TRC 158!

It’s up at The Room of Requirement ^__^

It’s the Mokonas on the splash page, long time no see, specially black Mokona (who’s been away even from XXXHOLiC). That egg… I wonder what will come out of it…

Bloody hell, Fei Wang made the same question for BOTH twins! O.O But I’m lost, honestly. I don’t know what to think. Because we see ANOTHER hidden speech bubble! If Ashura-ou confesses later that Fye had picked Yuui, why would CLAMP hid the speech here? O.o

I’m not sure which one of them was in the last panel of the previous chapter. There’s the snow, but even inside the tower is snowing! I guess they come through the little window (how tricky of you, CLAMP!!!!).

All we know is:

– One of them said “Yuui”. We don’t know which one basing on the pictures alone.
– Ashura-ou said Fye chose Yuui.

But what if Yuui also chose himself? Fei Wang told him “You have chosen”, which means he heard his answer, right? I guess nothing would have happened if Yuui haven’t made any decision otherwise he would just go “Hey, but I haven’t picked yet!” XD Unless Yuui never really said anything…….

But Fei Wang really planned everything from the beginning, of couuurse. He took advantage of the fact that they are twins and love each other to the point of one wanting to die for the other. He also took advantage of their extreme magic power and their so-called “misfortune”. By making his “offer” to both of them at the same time, he knew that one would most likely choose the other, and so he just needed to wait for whoever answers first, kill him, and put all the blame (and curses) on the other. At least that’s how I see his plan XDDDDDDDD

Then, we see some very old issue in the Tsubasa universe: is it possible to revive the dead? This is new to us, Fei Wang proposing to ‘Fye’ that he can revive his dead brother as long as he does what Fei Wang tells him so. If Yuuko herself said that not even Gods can do it, I wonder how will Fei Wang do it o.o Unless… remember when Yuuko said that what Fei Wang wish is something that “everybody can wish for, but no one can have it” (or something around these lines). Maybe this power he wants to much can revive the dead, among other things.

Either that, or our Fye is going to be REALLY disappointed in the end to find out that he was fooled by Fei Wang.

Ashura-ou comes to pick Fye up. Funny how the poor thing thinks he’s from hell since everybody from the country is dead ^^” I like when Ashura-ou says that if he want to grant a wish, Fye has to live for it. I really liked it. Some CLAMP characters should hear this more often XDDD

Another new thing for us, we discover through Ashura-ou that our ‘Fye’ has gotten all the memories of this dead brother o.o That is why ‘Fye’ could see the memory of the one inside the tower back then in Tokyo! Thanks for answering that question, CLAMP! I just didn’t really get how he got those memories @_@ Guess Fei Wang just randomly inserted them? XD

The Fye/Yuui problem is finally solved. Our Fye is actually called Yuui. He adopted the name “Fye” after his brother.

I was quite impressed with Ashura-ou’s delighted reaction when he said that ‘Fye’ is still a sinner XDDDDDDDDD And what’s more, he MADE SYAORAN AND KUROGANE SEE EVERYTHING THAT WE JUST SAW! What the hell? XD But I like him, he’s cool. He’s not sadistic or anything, I bet he’s doing what’s his doing for ‘Fye’s’ own good. I wrote here (or on the comments, don’t remember) sometime ago that it was a shame that we, the readers, were the only ones seeing ‘Fye’s’ story. And now CLAMP proved that I was wrong ^__^

It’s unfair, though. Only Syaoran saw Kurogane’s past, Fye didn’t. But now Kurogane saw everything of Fye’s past xDDDD 1 x 0 for Kurogane XP

[In the meantime, Syaoran is still feeling very bad. Worse, actually.]

Ashura-ou, please show more of Fye’s past as you promised! Now his life in Celes, please! X3

The second curse is cast on ‘Fye’, but of course, we don’t hear it, because CLAMP want to surprise us with another death or something XDDD

And to close this 20th volume, we see Fei Wang telling ‘Fye’ directly that he will be a pawn of his little game will someone just send a CnK chess-piece of Fye to Fei Wang if that’s what he wants? XD

I hope I said everything I wanted to say, so many things, so many doubts and theories @_@ I want this to end already XD

Before I leave, what a coincidence, after a chapter focused on twins, we have a twins’ birthday! Happy Birthday ozaka_tomoe-chan and mireime-chan! ^____^ (Which one of you was born first? X3) I hope you had a great day and I wish much happiness for both of you!

