Review: Card Captor Sakura Clear Card arc TV Anime – Episode 5



Episode 5 – Sakura Feels a Pull at the Flower Viewing

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This episode was the one with most original content so far but unlike other series, this didn’t feel like a “filler” episode at all. It successfully honored the series’ tradition of having original episodes feeling like canon.

The book Kero is reading has a similar design to Kodansha’s Aoi Tori label (the one that published The Witch’s Mansion series), except that the design is purple and not blue and it seems like he is reading a mystery novel while the Aoi Tori label publishes books for kids. Someone pointed out on twitter that judging by what Kero is saying, he appears to be reading a Tsubasa short story where Mokona plays the detective.

Wasn’t it nice and unexpected Rika’s call? They wanted to put her in the hanami but she (conveniently) had school errands. I really hope they won’t cut her completely. The fact that they had a phone conversation makes me hopeful about it. Sakura later talks about watching a movie with the girls and inviting Rika. I wonder if we’ll ever see that in the anime.

We get a lot of early morning family interaction, which is always nice! Anytime my dear Fujitaka gets more screen time is good to me. He is such a good father ♡

Sakura asking about Yukito’s eating habits happened in a different moment in the manga, but it blends well here too. Ohkawa is been doing it quite frequently: rearranging certain scenes and dialogs. But they all fit really nicely in the anime. The anime is not a page by page adaptation of the manga and yet it feels very faithful. She is doing a good scriptwriting job.

Yamazaki is proving to be a strong candidate for promising CLAMP husbands by making delicious bentos. Isn’t it adorable how he is cooking for Chiharu? They are already a straight up couple (even more solidified than Sakura and Syaoran, at this point).

Another bit taken directly from the manga was the bit about the people who lives with Akiho. That conversation happened between Sakura and Akiho alone when they randomly met at the street, not here. Again Ohkawa makes it fitting by placing that dialog here.

I really hope we get to see another play by Naoko. She keeps saying it, it’s making me want to see her developing her writing skills. Also, can we get more of that subplot about her long-distance relationship that was left out of the original series, please? Now is the time to tell everything that wasn’t told.

Annnnd we get the first anime original card! We were all wondering if we would get any and here it is! GRAVITATION =) Such a pretty design, Mokona-sensei! I don’t think there will be as many cards as the Clow and Sakura cards but at least some original cards we should have. Also, that lightning bolt just before Sakura secured the card, was that Syaoran or was that Syaoran? Seeing as he conveniently appeared just after that. We see right through you, Syaoran boy.

Slightly before the end of the episode, we get to see an adorable SyaoSaku moment. Kudos to Syaoran for noticing his girl’s upset look. That’s key, young man. I do miss embarrassed Syaoran though. He has gotten so much confident ever since he confessed his feelings to Sakura. It’s like he is completely secure of himself.

This is the first time an episode ends without a cliffhanger. Ohkawa is giving us some breathing time.

Oh, the animation was great on this chapter. Even the faraway shots looked good. I am on my knees right now thanking MADHOUSE.

Next episode seems to be a mix of adapted and original material.

10 thoughts on “Review: Card Captor Sakura Clear Card arc TV Anime – Episode 5

    ok where do I start…eeeehhh…
    FINALLY, the first original episode at 95%!! Like you, I adored Ohkawa’s writing skills, she changed some elements and added them here to tie this episode to the general storyline, and therefore it still feels as completely canon….
    You know, that twitter user was pointing out about Mokona’s mystery story almost jokingly, but…it mentions a narrow passage…AND YOU KNOW HOW OHKAWA IS…I’d love that to be true, honestly!! XD
    I really liked the family moment early in the morning. I’m still amazed at how everyone is still the same and Touya and Sakura’s interactions are more hilarious than ever. Kudos to Ohkawa for inserting Sakura’s doubts about the situation with Yukito/Yue in here, I feel like this will be very important later. I love how throughout the episode there are these small bits that make it “a must watch” despite being an almost all original episode!
    Again homages to the old series, with that shot of Sakura running to Tomoyo on the bridge, which is taken straight from the first opening!
    I liked the hanami party, even if I felt Syaoran’s absence was very suspicious from the beginning…XD
    I LOVED THE ACTION SCENE. OMG Madhouse got me on my knees as well!! These action scenes have all a strong vibe, Sakura gets more and more confident, this time she was about to crash badly into a tree and she didn’t care! My queen!!! I loved the ominous Sakura tree, and…
    If that isn’t Raitei Shourai at work!! Sakura heard kinda of a “roar”/thunder, and turned around and saw that lightning…it was totally random so it must mean something… I was wondering if they’re actually going to show us Sakura noticing strange things episode by episode, so that will build the inevitable day in which she’ll do *the question* to Syaoran…
    If they do that, I’m gonna love it even more! Sakura raised her eyebrow just a couple of times in the manga, and that felt a bit too naive from her (but it’s Sakura, it might be that)…we’ll see how they’re going to manage that!
    I think I don’t need to tell you how much I loved the final SyaoSaku scene…Motoko Kumai did a wonderful job there, I wonder if this is the part that she had to re-do over and over, keeping Sakura Tange at work until late? Well the result surely was worth it!
    Keep up the good job, everyone!

