CLAMP Fanbook Project, Ohkawa talks Holitsuba

There’s a project going on at to produce a fanbook in honor to CLAMP’s 20th Anniversary made by we, the fans.

The idea is to gather from all around the world fans’ letters, fanarts, fanfics, cosplay pictures and other forms of love expression to CLAMP and their works.

Once done, the book will be delivered to CLAMP’s hands.

It is a great initiative and excellent opportunity to say something and express your admiration to CLAMP!

Anyone can participate, I already joined the cause and in case you haven’t, please do it! It is our chance to show how big and loved CLAMP is around the world.

Instructions and guidelines on how to participate are all on this link.

Now, here’s the latest entry from Nanase Ohkawa’s private board, where she briefly mentions Holitsuba.