I dedicate this post to these ladies, who are always commenting here, sharing their thoughts. Thank you very much for that!

59 thoughts on “TRC 158!

    • Yo, Dominique-san!!

      I have a request for you to make on your next theoretical article on your journal. I would like to know from your point of view about the scene between Fai, Yuui, and Fei Wong Reed and why Syaoran is in such a state of suffering pains on his head.

      I would love to hear these theories from you to compare with Chibi-Yuuto’s!!

      Ja ne, Dominique-san!
      Nyanko-san ^__^


      • Hello Moko-san 😀

        Sure of course! I am very happy that you like my theories 😀 I’ll do a new post on my journal when the next chapter comes up. Hope I’ll have good ideas 😉


  1. Then, we see some very old issue in the Tsubasa universe: is it possible to revive the dead? This is new to us, Fei Wang proposing to ‘Fye’ that he can revive his dead brother as long as he does what Fei Wang tells him so. If Yuuko herself said that not even Gods can do it, I wonder how will Fei Wang do it o.o Unless… remember when Yuuko said that what Fei Wang wish is something that “everybody can wish for, but no one can have it” (or something around these lines). Maybe this power he wants to much can revive the dead, among other things.

    Every CLAMP verse seems to push the fact that the dead are dead, and there’s no coming back. The Tsubasa anime broke cannon rule first season and had to go back and fix it in the second. I’m guessing CLAMP made them go back and fix the big huge plothole they made, and thus the crappy second season really pushed the whole “Fei Wang wants power over death” thing.

    Does he just want to become god, or does he have a personal reason is the real question.

    I had a feeling ever since seeing Kuro’s backstory that Fai was a victim of Fei Wangs plotting also. What’s really funny is how a BUNCH of old, inaccurate mistranslations are turning out to be… semi-accurate? Del Rey’s fucked up volumn 1 translation where Chii calls Fai “King” is sort of right now… he is a crown prince. Remember when the fan translations made everyone think that when Fai told everyone to just call him “Fai” it was thought that it wasn’t his real name for some reason? Now it’s true…


    As for making the gang see Fai’s past… terribly cruel. Even Makona saw it! Damn does Kuro look pissed… but is he pissed at Fai, or did he just realize that they’ve all been Fei Wang’s pawns from the begining? This is the frist time that they’ve all seen the face of their nemesis… advantage team Tsubasa?

    OK CLAMP seriously, let’s see what Fai’s past after that was like.


    • Yes indeed, in CLAMP universe, dead people are dead and dead they shall be. I don’t know if, just because now they have introduced the possibilities of new worlds, that rule can be changed. I really hope not.

      But if Fei Wang wants that power, who he wants to revive?


  2. Yo, Chibi-Yuuto!! Arigatou gozaimasu to you and Ali-sama for this week’s TRC chapter scans! Ureshii desu wa! *glomps the both of you*

    About the chapter… I knew that I would be way beyond dramatic and shocking than the previous chapter!! O___o *dies* Like you, I got brain-fried about who said that Yuui have to be the one killed when it was Fai who died. UWAA!! @__@ What shocked me the most was that Yuui took the name of “Fai” and the pages that showed the past sequence of him taking Ashura-ou’s hand and it jumps to the present. That was really awesome!! Fangirl “Squee” Level: Double Overload Alert!!

    Me thinks that Kuro is very angry at Fai The ending was a very big cliffhanger and I like the page showing the three people who Fei Wong Reed is using them as part of his master plan: Sakura-hime (the power of her wings to travel time and space), the other Syaoran (to gather Sakura-hime’s feathers), and Fai (to kill the real Syaoran and/or anybody who surpasses his powers).

    [In the meantime, Syaoran is still feeling very bad. Worse, actually.]

