TRC 214 + XXXHOLiC 174 !

Both chapters are out at ladydarkmoon‘s LJ and also at The Room of Requirement ^^


No splash page again? And I should have known, the first page of this chapter is the other part of the spread from the last page of the previous chapter (how X). Now I’m not sure they will draw a splash page for this or the previous chapter, LOL I guess they don’t want to break the action with splash pages in the tankoubon version…

As expected from Fei Wang, even grabbing Sakura’s frozen hand turned out to be part of his plans. You really didn’t think he would play fair and square at this point, did you? (okay, I sorta did… I still cannot believe Fei Wang is pure devil. Anyway!).

Sakura should look like 7, but does she really look like 7? XD I guess… I need more panels to make up my mind, LOL

Oh look at that, Fei Wang (this time the real one) lost a tad bit of HP, uuhhh~.

So by saving someone (Sakura) on the verge of death, the last (?) piece of the puzzle appears and now Fei Wang can, just like Syaoran could, take back someone who stepped one foot at death’s side and has since then remained frozen in time?

And then, last page shows Yuuko with her butterfly kimono doing something suspicious… COULD IT BE HER? Or is it just CLAMP tricking us and next chapter there won’t be a splash page either and it’ll show the continuation of this scene?

In a way, it makes sense if it’s her. For example, it has to be someone we know and someone with a huge importance (how anti-climatic would it be to revive someone unknown or less known?). Also, we know Xing Huo and Fei Wang’s bitches are all failures and they all have dark hair and some of them really resemble Yuuko. There’s Kyle too, though. I have seen good theories that Xing Huo is an attempt to revive/clone Clow’s mother, who is known to be Chinese, and Kyle, his father, who was English. I know this has little to do with Yuuko, but just in case.

But why, oh why would Fei Wang want to revive Yuuko? I used to firmly think it wasn’t Clow from the moment Fei Wang thanked the fact that he was dead and no longer interfering in his plans (end of Shurano arc). He said that now only Yuuko was. And he always treated Yuuko as an enemy and that made us immediately thinks that Fei Wang wants her killed as well, but that has never been clearly stated. Now, that foundation has been shaken a little after this last page. I am no longer that sure about not being Yuuko and more, no longer sure it’s not Clow as well.

Fei Wang said it’s someone who has stepped into the realms of death but is stopped in time… that could apply to Yuuko too if we consider that she never ages.

At the same time, I ask myself: what’s the difference between frozen-in-time!Sakura and frozen-in-time!Person-FWR-wants-to-revive? Is that person also frozen as Sakura? Then it isn’t Yuuko? Or is that Yuuko we know a fragment of a dream? Brain-frying, I know…

I ask more, why Yuuko would fight against someone who is trying to take her out of this situation? Supposing it’s her that it’s neither dead nor alive (assuming that’s what Fei Wang means when he says the person is frozen in time). I think Yuuko would want to move on and not fight to remain un-dead like that…

I just hope the next chapter reveals once and for all who this person is. Things are definitely pointing to Yuuko, but I’ll remain skeptical until a confirmation.

What are the odds that real!Sakura is actually Yuuko? LOL


Watanuki looks so weird on panel 3 of page 1 XD

Yuuko fades out in XXXHOLiC the same week she goes all weird in Tsubasa… going to the same place, Yuuko?

Very pretty scene with Watanuki catching the butterfly.

I would surely, surely get scared if I wake up and didn’t see Yuuko in the shop. Creepy.

And the crazy cooking lady is back… so anti-climatic XD But I guess it’s necessary for the whole “Watanuki takes Yuuko’s place” thing.

69 thoughts on “TRC 214 + XXXHOLiC 174 !

  1. Damn I just want some confirmation on the person FWR is after already!! Is that too much to ask CLAMP?!

    But I totally agree, how brain breaking this whole affair has turned out to be. And to think, (probably) no one will guess the right answer until its been revealed. CLAMP is just amazing that way. ♥

    And yes, the Yuuko butterfly scene was soooo beautiful! Totally reminiscent of Sakura and her flowers. I love it!



