CLAMP New Year’s Party ~Four citizens of Special New Year’s food fortress~ Report

CLAMP’s New Year event happened yesterday in Japan at Tokyo, and hearing from the people who attended to it I was able to make this small report ^^

Follow the cut (beware for the report contains spoilers for Tsubasa):

-Ashura-ou will wake up soon and the next country the gang will land is Celes.

-CLAMP mentioned again that Tsubasa will have a Happy Ending. Although there might be a character (or more than one) who won’t have a Happy Ending (ohohoh~). However, CLAMP’s concept of “Happy Ending” is unusual, the person said that during RG Veda’s time, CLAMP also said that it would have a Happy Ending xD

-Also, the people who attended to it said that CLAMP’s Internet Radio (and probably CLAMP-PLA.NET too) will cover the event ^__^ I can’t wait !!

A special thanks to Sakura-chan for helping me out with the translation ^^

EDIT: Fixing and adding some things:

– CLAMP specified that only one character will not have a happy ending (I wasn’t so sure about it before, sorry ^^”)

– Tsubasa and XXXHOLiC’s climaxes will happen at the same time, meaning they’ll end together. Also, the links between both series will get stronger and stronger from now on. (Thanks for the scoop, -san ^__^)

– The drink served at the event was called “Kuroi Mokona” (Black Mokona).

– According to Satsuki’s column, there will be more events throughout Japan during this year, including ones outside Tokyo.

224 thoughts on “CLAMP New Year’s Party ~Four citizens of Special New Year’s food fortress~ Report

  1. -Ashura-ou will wake up soon and the next country the gang will land is Celes.

    ZOMG CLAMP spoils all. :O :O :O

    YES. However, since this seems to go against Fai’s original Wish when he met Yuuko (to not return to his world?), I wonder if he’ll get his tattoo back. :p Only fair…


    • YES they spoil it all XDDD I think their fans deserve it for attending the event ^^”””

      >However, since this seems to go against Fai’s original Wish when he met Yuuko (to not return to his world?), I wonder if he’ll get his tattoo back. :p Only fair…

      You are right… but I guess it’s inevitable that they would end up landing there, especially if there is a feather on it.


      • Yeah, I figured he couldn’t avoid his world forever. And this would be a great excuse to power him up again. 8D Geez, people keep stealing his magic.

        I forsee plenty of angstangstangst to come and can’t wait!

        However, I will keep hoping that Ran of Clover will show up, eventually… -_- Or his brothers.


      • When Yuuko asked for thier wishes again Fay didn’t say anything about his original wish, that day I said they’d land in Celes becasue Fay changed his wish…


    • Yuuko didn’t grant his wish for him to never return to his world. Fay couldn’t afford it (none of them could afford their wishes).

      Instead, she gave them the ability to travel the worlds, so they had the chance to grant their own wishes.


    • I hope so too. It probably is, the japanese people never lie ^__^

      >How’d you learn japanese? If you don’t mind my asking, I’ve always wondered.

      Oh no, I don’t know japanese ^^” I was able to translate that with the help of an online translator and a friend of mine did the final touches ^^


  2. Oh, my! i just hope that the unhappy ending woulndt be for Clone-Syao. But Real-syao neither, of course! Oh, i cant wait! we finally will know about Fai´s past. that´s great! But i guess this is going to become even more bloody and dark. thanks for the news! by the way, did you know about a movie called Belladonna of Sadness? check it. it´s really amazing, but a little creepy.


    • After seeing that they consider RG Veda’s end as “happy”, I can expect ANYTHING to happen to Tsubasa ^^””””

      >Oh, i cant wait! we finally will know about Fai´s past. that´s great!

      INDEED ! I can’t wait to see Celes, it’s such a pretty country ^__^

      You’re welcome for the news (and no, I haven’t heard about that movie o.o Who’s in it?)


      • It´s a really old anime, from 1973…O_o Áaagh, i hate myself for calling me old!!! i was born that year… well, in other words, it´s psicodelic and oldfashioned, but i found it interesting. i dont know why, but i got the feeling that clamp had seen it before doing x. believe me. it´s in youtube, you can find the link in my journal. yeah! finally, after almost a year of posting around i finally writte something in my own journal!!… i´m laaaazzy. see you.