    Where is a Syaoran fangirl to make him feel better when you need one…? *sighs*

    Anyway, I have two assumptions for that one…
    1. Maybe he is sensing that the other Syaoran might come to Celes.
    2. That the second curse from Fai will trigger and he might be killed by him.

    Why do I still have a feeling that its down to either Syaoran (could be either the real or the clone…) of Fai who will have the unhappy ending?! *scared stiff*

    >And to close this 20th volume, we see Fei Wang telling ‘Fye’ directly that he will be a pawn of his little game will someone just send a CnK chess-piece of Fye to Fei Wang if that’s what he wants? XD

    LMAO!!!! That was so darn hilarious of you saying that!! XDDDDDDD

    I think I need to re-read this for more details about this chapter!! I’m so shocked that I may be saying the wrong things or understanding the chapter wrong!! Fai, why must your life be so angsty and with mysteries?! *dies again*

    I hope I said everything I wanted to say, so many things, so many doubts and theories @_@

    Oh yes indeed, you did a splendid job trying to clear the confusion with your wonderful theories!! A+, baby!! *gives a big glomp*

    By the way, even if they don’t know me… I just want to wish and a very special “Tanjoubi Omedetou Gozaimasu” and that many good fortunes come to them for as they celebrate this special occasion!! ^^ Maybe I should give them Yukito’s homemade cookies… XDD

    Hontou arigatou gozaimasu for this week’s chapter commentary report, Chibi-Yuuto!! ^///^ I really enjoy reading it very much and I shall look forward for your HOLiC chapter commentary report next week!! Ureshii! *glomps once more*

    Ki o tsukete, Chibi-Yuuto!
    Nyanko-san ^__^

    Gomen nasai if the comment was really long to you, but it felt that it needed one after a good commentary report! XDDD


    • > By the way, even if they don’t know me… I just want to wish ozaka_tomoe and mireime a very special “Tanjoubi Omedetou Gozaimasu” and that many good fortunes come to them for as they celebrate this special occasion!! ^^ Maybe I should give them Yukito’s homemade cookies… XDD

      Thank you, I hope we’ll get more lucky than Yuui and Fay. ^^; (and I’m always game for homemade cookies ^__^)


    • I think Kurogane isn’t mad at Fye… Fye was trapped by Fei Wang just like Kurogane was. I think his expression just shows how impressed and indignant he is xD

      >1. Maybe he is sensing that the other Syaoran might come to Celes.

      Really? I think that his relation to the clone was cut from the moment the seal was broken, but who knows…

      >2. That the second curse from Fai will trigger and he might be killed by him.

      It could be, too. I think it has to do with Ashura-ou X3 Guess he is sensing all his illusional powers.

      >That was so darn hilarious of you saying that!! XDDDDDDD

      LOL XD Had to say it! Thanks for finding it funny XDDDD

      >I think I need to re-read this for more details about this chapter!! I’m so shocked that I may be saying the wrong things or understanding the chapter wrong!!

      I DEFINITELY need to re-read Infinity arc onwards. I’ve only read it once, there must be so many things that I missed or that I shall understand better now that the story has advanced.

      >Oh yes indeed, you did a splendid job trying to clear the confusion with your wonderful theories!! A+, baby!! *gives a big glomp*

      Is that really so? Well, thank you! Sometimes I feel like my comments are a little useless because I’m always so confused, I don’t think I help much in the understanding of the chapter XDDDD

      *glomps back!* Thanks for your comment ^___^


      • >I think Kurogane isn’t mad at Fye… Fye was trapped by Fei Wang just like Kurogane was. I think his expression just shows how impressed and indignant he is xD

        *laughs* Arigatou gozaimasu for clearing that one up for me!! *bows* That’s the Kuro-daddy for you!! *winks*

        >Sometimes I feel like my comments are a little useless because I’m always so confused, I don’t think I help much in the understanding of the chapter XDDDD

        OH. MY. GOSH. Are you kidding me, Chibi-Yuuto?! Your chapter commentary reports are really useful when it comes to being brain-fried!! Even when you’re confused and you’re really of great help with your efforts!! XDDD Hontou arigatou gozaimasu!!