    • >And to think, (probably) no one will guess the right answer until its been revealed. CLAMP is just amazing that way. ♥

      Surprisingly enough there has been a few very spot-on theories. But they usually vary between people. No one has been able to fully guess everything XDD

      But yeah, that’s why we love them, cause they “betray” us ^^


  2. I was assuming that on the last page of tsubasa, yuuko was being affected by the whole worlds coming apart thing. then in xxxholic it was the same time, and thats why she went away into all those butterflies. but that just seems to obvious, and it dose not really explain anything.


  3. I’m a little worried about yuuko-san after i read both of those chapters… i hope nothing hurts her… 😦

    yah. maybe it IS yuuko-san that he tried to revive. something bad must’ve happened before… *worries more*


      • yah, with all the different times and dimensions and the timeline… yah, it’ll be a little confusing. ^^;
        oh yah, btw, i think the reason why there are no splash page is because… you know what? nvm. XD i forgot what was i bout to say.

        i know! it’s getting twisted right now, i can’t wait!


  4. Tsubasa is a brain-frying like you said above. and xxxHolic, everything is weird, some chapters back (when they said that wata was xiao’s self and may be the reencarnation of Clow) I was thinking that he was going to work “together” with Yuuko or that he was taiking her place in the world and in the shop…..

    next chapters are going to be awsome (and what’s happening to Yuuko?!?!?!?! I hope that CLAMP won’t kill her)


    • I’m not so sure about Yuuko’s immortality anymore, LOL I guess she has became very vulnerable to death after all the recent revelations.

      Looking forward to the next chapters, revelation after revelation, this is so cool!


  5. I’m still on the fence about the person FWR wants to revive being Yuuko. What we have at the moment is circumstantial evidence. I mean, she’s changed throughout the story (which CLAMP even had the fortune-teller remark on, just to emphasize), so I don’t think she’s really frozen in time. Unless, like you say, all of HOLiC is a dream. But I don’t think that’s the case, I think Watanuki lives in a dream-like world that has slippage between reality, dreams, and his own state–which is the twist in time that is being ironed out.

    I could be wrong, and odds are that I am. But, I don’t think FWR is reviving Clow, because lots of people have said at multiple points in multiple manga that Clow is dead, not frozen in time at the edge of death. And when I first translated FWR’s lines, my thoughts went immediately to Shaoran and Sakura…I mean, they’re most likely frozen in time on the edge of death, right? But they were alive when FWR began his machinations, so I think that eliminates them–which is another reason I’m inclined to doubt that it’s Yuuko, because we saw them interacting directly when Watanuki was created.



    • I’m just like you on the fence. CLAMP could totally trick us because that’s what most people are now thinking.

      But other than her, I can’t tell who else (being important and known, because I think it has to be at least known and fairly important) it could be, either.

      The “frozen in time on the edge of death” info is new for all of us, we thought the person was DEAD and not about-to die. This changes things a little, damn it xD


      • Yeah, I have the same thought, that it can’t be someone completely new. But really, the idea that Yuuko has been frozen in time just boggles me. Argh.

        Am I the only one who doesn’t think Watanuki should take over for Yuuko? XD


  6. One point I’d like to make that came to mind when I was reading your comments is that the one reason Yuuko would stand in Fei Wong’s way to revive her if it is her is that she is probably of the same mentality as Clow. When people are meant to die they are meant to die. Existing beyond your life expectancy is not an option because it destroys the balance of life. If she was frozen in time maybe it is because of something Fei Wong did before the series began when he tried to clone her, probably against her wishes as well, and now to repair the error he tries to revive her who is a step away from death but never able to completely make it across, while she waits fulfilling what could be considered her punishment for overstepping the lines of living by becoming the Dimensional Space Time Witch and granting the wishes of all dimensions.

