Random things

Tsubasa #20 release date:

According to Kodansha, Tsubasa #20 will be released on August 17th.

Also being released on that month is the INTERNET RADIO MAGAZINE Komugikotoride no Yonshimin book, scheduled for August 17th as well.

Just reminding, the next Tsubasa releases are:

Tsubasa #21 – November 16th (with OVA 1)
Tsubasa #22 – January 17th (with OVA 2)
Tsubasa #23 – March 17th (with OVA 3)

Tsubasa #19 on the rankings:

A week after the release of Tsubasa #19, let’s see how it went it’s sales.

•Amazon Daily Ranking:


1st – Nodame Contabile #18
2nd – Nodame Contabile #18 Limited Edition
3rd – Tsubasa #19


1st – Nodame Contabile #18
2nd – School Rumble #17
3rd – Nodame Contabile #18 Limited Edition
4th – Tsubasa #19


1st – Nodame Contabile #18
2nd – School Rumble #17
3rd – Tsubasa #19


1st – Nodame Contabile #18
2nd – School Rumble #17
3rd – Rozen Maiden #8
4th – Tsubasa #19


1st – Nodame Contabile #18
2nd – Tsure ga Utsu ni Narimashite.
3rd – Rozen Maiden #8
5th – Tsubasa #19

•e-hon Daily Ranking:


1st – Nodame Contabile #18
2nd – Nodame Contabile #18 Limited Edition
3rd – Tsubasa #19


1st – Nodame Contabile #18
2nd – Tsubasa #19
3rd – Ahiro no Sora #16


1st – Nodame Contabile #18
2nd – Tsubasa #19
3rd – Ahiro no Sora #16


1st – Nodame Contabile #18
2nd – Tsubasa #19
3rd – Ahiro no Sora #16

•Yahoo Weekly Ranking:


1st – Nodame Contabile #18 Limited Edition
2nd – Nodame Contabile #18
3rd – Neon Genesis Evangelion #11
4th – Tsubasa #19

•Taiyosha Weekly Ranking:


1st – Nodame Contabile #18
2nd – Tsubasa #19
3rd – School Rumble #17

•Tohan Weekly Ranking:


1st – Nodame Contabile #18
2nd – Naruto #38
3rd – Tsubasa #19

•Animate Weekly Ranking:


1st – Tsubasa #19
2nd – Nodame Contabile #18
3rd – School Rumble #17
7th – Tsubasa #19 Deluxe Edition

Good ranks! But I’m sure the sales of #21 shall be even better.

Tsubasa #19 covers:

Still speaking about Tsubasa, and in case you don’t know it yet, ladydarkmoon-san has scanned the covers of Tsubasa #19, both regular and deluxe edition in here!


Remember that whoever buys all 8 DVDs of XXXHOLiC could get a special Drama CD as a privilege? In case you don’t, now you know xD

So, the 8th DVD came out back on February but this Drama CD has just been released. rusalkaz-san has found a rip and you can download the entire CD here in her LiveJournal.

The script of the Drama CD was written by, among others, Ageha Ohkawa of CLAMP.

Thank you canon_4_life-san for the heads up!

And lastly, but not at all least, I would like to thank everybody who has added me to their friends’ list until now, because I’ve reached the mark of 600+ friends! Waaaah! Never thought I would go this far! It’s a bit scary, but more than that, so gratifying!

Thank you everybody for trusting, supporting and more than anything, allowing me to appear on your flist XDDDD

I hope you will keep enjoying reading my LJ as much as I enjoy making it. I shall do my best, hai! *bows*

94 thoughts on “Random things

  1. waaaaaaaah! 600!!!! CONGRATUALTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your awesome work gets its reward!

    Only in the last ranking TRC19 is over that ‘nodame-cantabile-whatever’ but not bad at ALL!

    (you know how much the 20th vol release date pisses me off, right? XDDDDDD)


    • THANK YOU VERY MUCH !! ^____^

      >Only in the last ranking TRC19 is over that ‘nodame-cantabile-whatever’ but not bad at ALL!

      CLAMP always does its best on Animate’s ranking ^___^ “nodame-cantabile-whatever” HAHAHAHAH!! BOOO! XD

      >you know how much the 20th vol release date pisses me off, right? XDDDDDD

      Because I won our bet? XD Demo, I wanted 5, FIVE released this year, but in the end we’ll have only 4. I’m as pissed as you xD


      • Because I won our bet?

        LOL! yes, that too *cookie* and because I didn’t want it to be released in august.. I hate august… and july too…

        We won’t get 5 this year, but next one we will for sure!

        (I must google the catabile thing… just for curiosity)


        • >because I didn’t want it to be released in august.. I hate august… and july too…


          >I must google the catabile thing… just for curiosity

          LOL XD I’ve no idea of the story… but I think know it’s shoujo.