        • Ohh sorry ! I thought it was a movie ! >.i dont know why, but i got the feeling that clamp had seen it before doing x

          Oh, really? Who knows, isn’t it? ^^ And don’t worry about your age, you sound so young ^^ I wouldn’t give more than 20 years if I didn’t know that you are older than that ^^

          I’ll give it a look later (not now because You Tube has been forbidden in my country and I can’t access it xDDDD)


          • Forbiden?! Why?! Where are you from? Don´t tell me you are cuban, like me!!…Well, lets see if i can donwload Belladonna for you ^-^.
            And, i forget to comment but… RGV had a happy ending?! first notice. If Clamp said so, then i cant expect nobody, except for Sakura, to survive in trc. But, seriously, i bet that Kurogane will be the one who dies, not Fye. Or maybe Fye also dies. Ah, with Clamp, every unhappy end its possible. They have an strange sense of happiness.
            See you. thanks for your comments.


            • I’m from Brazil ^^ It was forbidden because a famous model was filmed having sex with her boyfriend and the video ended up on YouTube. She sued YouTube, and it was forbidden xD But it won’t last long, don’t worry ^^

              RG Veda had a happy ending depening on which way you see it. Most characters died, yes, but that’s pretty much what they wanted for themselves ^^”


  3. -Ashura-ou will wake up soon and the next country the gang will land is Celes.

    This made my weekend.
    *hyperventilates a bit*
    Thankyou for the news n___n


    • I was very excited with that too ! *___* After so much time, Ashura-ou will finally awake ! And probably bring some troubles to Kuro/Fye couple ^^”

      You’re welcome ! ^___^


  4. I think their version of a “happy ending” is one where everything doesn’t fall into oblivion. Who knows, maybe X will have a happy ending!



    • Yeah, if you consider the couple Ashura and Yasha, they indeed had a happy ending (they were the center of the story, after all). They surely suffered to get it, but in the end they did. However, everybody else pretty much… well, you know what happened (in case I’m spoiling anyone who haven’t read it yet ^^”).

      Some of them wished for that end indeed, so it depends in which way you see it ^^ We all know, for example, that Fye wants to die. So maybe his happy ending would be he dying.


      • In RG Veda, I think the only ones to get a happy ending are ashura and yasha… and possibly Kendappa, who planned her “moves” from the start. But all other “stars” didn’t get what they wanted (Ryuu, Soma and the bird lady). Nor the other ones, when we come down to it.

        Of course, I was overjoyed AshuYa ended up “well” but at what cost?
        To tell the truth, I was so taken by the 10th volume, that I read it all in one time… and thought I would throw up in the end ^^;;;;;
        But still I love this series. How’s that for a paradox XD


        • Well, it depends…

          Yes, Ashura, Yasha and Kendappa clearly ended happily, but also Taishakuten, who did what he promised to his loved one, and Kujaku too, he killed himself in order to break Ashura’s seal. I think he was happy enough for doing it as he did on his own free will ^^

          Ryu-ou had one of the most tragic deaths, IMO. Killed by his very best friend, but I think that he was happy during the time he spent with Ashura, and he died smiling ^^”””””

          Karura-ou, I think she was happy too because she would finally be able to meet her sister again.

          As for Souma, I think at first she was surprised by Kendappa’s act, but she wouldn’t be able to survive without her anyway, so Taishakuten killed her in order to Souma join Kendappa in heaven, or wherever they are XD

          I know what you mean by vol. 10, it is BEAUTIFUL, a CLAMP masterpiece, definitely ^^


          • I don’t think the ending was quite that happy for Taishakuten, because throughout the manga, especially in the end, when he was dealing with Kendappa and her choice to follow Sohma in death, he stated how painful it is to be alive without the loved one. But he had to stay alive, even after the big fight against Ashura, because he had somewhat let Yasha in charge.
            I mean, he could have gotten rid of Yasha who had been wounded by Ashura, then would have continued his fight with Ashura. Then he would have either died (and it was fine by him, to go to Ashura-papa) either won, keeping his promise to Ashura-papa (and certainly following him in death afterwards). But instead of all that, he trusted Yasha, and Ashura’s and his love, even though the price he had to pay was to stay alive to keep his promise to Ashura-papa as long as possible (to make sure Ashura-son would not turn into the destruction god).