    And about the line of Watch Sakura actually be Yuuko >.> we don’t know Yuuko’s real name..and we also don’t know Princess Sakura’s real name. SO >.< clamp could be that vile and make them like connected in some obscure fashion.


    • Very fair and good point you have! I haven’t thought about Fei Wang doing something to Yuuko BEFORE that could have messed with her life. It could be, it makes sense. But then that would imply a bit of love, after all he was trying to save her somehow, or maybe it was the “means” for some other greater wish of his.

      >while she waits fulfilling what could be considered her punishment for overstepping the lines of living by becoming the Dimensional Space Time Witch and granting the wishes of all dimensions.

      Another great point, and that would serve as an explanation as to why she has all that power.

      >clamp could be that vile and make them like connected in some obscure fashion.

      LOL, funny but true, I think the same XD


    • I totally agree with your reasoning, I was thinking the exact same thing. Fei Wong is probably going against her wishes and being selfish. That’s a big thing with CLAMP’s “villains” they all have their reasons. They are always thinking, “no matter what, I won’t give up my wish” or something along the same lines. Like Taishokuten, who slaughtered thousands because of his promise to Ashura, his beloved. Or Zagato, who was willing to destroy all of Cephiro and thus kill everyone if it meant his beloved Emeraude was freed. They all did what they did for their beloved, even if that person doesn’t want them too. I mean, everything Zagato did Emeraude didn’t want him too, but he did it anyway out selfish born from his love. I bet Fei is just being selfish, he wants her to be with him so he’ll bring her back no matter what.

      But Yuuko, like Emeraude, realizes that what Fei is doing is wrong and is trying to stop him. When he hurts her I bet he could have hurt her far worse, but he didn’t. And Yuuko has always said that her shop is in a different dimension, and considering that she resides there almost all of the time….

      I’ve actually thought Yuuko was the one since that chapter (no, I don’t know where) where they’re talking about Fei’s wish and you see Yuuko encircled by golden (I imagine) rings. For some reason I just automatically thought, “IT’S HER.” But since I was thinking no, she can’t be DEAD, I refused to believe it.

      If Yuuko isn’t the one, I think I’ll cry


      • While I agree with you on “doing everything for love” and selfishness, on both Zagato and Taishakuten’s cases, we could “sense” a little love tension going on. But in Tsubasa, it never occured to me that Yuuko feels something for Fei Wang or vice-versa.

        I would LOVE if you could look after that chapter you mentioned XDDD

        If Yuuko is really the ONE, then I guess she’s just the “means” for a bigger wish…


      • This is a reply to both you and as a continuation of my theory

        I was still trying to figure our HOW Fei Wong is related to Clow. What if Yuuko is Fei Wong’s mother? If my theory in thinking Fei Wong did something to make her become the Dimension Witch in the past and Yuuko has been frozen inbetween life and Death for a while than it is probably a LONG while.

        We know the events of CCS when Sakura opened the book of Clow happened 50 years after Clow Reed died. Sakura was in about 5th grade when this happened, lets say she finished high school and was about 17 when she had Jr. Sakura sent her son to Yuuko at the age of 7 to send him on the beginning of the Tsubasa adventure. Even with the time shift back and forth and everything in the time line it has been about 10 years, if not a bit under that. So between Clow’s Death and the now in Tsubasa we have close to 80 years. Yuuko doesn’t look this old at all, but Fei Wong does show more signs of aging. Calculating all of this Yuuko is almost if not passed 100 years old.

        I do see Yuuko having a great affection for Clow from the Audio Tracks and when she talks about him, but we’ve never seen her thoughts on Fei Wong other than his plans to restore life to the dead.
        What if when Clow Reed (who i’m saying is Fei Wong’s father) died Fei Wong Refused so see the same happen to Yuuko, so he tried to stop it and because Clow Reed essentially vanished he couldn’t attempt to experiment cloning with him like he might have managed with Yuuko. Which all this leads back to what i posted above and you two replied to.