  3. I really don’t know what to say about this chapter, it’s so … “hugh, did I get it right” … “or is it” … “no, wait” … “This one is Yuui for sure” … “or is it Fay?” … I’ll sleep over this one, maybe it will be clearer tomorrow when I’ll work up.

    Besides, it’s interesting Kurogane doesn’t seem to be in Feiwang’s scheme at the last page of the chapter, or maybe he wasn’t at that point of the story. And Kurogane, is he looking at Fay or Ashura-Oh with such an intense glare? Good Syaoran and Kurogane are seeing Fay/Yuui’s past as well or maybe it’s just to fulfill Feiwang’s dream. And Ashura-Oh, is he Feiwang’s minion or does he act on his on.

    > Happy Birthday ozaka_tomoe-chan and mireime-chan!

    > (Which one of you was born first? X3)
    Mireime-nee-chan is the elder by four minutes. ^_~


    • >I really don’t know what to say about this chapter, it’s so … “hugh, did I get it right” … “or is it” … “no, wait” … “This one is Yuui for sure” … “or is it Fay?”

      Indeed o____o *nods*

      >Besides, it’s interesting Kurogane doesn’t seem to be in Feiwang’s scheme at the last page of the chapter

      Good point!

      >or maybe he wasn’t at that point of the story.

      Yeah, who really knows… o.o

      >And Kurogane, is he looking at Fay or Ashura-Oh with such an intense glare?

      My bet is Ashura-ou… he’s jealous XDDDDDD

      >And Ashura-Oh, is he Feiwang’s minion or does he act on his on.

      Never thought of him as Fei Wang’s minion….We don’t know why he came to Valeria in the first place indeed.


      You’re welcome! ^___^ Hope you had a great day!

      >Mireime-nee-chan is the elder by four minutes. ^_~

      Ah, I knew it! XD She just sounds like the elder X3


      • Well, thinking things over, Feiwang had to have Kurogane in us scheme, there would be no point in killing his mother personnaly if not. But with this we can deduce Kurogane was the last to be chosen, with Yuui 3rd and likely Syaoran 2nd.

        About Kurogane, he finally saw the face of his mother’s murderer, maybe that’s why, He’s looking at Ashura-Ou because he still don’t know if he’s an ennemy or not and a good ninja never look away from an ennemi.


  4. Yay! I’m so happy to read this! My computer got a virus, and I never had the time to find your 157 response; I missed it so badly! However, I intend to do a complete search through my friends page to find it… Thankfully my computer was working for today (I don’t know what I’d have done without it today.)

    I’m going to try to get in the habbit of calling “Fai” Yuui instead; I know it’s the name he chose to erase, but it’s far less confusing. Maybe he’ll have some sort of multi-personality disorder brought on by the trauma (like in a Criminal Minds episode: the killer had taken on the personality of his father whom he had been forced to kill. Maybe, with Yuui being so guilty, he could try to keep Fai alive that way. That was way out on a limb. I was just rambling I think). I feel like, I’m meeting Yuui for the first time. Which we are really.
    Anyway, thank you so much for your comments! And happiest of birthdays to ozaka_tomoe and mireime! I can’t wait for the next chapter (and your comments of course!! ^^)


    • First of all, I’m sorry for such a late reply… I didn’t have time to answer any sooner =\

      Second, I’m happy to hear about your computer! If you wanna see me completely desperate, take my computer away from me xDDD

      About Yuui, our Fye, things are definitely going to change (even more than it already did) for him. The thing with Ashura-ou and his brother, I feel like those issues will be concluded in this arc. It is time to re-think things over for Yuui.


  5. so many, many theories and it seems I agree with them all! Most especially the idea that Fei Wang wishes to bring back the dead (why he wishes this is still a mystery to me!)

    much love for Ashura-ou’s mannerisms! He seems a little more as his ‘apathetic’ RG veda self here than in his previous incarnation!

    (as allways thanks for the tidy scans/comments)


    • >Most especially the idea that Fei Wang wishes to bring back the dead (why he wishes this is still a mystery to me!)

      That idea isn’t new to me… I remember waaaay back ago I thought he wanted to revive the other Syaoran who was still in the tube. Of course, we didn’t know about the clone or real!Syaoran.

      SORRY for the late reply!!! >.