            As for Kujaku, I agree that he had what he wanted, that is, to witness that an unwanted child could be loved too, and that destiny could be turned.
            *crosses fingers for a similar philosophy in X ending, with less deaths, please*

            For Karura-oh, I think it’s 50/50. She wanted to avenge her sister’s death, but maybe she harboured a death wish too, because she might have felt guilty for not being able to protect her. Moreover, she might well have been very conscious of her inferiority to Taishaku’s powers.

            For Sohma, I think that she, along Ryu, were the ones to have bad endings. Ryuu was in for adventure and friendship and was rewarded with a kind of betrayal, even though he accepted it in the end, he had not followed the troop to meet his end. Sohma wanted revenge, had nothing but betrayal for reasons she couldn’t grasp (I think). Kendappa’s death was triggered by Sohma’s death, which was inevitable in Kendappa’s opinion because she wouldn’t have been able to bear living with Taishaku unpunished. So Sohma would have died one way or the other, so K. wanted somewhat to be the one to do it, and then follow. It’s a very vicious circle between these two and a pity that K. didn’t believe in her friends to win over Taishaku.


      • Actually, in the rayearth manga, IMHO Hikaru was a tad too young to really harbour romantic feelings. She did blush a lot, but I don’t think it’s because she faced the loved one(s). And clearly, in the end, while talking to Lantis, she turns her sentence, “I like you” into “I like everyone”.

        But of course, it’s likely her heart will turn with the years *wink*


  5. zomg!:
    -Ashura-ou will wake up soon and the next country the gang will land is Celes.

    -CLAMP mentioned again that Tsubasa will have a Happy Ending. Although there might be a character (or more than one) who won’t have a Happy Ending (ohohoh~). However, CLAMP’s concept of “Happy Ending” is unusual…

    i knew it! ,clamp will kill someone!! T-T; oh oh! i can’t wait to see Fais reaction when they land on Celes, omg
    he will be like “*noes*,NEXT!,next world plz >_


    • Of course you can friend me, there’s no need to ask ^__^

      Very nice to meet you, thanks for lurking around !

      >Celes? OMG. I don’t know if I’m liking this but… damn. :S

      hahaha I do wanna see it xD It’ll get very Fye-centric, which is always good ^^

      >How can they spoil that?

      I thought that too… I think it won’t take long for that to happen, so it’s not such a BIG thing to be revealed, more like an exclusive scoop of what’s going to happen, for those who attended to the event (I think they deserve it ^^)


  6. *___* Celes!?!? will it be the next world!? but this is fantastic!! ^_____^
    I just hope the ones who will not have a happy end are not Subaru and Seishirou!! ç_____ç they already HAD an unhappy end! >


    • ISN’T IT? ^___^ I always wondered if we would ever see Celes or Nihon, I’m glad we will !

      >I just hope the ones who will not have a happy end are not Subaru and Seishirou!! ç_____ç they already HAD an unhappy end! >

      Remember when CLAMP said that in TRC, the characters might get a second chance or being happy? Who knows, then ^^


      • Remember when CLAMP said that in TRC, the characters might get a second chance or being happy? Who knows, then ^^

        A second chance????!!!!

        My poor Ashu and Yasha!!!!!!!!!
        Even though their first ending was supposed to have been a happy one, how could they end up like that TT____TT
        Unless that was what we had escaped from the first time… ^^;;;


      • but I’m always afraid because I don’t trust Clamp… perhaps when they will finish X and TRC with a serious happy end for Subaru and Seishirou I will give them more trust! XDD


    • >they already HAD an unhappy end!