    Quick replies to your comments:
    Wasn’t it nice and unexpected Rika’s call? They wanted to put her in the hanami but she (conveniently) had school errands. I really hope they won’t cut her completely.
    I was almost sure they decided to drop Rika at this point, in respect to her late voice actress, but turns out they wanted to include her badly! At this point I really think we will see her talking with Sakura, and not only through a phone call!

    They are already a straight up couple (even more solidified than Sakura and Syaoran, at this point).
    Yeah, I have to admit Sakura and Syaoran have to walk together a long road still, before reaching YamaChiha’s point…but it’s only normal, everything at the right time!

    Also, can we get more of that subplot about her long-distance relationship that was left out of the original series, please? Now is the time to tell everything that wasn’t told.
    OMG YES please!!

    I do miss embarrassed Syaoran though. He has gotten so much confident ever since he confessed his feelings to Sakura. It’s like he is completely secure of himself.
    Yeah, I do wonder if it’s because *he had to work on his insecurities* while he was away, in order to be able to protect Sakura and help her when *That Time* comes, because he’s gonna need it big time……


    Liked by 1 person

    • You sure were fast this time xD

      that shot of Sakura running to Tomoyo on the bridge, which is taken straight from the first opening!
      Awww yes! I was immediately reminded of that scene too!

      These action scenes have all a strong vibe, Sakura gets more and more confident, this time she was about to crash badly into a tree and she didn’t care! My queen!!! I loved the ominous Sakura tree, and…
      YES YES! She has like FULL CONTROL of the situation. She’s rocking!

      it was totally random so it must mean something… I was wondering if they’re actually going to show us Sakura noticing strange things episode by episode, so that will build the inevitable day in which she’ll do *the question* to Syaoran…
      It definitely is Syaoran. I like the idea of him helping out SOMETIMES but not always. It’s important that Sakura to do things on her own, too. And yeah, I think they might be building up to something here. These clues that are being dropped, Sakura will realize something near the end (but Tomoyo will realize it first).

      I wonder if this is the part that she had to re-do over and over, keeping Sakura Tange at work until late? Well the result surely was worth it!
      It sounded very natural, but maybe sounding natural and casual is hard. Her voice had the right tone of kindness.

      So that new voice actress we didn’t know about was Rika! Let’s keep an eye for her name in upcoming episodes =)

      Looking forward to Meiling! In whatever shape she will appear \o/


  2. And finally a fully well drawn episode, didn’t see that since episode 2!
    Also our first anime-only almost entire content. Nothing less expected from having one of the CLAMP itself to manage that in flying colors, why not others anime series don’t get that treatment (who I am to judge this is the only anime series I’m watching right now when the last one I did follow was Appmon)
    I did really like that episode! It was adorable, those moments with her dad, brother, Yukito and even with Kero were gold! The whole flower viewing picnic was very cute as well!
    Also the first anime-only clear card which…..hum it was a nice touch but wish could pull more of a fight against pulling Sakura towards to a tree. It’s the only lesser note I have about this episode.

    I’m leaving my review about the episode cut short because would like to discuss something else about the preview of the next one:
    Kero’s true form.
    I like that. I don’t care if the rest of the fandom death glares to me by saying that, can’t care less, but I like it way much more than his cheap designed plush form or whatever he is. No, rather a hardcore winged cougar a thousands of times. C’mon and above that it is his REAL form, why he sticks in a stupid face all the time when he wasn’t even supposed to look like that? Cuz role4cute? Except he is not even cute.
    Sue me but I would find much more hilarious to see a cougar playing PS4 with his paws than a plush :3


    • I actually wonder what GRAVITATION does… maybe pull something towards Sakura? I wonder in which situations she could use it ˆˆ’

      Sue me but I would find much more hilarious to see a cougar playing PS4 with his paws than a plush :3
      LOL! Hopefully we’ll get a few awkward situations featuring Kero, the cougar, on the next episode.


