‘Code Geass: Rozé of the Recaptured’ opens in May 2024

Character Design ©2006-2024 CLAMP・ST

Finally some news about the new Code Geass anime!

There was a special event today held in Japan to celebrate Lelouch’s birthday with several announcements.

The new anime series that was originally announced in 2021 as Code Geass: Z of the Recaptured was renamed to Code Geass: Rozé of the Recaptured.

It will be screened in Japanese theaters in four installments starting in May 2024.

The production was likely delayed after the series’ main character designer Takahiro Kimura passed away earlier this year after battling amyloidosis. For this new series, Shuichi Shimamura was added as character designer along with Takahiro Kimura’s name, for legacy reasons and it’s very likely that he had some work done before his passing.

Official website: https://geass.jp/roze/