      *adds* twice (._.Uu

      If Seishirou won’t be nice to Subaru this time I’m going to seriously erase the Seishirou x Subaru pairing from my head and stick to Kamui x Subaru (which is CUTE ♥)


  7. >-Ashura-ou will wake up soon and the next country the gang will land is Celes.

    At last! I can’t wait to see that! That also mean that the end of the series come closer.

    >-CLAMP mentioned again that Tsubasa will have a Happy Ending. Although there might be a character (or more than one) who won’t have a Happy Ending (ohohoh~). However, CLAMP’s concept of “Happy Ending” is unusual, the person said that during RG Veda’s time, CLAMP also said that it would have a Happy Ending xD

    The characters who die in Rg Veda wouldn’t have been happy in the end of the series’s new world or were happy to give up there lives to accomplish it. It was the best end they could do without trashing logic and commun sense.

    For Tsubasa, it doesn’t have to mean one of the protagonist will die, though they could; Fay might continue his wondering from one world to another (he was the one suppose to end up with Mokona in the original deal) never setteling himself anywhere, never attaching himself to anyone, he won’t be happy, but he won’t be dead.


    • (he was the one suppose to end up with Mokona in the original deal)

      Sorry for intruding but… the original deal? When was that?

      I really think they have to resolve the Ashura issue and, if that the case, Fay won’t need to run from one world to another. But I really don’t know what come next. ^^;


    • >At last! I can’t wait to see that! That also mean that the end of the series come closer.

      I know ! And yeah, it’ll be one more thing that we can scratch at the “what’s left to happen” list ^^

      >The characters who die in Rg Veda wouldn’t have been happy in the end of the series’s new world or were happy to give up there lives to accomplish it. It was the best end they could do without trashing logic and commun sense.

      Definitely. That’s why I said that their concept of Happy Ending is a bit different than the ordinary xDDDD

      And I don’t know, I’m placing all my bets for Fye’s death… or maybe Kurogane, you know, it’ll be like those very tragic and sad scenes when he finally realizes the meaning of strength, and then he dies happily XDDDDD


      • And I don’t know, I’m placing all my bets for Fye’s death

        Meanie TT____TT

        But sadly, it would not be that illogical. Fye finally getting the strength to stop fleeing and face whatever he has to face… and giving his life for it… I can’t believe I wrote that TT_____TT


  8. HOSHIT. Kurogane will die. I know it. They always get the honest ones and the ones who seek revenge.

    I really hope those weren’t the only questions they asked. Because while I’m not so high on X these days, if nobody EVER asks spoilers about that one and it was All About Tsubasa, the fandom should smack a bitch for that.


    • I kinda agree with you. Either he or Fye, IMO, will die until the end. Most likely Kurogane because we weren’t expecting that and it would turn Fye into Subaru new version xD

      >I really hope those weren’t the only questions they asked.

      No, probably not ^^ It was a really short report, and I found it in a Tsubasa-related BBS, so they posted only the Tsubasa-related things ^^ I hope we can see more of it on the web-radio, when they’ll cover the event ^^


      • Fay as Subaru’s new version? God, I hope not. ^^

        Then Kurogane would have a happy ending but Fay wouldn’t, right? I don’t know, I think is more plausible for Fay to die and for Kurogane to kill him because he made the promise to do it. But this way Fay will have the good end (since he wants to die) and Kuro won’t.

        The true is that I have no idea.


        • >Then Kurogane would have a happy ending but Fay wouldn’t, right?

          It’s a possibility ^__^ Or Fye gets killed and be happy, and Kurogane is the unhappy one (for having Fye dead).


    • Kurogane is the only character (except Mokona, poor dear) that I still like in Tsubasa. Therefore, he’s dead meat.

      Ya-ay. D:

      … no, really, I think it’s better if I keep my expectations low.


      • >Kurogane is the only character (except Mokona, poor dear) that I still like in Tsubasa. Therefore, he’s dead meat.