  6. Heeeeee???? Really???? I swear I was gripping my computer at the sides and gluing my eyeballs to the screen. Reading this at 10:45 PM has woken me up stronger than eating chocolate-covered espresso beans.

    Angsty little Syaoran and concerned Kuro-daddy! They be looking at Fai with deep deep concern. O.O I hope they all have a nice group hug after this ends. And Ashura-ou with his calm, kind-of-annoys-me (’cause they’re sooooo freaking calm) attitude that is so calm toward Fai who is not calm. Muuuu. Grrrr.

    Fai! Your twin. ;___; Oh my. What a sad thing to happen. And have your privacy exposed to–not only a universal audience–but the only people that really matter right now! (Rather, the people that REALLY care about your privacy!) The twins still confuse me a little. I’d like to know more…

    Right. I really do think FWR wants power over death. And…for some reason, now that I am ducking all the tomatoes being thrown at me, I think he wants to revive Clow. No details yet, but think about it. Everyone wish they could revive people, and he wants it. Clow is the only candidate, as A) the only one dead (B) that we know). (I will be kind of annoyed if they throw in another character for FWR).

    Aaaaanother pawn! (Let him be a bishop.) Let’s say Kurogane is…another piece then, too? Kniiiiiight! Since everyone is a piece. (Sorry, taking it too literally.) Well, it sucks for them, but not for me (aside from the psychological prejudices I will have against twins–JOKING!) as I am waiting on the screen of my computer for the next chapter.

    Thank you for the scans!


    • And…for some reason, now that I am ducking all the tomatoes being thrown at me, I think he wants to revive Clow. No details yet, but think about it. Everyone wish they could revive people, and he wants it. Clow is the only candidate, as A) the only one dead (B) that we know). (I will be kind of annoyed if they throw in another character for FWR)

      Yeah, that’s what I think too, for the very reasons you mentioned. Of course, I can’t think of WHY he’d want him alive other than they must be related… so it’s either for extreme hate or extreme love. Maybe he just wants to revive him to kill him himself, like Muraki’s reasoning in Yami no Matstuei.


      • Really, this is CLAMP, so I guess it will be for extreme love. He seems kind of like that CLAMP-child that “forces their feelings on other people”, though I didn’t really think they were doing that until I found FWR. Maybe it’s just going to be one of those weird CLAMP things (like in X) where one of the characters openly wants one character to live, while they die? Or perhaps, thinking outside that, FWR wants Clow to kill him? (Don’t ask me how I’m getting to these.) 😀 Yay, no tomatoes!


    • >Right. I really do think FWR wants power over death. And…for some reason, now that I am ducking all the tomatoes being thrown at me, I think he wants to revive Clow.

      You don’t have to avoid any tomatoes at all! XD I also believe it could be Clow (if that’s what he really wants, to revive the dead).

      >Let’s say Kurogane is…another piece then, too?

      Surely! Since Kurogane wasn’t on the last page, we can assume that Fye was chosen before Kurogane =)

      Lastly, please accept my apologies for replying so very late! I didn’t have time to answer earlier =\


      • Don’t worry about the lateness. -_- It’s nothing compared to when I have something really IMPORTANT to reply to (it takes me about a week and a half out of procrastination). Yay, someone thinks it’s Clow too! Let’s see if we’re right!


  7. oh wow this was a really great chapter and always fun to hear your thoughts on it. it seems like you were having fun as you typed up this entry but maybe that’s just me ^.^ kurogane looks really pissed though. at first i thought it was directed towards fay but now im thinking it makes more sense for it to be at ashura-ou?


    • Oh I’m always having fun when writing these reports XD I try to give them a funny felling otherwise reading it might turn out to be a boring task xD

      I’m glad you liked reading it!

      >at first i thought it was directed towards fay but now im thinking it makes more sense for it to be at ashura-ou?

      I think so too! It’s all a mix, really. He saw Fei Wang in Fye’s past, so in fact, he must be really pissed to Fei Wang, too.


  8. Ashura-ou — Angelic, coool, gentle, determine, & creepy (he’s way toooooooooo cooooooool…) Can you smile like an angle in such a situation?