        • Nodame Cantabile is about a messy girl studying in a music university, because she’s good at piano. But she’s so messy, she play music not by score, but on the top of her head, she’s lousy with cleaning, studying, dressing, cooking and well everything beside piano. Her neightboor and classmate, who is a neat guy and a future conductor, can’t help himself but take care of her, her messiness just drive him crazy.

          Well, I just watch the anime, but the manga should be along these lines. I prefered Honey and Clover though. Anyway, the Nodame Cantabile’s crowd is older and more feminine than the Tsubasa crowd.


          • aaah, I see, well I actually googled the manga yesterday… Isee why it is over, more adult fandom is more faithful… err… but I’m older and I am faithful to Clamp XDDD Im sure I’d never like that manga, no classical music for me 😛


  2. Parabéns!!!!

    I’m one of the latest users that added you as a friend! And you’re so good at what you do here: giving us information about our dearest mangakas, the CLAMP ladies!! XD

    I’m looking forward to watch and download CLamp in Wonderland 2!!!!!!!Is it coming out soon???



    • Muito Obrigado! XDDDD

      Thanks for liking my LJ, really! I do everything for pure pleasure ^__^

      I shall look forward to CiW2 too (can’t wait!!), but there’s not a release date decided yet =/


  3. CONGRATUALATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 600~~ You really deserve!!!! Thanks for your wonderful works!!! Wonder what that Nodame Contabile is??? Beating Tsubasa in almost every rankings… (how dare you!!??)


    • THANKS!!!!! ^___^ Thank you for always commenting here *bows*

      >Wonder what that Nodame Contabile is??? Beating Tsubasa in almost every rankings… (how dare you!!??)

      HAHAHAHA well, it’s a very famous manga which has an anime version as well, it’s currently being aired ^^


  4. Hi Chibi Yuuto !

    Thank you for the updates 😀 I am eager to read more of Tsubasa !!!!! hihi! I have already posted this comment on June 16th but I am not sure if you saw it. If you did, I am sorry for posting it twice.

    I am a bit confused about Sakura’s wishes and payed prices while she was in Infinity. Can you help me out?

    Wish 1 – She wants to restaure the previous country (to make the 3 others think « she’s with them and has not changed »)
    Price 1 – The standard chess price (which I don’t think we get to know what it is. Might have increased Shaoran’s powers making him surpass Fye’s powers.)

    Wish 2 – She wants to travel alone.
    Price 2 – Must get the special throphy that allows this. (but doesn’t really have to do with Yuuko.)

    Wish 3 – Get 2 feathers in order to exceed Fye’s half magic and get killed before Shaolan.
    Price 3 – Must make the 3 others enter in the chess competition.

    Wish 4 – Select the world she will go to (she want’s to go to the dream world).
    Price 4 – Her good luck.

    Wish 5 – Hide the fact that she only saw Shaoran killed and not the 4 of them.
    Price 5 – Right leg

    Wish of the others – Go to Celes
    Price of the others – Reward of the chess which we don’t know what it is. This means that there will be no restauration of previous world for now. In addition, Fye must use his own magic to travel to Celes although he would have prefered to lose his eyesight !?!

    Also, since when does the swords of Shaoran and Kurogane come out of Mokona ???

    Thank you VERY much Chibi Yuuto 😀



    • Arigatou! XDDDD You are all in your japanese mood, aren’t ya? XD

      >If anyone deserves it, it’s you. You’re definitely the best CLAMP fan out there! ♥♥♥

      That’s so sweet ;_________; but so not true XDD They probably hate me for doing everything they disapprove ^^””””””””


  5. actually Nodame Cantabile is very popular regarding music 🙂 Nakapan is also there in the animated series… he’s so funny there! anyway congrats on 600 friends, you really deserved it! 🙂


  6. I think you got pretty much everything just right. Except number 5:

    >Wish 5 – Hide the fact that she only saw Shaoran killed and not the 4 of them.
    >Price 5 – Right leg

    Wasn’t her wish to actually change the future where Syaoran would be stabbed? To make Syaoran survive and Sakura herself get stabbed by Fye instead?

    I’m not sure, though, that’s what I understood anyway.

    Sorry for not answering to your comment back then, I read it, but I couldn’t find any time to answer! Glad you persisted and tried again! Thank you! ^__^


  7. Congratulations for your 600 friends, that’s a lot of people¡¡ Thank you very much for your hard work and for your news and scans…
    I’m not a friend yet, so Can I add you as a friend, chibiyuuto?
    Thankies ^^


  8. The 20th book of Tsubasa on August, only two chapters to go! ^_^ Who might get the deluxe cover … zombie kid aka Yuui because he’s in the book? Freya to continue the Infinity suite? Emeraude-hime to continue the MKR suite? They wouldn’t dare to put Lantis, he did nothing at all … or would they … ?