        I don’t think Fei Wong is actually a bad guy, like both of you pointed out Clamp doesn’t have villains, they have characters who made bad decisions that go against the wishes of those they are intending to help.


        • Actually with how time is handled in Tsubasa – the timeline and etc is NOT important, since they all travel intime and some worlds are the “future/past” of others.

          Time in various dimensions passes differently. Yuuko is in her own separate dimension. Yuuko’s shop can be placed in the timeline BEFORE anything happened to her or long time AFTER in future.

          Hell, if we disregard anything and everything, anyone can be descendant of anyone and anyone can be anyone.

          So far the possibilities are:
          1. Yuuko and FWR being TRC!Syaoran and TRC!Sakura from future.
          2. Yuuko and FWR being CCS!Syaoran and CCS!Sakura from future.(remember the quote of that old woman? “the first time it seemed as if they are not alive, but now It seems that they both are alive”)
          3. That Yuuko and FWR are children of practically anyone in CLOW timeline. Maybe children of That Teacher-magician and Eriol-Clow?

          Overall, considering Syaoran, Sakura and Yuuko still go by fake names, its quite clear that they all are somehow connected and that by knowing their true names we would know that connection immediately.

          I’d say Yuuko is Sakura and R!Syaoran is FWR. We already saw a Dr.Who style time paradox(Tokyo>Clow stuff). So what if all what will happen in the series would supposedly make Syaoran/FWR go the route he went?


          • this is true, the last bit of my theory is probably totally wrong, but I am sticking to the first bit, that Yuuko is probably the one Fei Wong wants to revive and she is against it because it goes against the necessary flow of life. To live we must die at some point.

            But you are very right, we don’t know any of their names, and that causes us to not know how they are related to who.


  7. Please note, everyone, that someone who is “frozen on the edge of death” is not exactly dead. Meaning, the person Fei Wang is “bringing back” right now might not be the person he’s planning on actually reviving…


    • Good point. I thought about that part over and over. What exactly does he mean by that? Has the person died effectively or not? Or is it not the person he wants to revive (who is actually dead DEAD)?


  8. >> I have seen good theories that Xing Huo is an attempt to revive/clone Clow’s mother, who is known to be Chinese, and Kyle, his father, who was English.
    WOW.. I actually like this theory ^__^ I always discard the fact that the person FWR want to revive is Xing Huo because I am associating her with FWR’s lover or something [and OBVIOUSLY I can’t imagine him to be with anyone at all -____-]. And since FWR is also a reed, even though the series keep on saying they are ancestor and descendant relationship… I actually wonder myself IF FWR and Clow Reed are actually brothers. Since in one of the TRC chapter, FWR commented once that Watanuki look like CR when he was little and as well, from what Yuuko has been saying all along… BOTH CR and YUUKO are aware of FWR’s attempted to do “the impossible” and thus tried to do their part to stop him. Thus making me believe that FWR maybe also the same timeline with CR/Yuuko. Yuuko also commented once that CR has tried previously [getting the Ruin’s power] but it is confirmed that it is not possible.
    Adding all of this together, the one whom FWR want to revive may also be the same as the one whom CR want to revive. And at least that IS somewhat believable [Fai lost his twin brother and Kurogane lost his parents, FWR told Fai such option and he accepted it. IF FWR has reached Kurogane first, he may choose that option as well].

    Anyway, of course the focus and puzzling piece here is Yuuko ^^;;; I wonder WHAT is she?? *note* the reason I use the word “what” is because sometimes I got the sense that her existance MAY BE similar to Watanuki who is also a rare existance. [may not be the same as Watanuki’s situation but…]. With the whole “the dream must end” and the whole “butterfly dream that is hinted that it is directly related with Yuuko”!?


    • About Yuuko… I also think that maybe, Yuuko is the ‘being’ that got created like Watanuki, when Clow tried to revive/use the power of the ruins last time (before FWR). Yuuko doesn’t feel like she belongs anywhere, in any particular dimension, indeed like she is a outside-of-worlds being.