        HAHAHA There was another person who said that she always had this curse that her favorite character ALWAYS dies in the end, and therefore, Fye would die xDDDD

        We just have this “tendency” of falling in love with the ones that have a ticket to Heaven in their pockets xD


        • We just have this “tendency” of falling in love with the ones that have a ticket to Heaven in their pockets xD

          It’s worse when you think it’s all over and *then* they die… I’m still bitter about that last death in RG Veda. T_T


  9. Hi, I’ve been lurking here for quite a long time and yet I never thanked you for your reports, spoilers and news .__. I feel guilty .__. Anyway, I’m planning to change that since I finally started using my lj in other ways that randomly posting boring stuff.
    Still far from my point, which is:

    OMGOMGOMG!!! CELES!!! *spazz* Thanks for this news! I’m so excited!
    And afraid… I don’t want Kurogane to die but I have to agree- he’s the most possible target of CLAMP’s “affection” 😦


    • >Hi, I’ve been lurking here for quite a long time and yet I never thanked you for your reports, spoilers and news .__. I feel guilty .__.

      Awwww X333 Thanks for lurking around all this time… but don’t feel guilty ! I’m happy you were reading my LJ either way ^__^

      You’re welcome for the news ! I was very happy to find that out too (and sadly, I think Kurogane and/or Fye is CLAMP’s next target too =\


  10. I think my angst-o-meter just skyrocketed. *tries very hard not to squee* But if they’re going to Celes that must mean we’re near the end, right? 😦

    Also, pretty interesting tidbit about CLAMP’s concept of a happy ending. Guess they want to say that whether it’s “happy” or “unhappy” depends pretty much on one’s point of view. that sounded very star wars-y now 😀

    But please, don’t let any of the main characters bite the dust, PLEASE. DDDDD:

    Thanks for the info! ♥


    • >But if they’re going to Celes that must mean we’re near the end, right? 😦

      Most likely ^_____^ (sorry for the smile !!! But I really wanna see the end .__.)

      Now there’s one less thing left to be solved ^^

      >Guess they want to say that whether it’s “happy” or “unhappy” depends pretty much on one’s point of view. that sounded very star wars-y now 😀

      If it sounded Star Wars, I do not know (because I never saw none of them XDD), but you are definitely right. Happiness variates from person to person ^^

      You’re welcome ! ♥


      • >>>If it sounded Star Wars, I do not know (because I never saw none of them XDD)

        Oh, you haven’t? O_O Well, this is one of the infamous lines from it. 😀

        Also, I almost missed the info about holic and TRC ending at the same time!! 🙂 I say we could see that coming, but it’s still nice to have it confirmed. ^^


        • I haven’t XD I know, I’m a weirdo xD But I never found it appealing :S

          >Also, I almost missed the info about holic and TRC ending at the same time!! 🙂 I say we could see that coming, but it’s still nice to have it confirmed. ^^

          Definitely nice to get a confirmation ^__^


    • >after I read some of Clamp’s story, the story who had actually a happy ending is CCS

      Yeah XDDDDDD Chobits and MKR had quite happy endings too. By happy ending I mean the one that people are “used” to (not RG Veda’s kind of Happy Ending xDD)


  11. Well, according to an ancient curse that was cast on me when I was born and that has never left me and has no cure…My favourite character will die, obviously! ç__ç It always happens ! (I could mention a thousand series, books, movies where this happened!). So, I place my bet on Fay…

    …I was kidding (not so much…), and I really really hope that TRC’s ending won’t break my heart too much! (and it’s hoped in vain, I know! ç_ç)

    And now…I’m preparing myself to face Celes, its dark revelations and its flood of angst! è_é


    • >Well, according to an ancient curse that was cast on me when I was born and that has never left me and has no cure…My favourite character will die, obviously! ç__ç It always happens !

      HAHAHAHAHA I’m sorry for you ^^””” Fye, then? Yeah, I think so too (either he or Kurogane)


  12. grr… kamui better appear again soon…

    lol RG veda is a happy ending? how odd… I would call endings from suki daisuki and cardcaptor sakura happy, if not sappy… but RG veda??? sigh, still mourning over kujyaku


      • >Ahaha, if not sappy, yeah XD Chobits would probably enter in the same cathegory ^^

        Oh yeah, totally forgot about that one. The ending was horrible compared to the body. so Hideki is just going to love Chi… yeah the human population is going to dissapere, and chi will be very sad when hideki grows-old like 50?- then becomes love affair with a person that looks like a kid.