    For the ranking, Nodame Cantabile is quite a chalenge, I didn’t thought it was that popular, but sure, with the anime on air, the series should get more interest.

    Oh, I didn’t remember about the CD drama, good thing I didn’t buy the series on auction, I’ll wait for a lot with the privilege CD. ^^;

    Thanks for your devotion to Clamp fandom, we all love you for that! ^_^


    • I just read the ads from the CD drama, but did I read it right? there will be a exclusive opening and ending them song for the xxxHolic game (that will be on the coming OST for the xxxHolic tvanime)?

      Will we get Suga Shikao to sing xxxHolic one more time? (I hope so)


    • >They wouldn’t dare to put Lantis, he did nothing at all … or would they … ?

      I honestly don’t know xDDDDDDDD But seeing how even Freya got a 3-D Figure, maybe she will have a cover as well >_>

      >Thanks for your devotion to Clamp fandom, we all love you for that! ^_^

      Thanks for the compliments, Tomoe-chan! Thanks for your always so interesting comments and all the things you’ve done for me until today ^___^


  9. Yo, Chibi-Yuuto!!! *big glomp attack*

    600+ Tomodachi-tachi o Omedetou Gozaimasu!!

    YESH!! *pumps fist in the air* Sugoi desu wa! You’re amazing with you wonderful journal and you do a splendid job at it!! Keep up the incredible work with the CLAMP news and updates and the series chapter commentary reports, Chibi-Yuuto! I will support you on all that you do all the way!! You really deserved this incredible honor.

    To commemorate this special occasion, we should celebrate with Pizza Hut pizza, Yukito’s homemade cookies, and lots of bottles of sake!! ^o^

    Sa… isshou ni iwau ikimashou!! Let’s party! /


    Ki o tsukete, Chibi-Yuuto!
    Nyanko-san ^__^


    • Waaaah, thank you very much, Moko-chan! *glomps back!!* ^_____^

      I wouldn’t have realized if you hadn’t told me!

      Thanks for adding me, for reading my journal and for always commenting here! I really appreciate it!!

      >we should celebrate with Pizza Hut pizza

      WAAAAAAAAAHHH! You got me! *-* My favorite food! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD Even better than Yukito’s homemade cookies, actually XDDDDDD And instead of sake, can we change it to coke? XD


      • >I wouldn’t have realized if you hadn’t told me!

        Always my pleasure to please one of my greatest tomodachi!!
        Glad to be of service! *deep bows*

        >Thanks for adding me, for reading my journal and for always commenting here! I really appreciate it!!

        Yorokonde desu wa!! ^//^ *blushes*
        Chibi-Yuuto no journal ga hontou tanoshikatta desu wa!!
        ^o^ *super genki*

        >Even better than Yukito’s homemade cookies, actually XDDDDDD

        Oi!!! There is nothing wrong with Yukito’s homemade cookies. But in your case since it’s your celebration, I’ll make a special exception. That means that the cookies will go to me!! XDDD

        >And instead of sake, can we change it to coke? XD

        Oh yesh indeed, consider it done!!! ^o^

        700+ Tomodachi-tachi Ganbatte Ne, Chibi-Yuuto!! YOSH!


  10. Congratulations! XDD You deserve it! We all love Tsubasa and we all love you for being such a gooooood and generooous CLAMP fan. XDD

    Not a bad ranking for Tsubasa though. Out of dozens of series, it is indeed lucky to have gone that high.

    Lovely banner btw! *points* Can I eat that? XD


    • Thank you very muchly for such kind words! I shall keep doing my very best X3

      And of course you can eat the banner! XDDDDDDDDDDDD (does it really look that tasty? XD)


  11. Yay for the 600 friends! And I’m happy to be one of them *grins*

    I love the cover art of Holic Drama CD =D Hope someone will do a transcript soon. *puppy eyes at people who understand Japanese* =P

    Abd for not the last time, OVA, yes!! XD


  12. 600 😀 Congratulations ^^!!! Such a cute banner ^^
    I’m so happy that I did add you as a friend :D… We may be don’t know well each other but I love you so much :3 ~ Thx a lot for all of your hard work and please keep it up ^^


    • Oh, thanks for adding me and being one of those 600! Thanks a lot!!

      Indeed I don’t see you around here very much, but you are more than welcome to come and share your thoughts too! I’d love to read them ^___^

      Thanks for all the support *bows* ^___^


  13. Aw, c’mon Alex! You know you’re adorable and people love you 😛
    XD I’ve just noticed today, and I couldn’t go by without congratulating you for reaching such mark ^___^ YAY!!! You really deserve it, because you do such a devoted and splendid job, boy ^-^

    Keep up the good excellent work! Ganbarimasu~!! ^___^

    Ee! Your lists just made me remember that i have to watch Nodame XD;


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