Kobato. TV Anime #06 (Updated)

Online streaming here.

Additional torrents and fansubbed links shall be added later in this post.

Update: Subbed version by [ES] | Torrent

This was my favorite episode so far!

How cute everything was! The oh-so-adorable phone conversation with Okiura (HIS VOICE! OMG JAHJKAH!! SMEXY! I WANNA HAVE THAT VOICE *dork*), the hide and seek segment, the kids fooling Kobato around, so adorable!

So nice to see Genkou, Ginsei and Zuishou all introduced in one episode! I loved the voices for all of them. I was worried about Ginsei’s voice (I kept thinking on Fye, Fye, Fye) but I forgot how versatile Namikawa can be. He sounds perfect! I loved the scene at the Baumkuchen’s shop, so funny!! Loved Ioryogi and Genko’s interaction.

I liked how they blended some Exam. elements, makes me think that we will see everything animated eventually, sooner or later.

The 4-leaf clover was nice too, because it reminded me of CLOVER XD~ *dork*

I’m really enjoying how this anime is turning out. So far no disappointments, quite the contrary! =)

20 thoughts on “Kobato. TV Anime #06 (Updated)

  1. I agree, this episode was the best so far! Good animation, good plot. It helped that it had many stuff from the manga ♥

    I think all new voices were perfect! I wasn’t so sure about some of them, but now I love all the choices. Okiura looked so cool in the shadow, and his voice fit him so well~

    If the anime goes on like this I will start enjoying it more, yay.


    • I’m very satisfied with this adaptation so far =) It’s nice to see the plot tickening.

      They made some changes like, in the manga, that phone conversation actually happens AFTER the bazaar… but I guess it doesn’t affect the course of things.


  2. I think all my reactions to the Kobato. anime are going to be in squeals. So I need to find a Squee-English Dictionary.

    I lost count of how many times I went ‘awwwwwww’ and ‘heeeeeee’ during this episode.

    It’s just so freakishly adorable!


  3. ** VAChE **
    Hi Chibi Yuuto ^^

    Oh GOD what a lovely episode ^^ I wasn’t expecting they could show the debt collector, it was realy nice seeing him animated since we don’t have a single anime picture of him ^^

    I think I’m the only who, at the end of the episode, thought they would show Ioryogi and Ginsei’s shadows (as far as I remember in the manga they were shown while Kobato was sleeping…maybe I’m wrong u_u) :/ I was really like “no way!! they’re showing it!!! wooo :DDDDD” but it didn’t happen :/

    >> I’m really enjoying how this anime is turning out. So far no disappointments, quite the contrary! =)


    • Very surprised they had Kazuto appear in the adaptation already, though boy am i happy. I knew Shinichiro Miki was going to be perfect for him, and oh boy was i right. Can’t wait for his future scenes.

      Rikiya Koyama as Genko made me laugh at how well that worked, and Namikawa Daisuke for Ginsei was just lol for the Kurogane and Fai reunion. Also classic madhouse there with the little fight scene. That was the best piece of animation we’ve seen so far from this adaptation.

      Unfortunately, the problem i knew i was going to have with anime original material has kicked in. They make out that Kobato is an ultra klutz and pretty damn hyper, where she’s not like that at all. I hope they calm her down a bit in the anime original content, and have her stop saying that very repetitive line.


      • I actually find Kobato’s clumsyness pretty damn funny and I think it’s pretty similar to her manga self. She doesn’t annoy me at all, it’s utterly adorable. Which makes me glad because I don’t wanna hate this anime… too bad for those who aren’t liking it =/


    • I think introducing the creatures and showing their shadows in the same episode is giving away too much information at once xD

      But if you think about it, their shadows appeared on a different occasion. Yes, Kobato was sleeping but it was a different situation 😉


      • ** VAChE **
        Oh yes! you’re right…after I wrote the comment I read the manga again and I noticed it :/

        I love Kobato’s “gambarimasu”!! c’mon guys! Kobato needs more love :]


          • ** VAChE **

            hahahaha xD I KNOW!
            I think Kana Hanazawa has done an almost perfect work with Kobato :] it’s like Watanuki’s situation…the voice fits that much you think they’re really talking and no one is doing their voices :]
            I’m really happy with this adaptation ^_^


  4. Hey chibiyuuto-san!
    first of all, im so agree with you about this episode, i wanted to see okiura an miki suichiro gave us a surprise, his sexy voice fits perfect to him! He was sooooo sexy… Thanks CLAMP!

    It was amazing to see genko, ginsei and Zuishou, i expected so many thinks for namikawa, he’s very versatile.

    Now, i can’t wait for next episode XD

    And, as you, i screamed so bad when kobato say: “clover” XDDDD


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