    Fay’s real name is Yuui!!! Nice one but I’m more used to Fay…Oh CLAMP, dun be soooooo stingy, give Syaoran an aspirin!!!


    • >Can you smile like an angle in such a situation?

      I KNOW! XD I love how serene he looks even though the world is falling apart for Fye XDDD

      >give Syaoran an aspirin!!!



  9. I want this to end already XD

    That is the best comment T_T I want it over too, this is driving me mad and making me feel TOO much.

    And the mess is SO BIG that is going to need time to be explained… or not, sometimes Ohkawa expalins everything with only one page….

    I hope next one makes it more clear…. oen thing is sure, Fay needs a hug, he is no the lowest living being in the universe as he thinks…. that low steem is gonna cause troubles….


    • SOOOOOOOOO Sorry for such a late reply! ;__; I’ve been so busy at work I couldn’t even navigate on the internet .__.

      >I want it over too, this is driving me mad and making me feel TOO much.

      I’m glad you feel the same way… to think that we STILL have a whole year, actually almost two, is not an uplifting thought at all .__.

      >oen thing is sure, Fay needs a hug, he is no the lowest living being in the universe as he thinks…. that low steem is gonna cause troubles….

      I guess he won’t feel any better until someone tells him he’s not guilty for anything, or being forgiven for something that he never really did =\


  10. Poor Fai. o.o CLAMP has a new whipping boy move over Subaru.

    Ashura-ou seems a little crazy… and I think it’s significant that CLAMP had “Fai”/Yuui ask if he were from “hell” – CLAMP wanted that link between Ashura and hell in the readers’ minds. Also, how did Ashura magically appear on cue, right after the real Fai’s death? Is he in cahoots with Fei Wong Reed?

    Well, Fai does know a little of Kurogane’s past because Yuuko was discussing it with them in Acid!Tokyo. But no, it’s not the same as an “Ashura Prime Time Special Viewing.” LOL.

    I’m not sending my chess piece of Fai. It’s too cute for the likes of Fei Wong Reed.

    Did you get my e-mail about the 3D Land stuff?


    • >and I think it’s significant that CLAMP had “Fai”/Yuui ask if he were from “hell” – CLAMP wanted that link between Ashura and hell in the readers’ minds.

      Indeed! Maybe he “sensed” something from Ashura-ou’s essence? XD

      >Also, how did Ashura magically appear on cue, right after the real Fai’s death?

      I guess he also can travel between worlds… like Yukito. But maybe his powers are limited, like Yukito’s.

      >”Ashura Prime Time Special Viewing.”

      HAHAHAHA ! XDDD Yeah, it’s definitely not the same xDDD

      >Did you get my e-mail about the 3D Land stuff?

      About the pamphlet? Yes! I edited my post about the 3-D Land 4th Series with the link to the pictures. Thank you so much for e-mailing me !!


  11. Thank you ^^
    I thought he gained “Fay”‘s memories when “Fay” was falling down…but how that was possible?
    And about reviving…I still wonder what that little twin is doing there…is he an illusion, or was he revived?
    Mean FRW…so calculating and playing with their feelings! *rah*
    And still so many questions! I want to see the next chapter!!! And Kuro’s and Shao’s reaction!!!!


    • >I thought he gained “Fay”‘s memories when “Fay” was falling down…but how that was possible?

      I don’t know either… we wouldn’t know if it weren’t for Ashura-ou saying it. Was it a Fei Wang’s deed?

      >I still wonder what that little twin is doing there…is he an illusion, or was he revived?

      I think he can’t be revived yet since Fye’s job for Fei Wang hasn’t been completed yet, right? Due to Ashura-ou’s ilusionating habilities on RG Veda, I would say that the real Fye we see is an illusion.