        And another unsatisfactory ending was Wish. So Kohaku is going so sleep a hundred years EVERYTIME the guy dies and tell him who he is and their old relationship… not very promising future.

        what’s worse X, clover, and Gohou Drug are not done and legend of Chunnhan(?) doesn’t have an ending…


        • Clover’s end, as far as Suu is concerned was definitely NOT a happy endinf, even though she got what she wanted. That’s all this is about for clamp, isn’t it. You get what you want but you pay the price (May Yuuko be an avatar of Ohkawa?).

          Just like Terry Pratchett said in one of his books, “be careful what you wish for, you never know who might be listening!”
          If it’s Clamp… XDDD


          • Maybe not for Kazuhiko, yeah, but Suu surely died happy, she said so herself. Being alone her entire life, and finally being able to love someone was enough for her. Yeah, that’s CLAMP, and we all love them xD


            • lol we all love them, and love them enough to let them tease us on yaoi… and leave some of their work incomplete. >.<

              It's totally clamp's fault that I can read yaoi. I started to read cardcaptor sakura and freaked out about touya/yukito pairing lol. that was… 2-3 years ago? wow time sure flys by


          • Yeah, But I want Clover’s ending! well not ending but book 5&6. It’s on hitaus~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! along with guhou drug and X.

            I want X!!!!! *sob* the least clamp can do is bring the vampires back or start a new series with them. (Does Code Geass count for kamui?– that is given that the Anime people don’t screw him)

            *sigh* I still would pay the price if I can have magic— well still depends on what *KIND* of price. i do not wish to be crippled or dead in any way. ^_____^


          • maybe, but I highly doubt it. plus I don’t like Hideki… stupid perv. k, the only character I really like in chobits is Freya ——-who’s stuck in chi, although I don’t really like the fact that she fell in love with that perv from angelic layer. Omg, Persocoms are attracted to pervs! O____O


  13. Oh boy…(Faye + Celes) x Ashura-ou = mucho, mucho angst. :O

    But hopefully CLAMP will finally begin to explain some of Faye’s background. I’ve been waiting for some sort of explaination since he first showed up!


  14. >He’s going to be all “Yeah okay, Mokana get all dokidoki PRONTO PLSKTHX!”

    Yes he will XD But I wonder if Ashura will wake up when they are still in Infinity? He’ll surely notice if he does (Chii would probably let him know)

    About Kurogane, definitely ! He’s already dead *kidding xDDDDDD*


  15. Happy ending, eh? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!

    And Celes? Fay—>Celes—>Past of Fay !!! I don’t want to know Fay’s past. Because I’m gonna cry a tsunami of tears. Just knowing I will know it make me cry!!


  16. -Ashura-ou will wake up soon and the next country the gang will land is Celes.I was waiting for this!** Even if I know I’ll cry a lot…ç___çHappy Ending? I’m scared now, really!°°


  17. WHAT??? O__o
    But… That’s not possible! Fay PAID Yuuko “to never return home”!!! O__o
    Ok, that can mean two things…
    -something horrible is gonna happen in Infinity, something that will make Fay change his wish or something…
    -Ohkawa forgot that fact… XD

    Ouch… If RG Veda has an happy ending, what will be of the one(s) that will get the not-happy ending…? T___T

    I hope that the Ashura-Celes thing doesn’t relate with the character(s) with a not-happy ending… O___O

    …happy new year, Ohkawa-sensei… -___-


    • As I said to …

      The price for the individual wishes was too much. Combined, they were all able to sacrifice their most important possession for Mokona, through whom they could all, in a way, eventually achieve their original wishes.


