL in 2012. One in Tokyo and another in Osaka. Both will take place on October 7 and 21, respectively.

Early tickets for CLAMP@MOBiLE members will go on sale in May.

• Featuring CLAMP:

The May issue of Da Vinci magazine will be a special edition about Kyoto and CLAMP were invited to talk about their recommendations for hot pot cuisine, which is typical of Kyoto.

• Featuring CLAMP:

CLAMP has joined Ichirou Mihara from ARIKA in his April Fools’ joke. The official website of ARIKA showed a fake cover of a fake manga magazine (see below) entitled Yearly Shounen ARIKA. The cover features a new illustration of Sakura from Card Captor Sakura in what appears to be a reference to the character Sakura of the Street Fighter game.

Ichirou Mihara informed via his Twitter and Facebook accounts that a wallpaper will be later available for download. A back cover of the fake magazine will also be available.

Click to enlarge it.

• Featuring CLAMP:

CLAMP wrote the text and drew an illustration for the foreword of Junichi Fujisaku’s new mystery novel Tsukareruna! (ツカレルナ!) that will be released on April 25. Junichi Fujisaku is one of the scriptwriters of BLOOD-C.

• CLAMP Shop:

Starting today, the official CLAMP Shop is selling a set of can badges featuring the illustrations used in the valentine’s chocolate that was originally sold at the CLAMP@MOBiLE Fes! 2011 event. Do you remember how much success those chocolates made? They were completely sold out at the event.

Make sure to check them out here and here as they have high-resolution previews of the illustrations featuring very cute SD versions of CLAMP characters!

8 thoughts on “CLAMP NEWS !!

  1. I actually ran to my PC first thing in the morning after getting up so I was able to see the whole thing long before it was taken down ^__^

    Ichirou Mihara informed via his Twitter and Facebook accounts that a wallpaper will be later available for download. A back cover of the fake magazine will also be available.
    Awesome! I was very curious about this, I was crossing my finger and hoping we would get a clean pic of this CCS illustration, my wish was answered real fast XD

    Starting today, the official CLAMP Shop is selling a set of can badges featuring the illustrations used in the valentine’s chocolate that was originally sold at the CLAMP@MOBiLE Fes! 2011 event.
    Wah! This is REALLY a great day! I fell in love with these tiny pics since the very first time I saw the chocolates, it’s really awesome we get to have them in good resolution ^^ I will consider purchasing them in the future~


    • Yeah, I hope the wallpaper will have the full drawing and no texts.

      Those SDs were a real treat! I’m not sure which one I like best… probably the GD one… but the X one is also very nice!


    • ouch, my eyes finally went away from the picture to see what what was written next, +2000jpy for both + all the shipping cost and the proxy buyer fees…this will cost me…


  2. Hi! =)
    I’m not registered in livejournal, but I’m a very affectionated visitor XD And I’ve just found here this wonderful picture made by clamp for their fest =) As I see you haven’t post it yet, I thought it would be nice to tell you this little news ^^ (even if it’s not a blog of yours XD in that case I would make an embarassing mistake ^^”)


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