      But then again, when I think about how the whole reason (or at least, a side-reason) of xxxholic was so that Watanuki will want to live and exist, and if it turns out he was strengthening his ties with one of the dead/almost-dead/nonexistant-beings…. my head hurts….


      • >when I think about how the whole reason (or at least, a side-reason) of xxxholic was so that Watanuki will want to live and exist, and if it turns out he was strengthening his ties with one of the dead/almost-dead/nonexistant-beings…. my head hurts….

        LOL quite contradictory if that is really the case xD


    • I think much of this mystery relies on who FWR is (what level of parenthood with Clow?) and WHERE in time he is.

      The butterfly dream, yeah, well-reminded, it could be related to Yuuko. Is it also the dream that must end?


  9. What are the odds that real!Sakura is actually Yuuko? LOL

    I’ve thought of that myself, but… GOD, PLEASE NO. I don’t care what angle you look at it from, it makes no bloody sense and it’s so friggin’ wrong! DX


  10. I kind of not get both of them fully, I just wonder about if xxxHOLiC Yuuko-san’s disappearance relates Tsubasa!

    I know that Syaoran get hold of Sakura’s part of Feiwong’s plan, but by doing that is a key to resurrect person?


  11. the scene where Yuuko was disappearing was so beautiful. I started freaking out, and then when Watanuki said that he thought they could not meet again, I started freaking out. I knew this time as coming but I didn’t think it’d be so sudden and so soon! But it’s not the end. I bet Yuuko’s wish is to die and be sent off in peace. She’ll ask Watanuki to do this for her and he’ll beg her not to. But she’ll remind him of his promise, and he’ll do it, and in doing so, properly grant his first wish (I’m ignoring food lady, who I don’t like). But he’ll have ended a life, which, as Yuuko has said numerous times, is something strong enough to crush a person. So in payment, he’ll take over the shop and become the Dimension Wizard! My lil hope for the future. I just became really enamored with that idea. Darn! Now, since the ending CLAMP will have will so TOTALLY be different, I’m gonna be disappointed.

    Yuuko = R!Sakura? O.o that might actually totally work. But then Fei would be Syaoan! OMG, we don’t actually know Syaoran’s real name.


    • I thought is said in HOLiC that Watanuki was their real first name. (They said that Kimihiro was the name made up and that Watanuki was the real name-I assumed that meant they were Li Watanuki)

      Or I just read that scene all wrong…


      • no no, it said that CCS!Syaoran changed his last name to Watanuki and gave that to Kimihiro becasue Watanuki was a very lucky and magically protective name. Thus, R!Syaoran would not have Watanuki as his ame because his father changed it after he left.


  12. Maybe FWR’s actually Watanuki in the future and he’s bringing back the Yuuko-san who disappeared. Well, with all these time paradoxes and such… it could be a possibility (or not). And Yuuko only interferes because she wants things to go as they are and she’s accepted whatever fate she’s supposed to head towards… ahhh~I don’t know .___. my head is thinking in circles.

    The page where Syaoran hugs Sakura was beautiful though.


  13. I ask more, why Yuuko would fight against someone who is trying to take her out of this situation?

    Weeeell, I don’t know, but considering the fact that, if she is the person FWR is trying to revive, getting her out of that situation would destroy space-time and erase the most important rule of existence I think she’d wouldn’t be too cooperative ^^ (and… the more I think about it… Yuuko being the person to be “revived”, fighting against it, and having the person trying to revive her fighting against her all the way seems like a very Clamp thing to do ^^ Also, who’s to say that FWR doesn’t have another secret plan that needs Yuuko revived as one of its stages?)

    What are the odds that real!Sakura is actually Yuuko? LOL
    O-Oh my God… I think you’ve just fried my brain… Imagine the ramifications!!


    • >Also, who’s to say that FWR doesn’t have another secret plan that needs Yuuko revived as one of its stages?

