Kobato. TV Anime #17

First of all, thank you for the warm feedback I received from my new (simple) layout xD Some people asked me where this picture was taken from, it was taken from Nekoi’s Private Board back in the old CLAMP-PLA.NET website. You can get it here, along with others of the same kind.

RAW version by [U-Raws] | Torrent

RAW version by [Zero Raws] | Torrent

I didn’t like this episode that much. Other than the awesome crossover cameos, Ioryogi’s little adventure was pretty dull.

I have yet to see the subbed version to understand more about the conversation between Ioryogi, Genko and Zuishou, they might have said something interesting there.

Now, the Watanuki crossover was unexpected at the least! He is the shop owner and everything! I bet this is Ohkawa’s doing, it can’t be something else. And of course he orders baumkuchen from that shop, of course, it’s CLAMP’s official baumkuchen shop just like the Green Drugstore is now CLAMP’s official drugstore xD It would be nice to see that crossover happening in either XXXHOLiC or Kobato. mangas now.

I did think that Madhouse’s Watanuki looked a little weird here, but not ugly, just different.

And the Mokona amusement park? LOL! I wonder why Black Mokona was chosen. During the stuffed animal part, it would be cool if they had included other CLAMP mascots =/

I thought it was cute at the end when Doumoto was the only one who guessed right about Kobato’s little bunnies X3

Next episode, winter comes!

By the way, Ohkawa wrote the script for episode 20, which is called “…Person who travels”. Can’t wait! It’ll be about Valentine’s.

Quick thing about the XXXHOLiC OAD now, the official website has added comments form the cast in its special page. There is one comment from the Himawari seiyuu so maybe she will appear? Or at least her voice will be there (over the phone like in the manga?) xD Apart from Yuuko, Kohane and Mokona’s seiyuus, there are two other female seiyuus, hummm.

12 thoughts on “Kobato. TV Anime #17

  1. And the Mokona amusement park? LOL! I wonder why Black Mokona was chosen. During the stuffed animal part, it would be cool if they had included other CLAMP mascots =/

    When I saw the part where the amusement park guy tripped over Ioryogi and spilled the box of stuffed animals, I was hoping that I could see a Kero-chan stuffed animal (or Raiju the thunder beast from Holic) in the pile! But alas, no D=


  2. Maybe the other women in the photo are Maru and Moro? Or the Spider Lady?

    *Agrees the episode was not good except for Watanuki’s appearance*

    I’m looking forward to episode 20! And I’m so hoping Kobato will wear the winter coat for next episode.


  3. ** VAChE **

    This was a very weird episode to be honest…I couldn’t see the point of using AN ENTIRE EPISODE to show Ioryogi’s adventures :/ they could have done something similar in 10 minutes :/ the shooting part was well animated, BUT TOO LONG! =___= seriously I think we need to get back to the main point of the story…I’m not complaining but how on earth they’re going to reveal so many things when we have just 7 episodes left :/
    Watanuki put a smile on my face :] …his voice was different, I wonder if Fukuyama Jun will sound like that in the OAD

    >>I wonder why Black Mokona was chosen.


    • ** VAChE **

      I’m sorry…I put “Laughed LOLed”…that sounds horribly stupid…I just forgot to erase the “Laughed” there… u___ú


    • I blame the lack of manga material to adapt. They have just animating 3 volumes so far, and that’s too much for 24 episodes.

      I’m not complaining but how on earth they’re going to reveal so many things when we have just 7 episodes left :/

      I’m wondering that too. There _could_ well be a second season, there is enough material for that, but Kobato’s bottle is filling itself up pretty quickly in comparison to the manga…

      Why Mo”C”ona? I couldn’t get that xD

      I SAW IT! And I forgot to mention! XD Laaame xD

      I want a friend like Doumoto as well! He’s so kind and nice~


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