  3. I’m guessing Rika’s first reappearance in the manga will have some significance, thus Ohkawa wants the anime to follow this point too.


  4. I’ve been reading all your reviews the same day you’ve published them since episode 1, but because I write so much on my twitter account (as you can see…), I just can’t think of anything else to add when coming here, sorry T__T
    Me posting full reviews with pictures wasn’t planned at all: I initially only wanted to share a few stitched pictures from the episodes, and while at it adding a few comments about the episode itself but it ended into something so much bigger ^^;
    The first priority is still me sharing those stitched snaps though, so I do so religiously every week ^^

    About episode 5!
    The first kinda sorta original episode!
    The cherry blossom viewing did happen in the manga after all, but it was just a very short 2-3 pages flashback haha~ They also changed the fact Akiho sang a full duo with Tomoyo, and decided instead to introduce this fully in episode 6. But they still did hint she could sing! ^^

    Eri commented on the discord chan that all the books’ titles we see Kero browsing through are about How To Make a delicious tamagoyaki (and similar titles naming), Sakura is taking it really seriously!! XD It would be great if someone went the extra mile and translating them all one by one 😛

    Other than the cherry blossom viewing event itself, they indeed integrated other elements from other chapters, like Sakura wondering about Yukito’s eating habits like you posted above, or Akiho’s family circumstances and the fact she seems to like her caretaker ^^ Nothing feels out of place, but it also mean that in consequence, the actual ‘real’ scenes and situations these things were originally said in the manga are all going to be modified in the anime too. I’m ok so far!

    The Card! FIRST 100% anime only Clear Card: GRAVITATION! I’m quite happy with it, and it really doesn’t feel like a ‘filler card’, this is something I could totally imagine in the manga too~ As expected, since the original mangaka is the one writing the script XD

    The scene in which we could see lightning in the distance … Sakura noticed but only for a sec, then got distracted and forgot all about it … for now! Chances are these sort of little things will pill up and eventually become little pieces of a bigger picture which Sakura will eventually put all back together at some point in the future.
    But for us manga readers, this is one additional hint as to Syaoran’ secret activities: he said to Eriol that he needed to “hurry”, we also saw him sitting in his house with the rashinban next to him and several orbs floating on top of it, we witnessed him using magic which is not his elemental one twice, and the second time, it was clearly shown it was a card. Plus, he is often busy and comes late, or can’t free his schedule when asked to do or go somewhere. With this episode 5, we can add to all this that he might be FIGHTING something, or capturing? Could he be also collecting cards the same Sakura is doing now? But these are cards he can’t show her or tell her about?
    I don’t think these are the Sakura cards, that would imply too many things: how did they end freed and roaming around again? How could he capture them? Are we to assume they are masterless now? > it took 2 seasons, 70 episodes, to capture them all and convert them all into Sakura’s magic, what are the chances everything done to this very moment would be nullified in a matter of seconds inside a dream? Sakura IS the most powerful magician in the World! How could Sakura not know anything about it? A bit of lightning in the distance is one thing, but what are the chances she wouldn’t feel her very own cards flying around the city? (and there are 50+ of them in the anime…) and even more: how could she not realize these are her cards when Syaoran used them right in front of her face TWICE? etc…

    The SxS scene … you saw all my fangirling tweets already, so I will spar you anymore squealing XD

    Next episode! Syaoran plays the piano! What a very unexpected turn of event! I can’t wait to see it happen ^^

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Sherry! I missed your comments but I am also reading your “tweet-reviews” weekly. So don’t worry about it. Thanks for taking your time to share your thoughts here too!

      Eri commented on the discord chan that all the books’ titles we see Kero browsing through are about How To Make a delicious tamagoyaki (and similar titles naming), Sakura is taking it really seriously!! XD It would be great if someone went the extra mile and translating them all one by one 😛
      Oh that is so interesting! If it was any other animation studio it would be just random books or we wouldn’t see their titles at all! MADHOUSE is so attentive to the details. I love this information.

      Nothing feels out of place, but it also mean that in consequence, the actual ‘real’ scenes and situations these things were originally said in the manga are all going to be modified in the anime too. I’m ok so far!
      Yes. Ohkawa needs to pay extra attention in order to not repeat herself xD

      With this episode 5, we can add to all this that he might be FIGHTING something, or capturing? Could he be also collecting cards the same Sakura is doing now?
      Interesting. Cause the way it was shown, it looked like he was actually helping her, but at the same time the bolt came from a very distance place so he might have been doing something completely different.


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