  12. From what I could get, Ashura-ou made it clear that Fye chose Yuui (the one above chose the one below).

    I just find it weird that CLAMP hid that balloon if later Ashura-ou says it himself. Maybe we’ll find out he didn’t, but it’s hard to believe… Fye WANTED to save Yuui and Yuui wanted to save Fye @_@


    • I find it weird too, that’s why I was thinking Fay might have chosen Fay… or maybe it’s Ashura-Ou lying?
      Shiaoran seems to be feeling sick… maybe it’s the side effect to some type of magic Ashura-Ou or someone else is doing?
      I’ve the feeling the Fay we see is just an illusion and not the real Fay…
      I don’t think CLAMP is planning to have someone turn back to life… unless he’s a zombie, a clone or something.
      The whole thing seems a giant ‘Let’s turn Yuui insane’ plot, with Fay, who apparently was willing to die for Yuui, accusing Yuui of having killed him… and being alive again likely to force Yuui to play along with Fei Wang requests…


      • >maybe it’s the side effect to some type of magic Ashura-Ou or someone else is doing?

        I believe it’s the first one X3

        >I’ve the feeling the Fay we see is just an illusion and not the real Fay…

        You mean the real Fye? Yeah, definitely, he can’t be alive…


        • maybe it’s the side effect to some type of magic Ashura-Ou or someone else is doing?

          I believe it’s the first one X3

          Only it seems strange to me Ashura-Ou had been turned into an evil guy… but maybe Fei Wang had cursed him too…


  13. I really am confused @_@ I hope things get more clear and more… obvious XDDD Maybe I’m too dumb but I’m having a hard time to figure out who’s who and who said what @_@

    >I’d love to see why R!Syaoran is in his current condition.

    There’s surely a good reason, I’m very curious!


  14. “I like when Ashura-ou says that if he want to grant a wish, Fye has to live for it. I really liked it. Some CLAMP characters should hear this more often XDDD”

    Hahaha!!! Good point!! Thanks for your comments, I enjoy reading them :3


  15. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who was confused by this chapter. At the moment I feel really bad for Shaoran, he’s traumatized again, and for Fai, he looks in such anguish at the end when he sees that the other three have seen.

    I’m not sure, actually, that Ashura isn’t sadistic. IMO we haven’t seen any definitive evidence yet–all of his actions could be either for Fai’s own good or sadistic (or both!).

    So, is that child Ashura has with him dead or not? I agree we seem to be skirting close to reviving the dead here, or wanting to, but real-Fai (argh so confusing) looks awfully animate for a corpse. So wierd and confusing, argh.


    • No, you weren’t the only one… Actually I’ve been confusing about Tsubasa since the Infinity arc xD I have to re-read from that arc onwards…

      >I’m not sure, actually, that Ashura isn’t sadistic.

      I don’t think he’s evil or that he wants to harm Fye. On the contrary, I think he wants to help him but Fye won’t let him for some unknown reason to me. Maybe the same reason he won’t let Kurogane get too close to him.

      >So, is that child Ashura has with him dead or not?

      My guess is yes, dead and possible an illusion created by Ashura-ou X3


  16. thanks for the cleaned scans, chibiyuuto-kun~^^
    well, what a chapter~! @@ i’m still so very confused XP

    Bloody hell, Fei Wang made the same question for BOTH twins!
    did he? @@ i can’t even figure that out >


      • Ca-chan! I missed your comments! X3
        i miss you chibiyuuto-kun~~~*glomps* i did stalk you even when i didn’t have the time to comment, though XD

        A crazy thought: he wants to revive his dead daughter… he tried to clone her by making Xing Huo! XDDDDDDDDD (well, he did tell her she was an unsuccessful creation).
        X reference isn’t it? XDDDDDD
        but he killed Xing Huo without mercy…hmm, it must be so unsuccessful that she doesn’t resemble his daughter at all XD
        (…by the way, Syaoran is his second attempt and FWR already succeed in cloning, what a genius XD)


        • THANKS for still stalking my journal X333

          >X reference isn’t it? XDDDDDD

          Yeah! XD

          >but he killed Xing Huo without mercy…hmm, it must be so unsuccessful that she doesn’t resemble his daughter at all XD

          Again, yeah! XDDD

          >…by the way, Syaoran is his second attempt and FWR already succeed in cloning, what a genius XD

          HAHAHAHA, ca-chan always cracks me up! XDDD


  17. >I would say that the real Fye we see is an illusion.
    That’s the most probale ^^ I hope it’s really like this…zombie-Fay would be even more creepy!


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