      I believe that too. It doesn’t look like “love” to me. It looks like she’s the “means” for a bigger wish…


  14. i just cant belive that yuuko has gone bye bye! in the two chapiteres!!! i have a teory about what FWR say and yuuko:
    yuuko has gone to where everybody is on TRC she is appearing there and thats because as FWR say sakura was called to the realm of the death and yuuko is going to take her place because “she was created for that day” and also if u remember there is sakura waithin in the tube and i think that is a dream and yuuko always said that “the dream must end”…. so thats what i think if i have an error sorry i just whant to shared it all of you *-*U but well…and the person FWR wants to return from deaht….i have no idea but i dont think is yuuko.


    • >sakura was called to the realm of the death and yuuko is going to take her place because “she was created for that day”

      She’ll replace Sakura? I haven’t thought that! Makes sense XDDD


  15. Reading your comment gave me headache, but you also helped me to understand the ‘saving’ part… So it was what FWR wanted? that Syao saved her? and what is the utility of the feathers after all if the first time they were not there? I mean Syao failed first time so FWR agreed of a second attempt… and if the whole matter involved Syaoran ACTUALLY saving sakura why the hell Syao’s parents sent Syaoran to do so and with that, help FWR with his plan? Wasn’t easier to sacrifice Sakura?????? there are lots of them XD

    See? You gave me headache XDDD


    • Forgot: What are the odds that real!Sakura is actually Yuuko? LOL Why not? If Watanuki is Syaoran then we can have the Wata x Yuuko pairing in AU XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


    • >Reading your comment gave me headache

      Are they that confusing? Gomen ne ^^”””

      >and what is the utility of the feathers after all if the first time they were not there? I mean Syao failed first time so FWR agreed of a second attempt…

      I think even the so-called “fail” was on purpose and part of his plans. That way, he would held captive of Syaoran, clone him and make him search for the feathers, and you know the rest. Syaoran was foolish enough to believe him, though.

      >and if the whole matter involved Syaoran ACTUALLY saving sakura why the hell Syao’s parents sent Syaoran to do so and with that, help FWR with his plan?

      They sent him I don’t know why, LOL, but it must be something huge, for sending him alone and everything. I don’t think it was just to save that Sakura. They said “someone” was waiting for him, we don’t know who that someone is although CLAMP may have tricked us to think it’s Sakura because they are soul-mates and everything… But I don’t think it’s her, I think it’s someone else.

      >Wasn’t easier to sacrifice Sakura?????? there are lots of them XD



      • It is not you, it is TRC what is a hell of confusing….. and of course, FWR had a b-plan, no wait that must be the p-plan yet, to cover that possible failure… I hope Clamp manages to solve this…. MESS! T_T Even Bare-san gave up to try to give summaries…. XD


  16. With the whole idea that it MIGHT be Yuuko FWR’s trying to revive, despite her being the enemy to him, it might be that he’s just trying to revive her to kill her with his own hands (or at least try) to get her out of his way for good. I hope we see it in the next chapter or two who it really is.


  17. Hi ChibiYuuto! 😀 I’m a long time stalker of you and your journal – thanks for all the hard work bringing us the news of the Clamp world! (Also, I’m brazilian too! XD De uma cidade pequena do interior de São Paulo, chamada Votorantim) I don’t have a LiveJournal account, but I just couldn’t resist posting my comments for this chap…

    I agree with herm nefer – maybe Yuuko’s reason for not wanting to be revived is that she thinks it’s her time to die. But I also agree with you when you said it doesn’t seem like Fei Wang loves her… so I thought, “What if all this time we’ve seen Yuuko in xxxHolic, she was actually living inside a dream of death?” – like the one Kurogane had when he was almost dying in Celes? If her goal was finnaly to rest in peace, Holic’s moto “the dream must end” would actually made sense…

    Ugh, don’t know, just an idea… my head hurts with all this theories. T_T

    See ya!

    Toughtful Jessie


  18. Could it be possible that Yuuko killed the one who Fei Wong wanted to revive and that’s why he needs her??? I don’t care what she’s done as long as CLAMP doesn’t kill her. Which means that CLAMP will definitley kill her. And I will cry because she is my favorite character, like ever.


  19. I have a few theories about “Frozen in time at the edge of death”… I remember one other person like that… the antagonist of the first Sakura movie. Her dimension was also tied to a physical place, the well in the movie. What if Maru+Moro have been allowing the dimension where Yuuko exists and modern-day Japan to combine? They’ve been maintaining the shop, so what if the shop exists in the other dimension, and they just maintain the portals? Yuuko’s shown an ability to create dimensional portals, the many in Tsubasa and the Shop to Ginza portal in xxxHOLiC.

    I agree that Fei Wang must be someone already known, and thought what if he is Subaru? And Yuuko is Hokuto? Yuuko has recently been shown with a lone cherry blossom (sakura) tree in darkness, which is also where Seishirou killed Hokuto in Tokyo Babylon. And xxxHOLiC has shown that flowers can harbor spirits, there was the corpse beneath the Hydrangeas’ spirit, which hadn’t quite passed over into the world of the dead, and there was the comment at the end of the Tokyo Babylon annex that could be retconsiled to mean that Hokuto hadn’t passed over… also Tokyo Babylon iirc mentioned several times that cherry blossoms (sakura) were given their colour by having a corpse buried beneath them.


    • I dont think they could be the Sumeragi twins, because Yuuko says so i belive in the second volume of xxxHOLiC that she’s known the twins since they were small, but who knows!


  20. I’ve been wondering lately, what is the possibility that Yuuko’s in the Reed bloodline? In volume 1, Watanuki did ask if she was related to Clow, and she did get annoyed but didn’t say she wasn’t. And think about it, in some ways they do look really similar, they both wear/wore Chinese themed clothing, and they are both around the same age (or would be if Clow was still alive). Could they possibly be siblings or even twins? Even if they’re not closely related, I reckon they must be related to some extent.


    • Lyn

      First thing first, I like Clamp and their work very much, including Tsubasa and xxxholic, but there are just “plot holes”, so I call them, that I must mention:

      I somehow can’t believe that the person who Fei Wang wants to revive is Yuuko, though that is not totally impossible. I mean, why would he want to revive her and at the same time, attack her? (in that chapter when Yuuko sends the group to Clow Country, and was hit by FeiWang’s attack because she tracks FeiWang back, at the end of Nihon country)

      And then, I see many things that don’t make sense. If FeiWang has planed everything, including “Shaoran” holds Sakura’s hand so that the last chain can be broken, why would he want “Shaoran” dead,(Fye killing him with the curse) or try to prevent the group from going to the frozen Clow Country? Ok I thought of the possibility that it doesn’t matter WHO holds the hand as long as the hand IS hold. BUT why in the world did he wait for the group until “Shaoran” did that? Fei Wang had Sakura’s body, so he could make the feather from the frozen Clow Country return to Sakuras Body, if he can’t go there by himself, he could sent someone there like Dr. Kyle and take it back to Sakura and then let him hold small Sakura’s hand and everything is done.
      Also, there is one thing I don’t really understand: Mokona did not sense the feather when they first arrived there, but did suddenly when FeiWang did something with Sakura’s body. So the feather appeared then and was not there at first? Why? (ok I could say that Sakura’s body has a great, mysterious power that could let time flow again..)

      Aside from this, there are definitely things that Clamp did wrong. Like someone already mentioned, in the chapter in which Shaoran and Watanuki meet in a dream in Nihon, “Shaoran” said that he knows what the connection between him and Watanuki is, because he heard it from his PARENTS. That IS definetly wrong. And one other thing I find illogical (I mentioned this somewhere before) is that “real” Shaoran, who was imprisond by FeiWang in a tube, survived without nutrtion and could fight without having trained his body for 7 years…


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