  18. Wa~~ I can’t wait to see Ashura Ou awaken!!! Wa~ Wa~ XDDDD
    I wanna see Celes, wa~ wa~ XDDDD

    >>However, CLAMP’s concept of “Happy Ending” is unusual, the person said that during RG Veda’s time, CLAMP also said that it would have a Happy Ending

    Yeah, I also questioned their version of happy ending, but I agree RG Veda can be count as happy ending (at least Ashura and Yasha are happy though Souma, Kantaba, and others has a tragic end..). *sweat*


  19. I really hope this “Happy Ending” BE happy ending…

    Ashura-ou will wake up soon and the next country the gang will land is Celes.

    Yay, I cannot wait for this xD… Fye’s “dark past” will be revelated. /o/


  20. ohh noooo!!!!

    OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!
    Is too much for my heart.
    1.- Celes ohh will Know about Fai Past i’m scary about Ashura O Awakes ohh no i don¡t want Fye Dies NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
    2.- Happy endings i’ll hope that could be for the 5 characters (including CSyao) Pliss !!!
    3.- a prey: all mighty Clamp who lives in Tokio’s heaven don’t kill them amen.


  21. -Ashura-ou will wake up soon and the next country the gang will land is Celes

    I hope that finally we know fay’s past O.O That will be very interesting.

    -the person said that during RG Veda’s time, CLAMP also said that it would have a Happy Ending xD

    If that’s a happy ending I don’t want to know what is a sad ending XD Well… at least in RG Veda Ashura and Yasha finished together forever, that’s the happy ending, sacrifices doesn’t matter XD

    For now I will wait for new news ^_^ Thanks Chibi Yuuto-san


    • If we don’t learn about Fye’s past now, we’ll never do XDDD THIS is the perfect time ever ^^

      >If that’s a happy ending I don’t want to know what is a sad ending XD

      LOL I know !! I’m starting to get used to it, RG Veda really HAD a Happy Ending if you think about it. It’s just very hard to see it ^^

      You’re welcome Hikaru-san !


      • -THIS is the perfect time ever ^^

        Yeah I’m agree ^^

        -RG Veda really HAD a Happy Ending if you think about it. It’s just very hard to see it ^^

        Yeah I know. In RG Veda the main characters have a happy ending and the wish of Ashura-ou was granted, it is not enough?. Also, Ashura and Yasha fought against their destiny and they won. And about the other stars…well not everybody can be happy, that will be bored ¬¬


      • BTW…

        -CLAMP specified that only one character will not have a happy ending

        That is even more interesting, Who will be the winner? ^o^

        – Tsubasa and XXXHOLiC’s climaxes will happen at the same time, meaning they’ll end together.

        That’s something that one can expect. Since Tsubasa and HOLiC start together they will end on the same way. Also it justifies why HOLiC is slow now u_u and tsubasa faster XD


  22. Fay IS DYING.
    Tells you the girl with TEH CURSE OF THE FAVORITE CHARACTERS.
    Really, all my favorite characters end up BAD D: (and I’ve recently discovered it.. OHNOES I jinx my faves! xO)

    Either that OR he’ll end up miserable forever and ever. And I think I’d rather have DYING


    • … my point exactly! ç___ç
      Gosh, everytime I love a character, he dies! O__o
      I keep repeating to friends “Noooo Fay and Kurogane will die because they’re my favorites!” since…ehr… chapter 3.T___T


      • and reading all of the comments, it’s most likely Fay will definitely die D:

        OR, CLAMP will decide to go against the mob and kill somebody else XD

        (and I don’t know why, but I strongly doubt that Kurogane will die. Something tells me he has other plans for the future. Dunno)


    • Hahaha, I laughed so hard when someone else said the same thing !! XDDDD I’m sorry to hear that you are also a cursed child .__. xDDD

      >And I agree, this feels like the end is near :O and is not the end by Lemony Snicket xD /random

      YES IT DOES *very excited!* But what do you mean by Lemony Snicket’s end? Did he prank you all? XD


      • Whoa! Soon enough there’ll be plenty of us and we shall form “The Order of the Cursed Fangirls” and we will be more lethal than the Death Eaters 8D

        XDD No, it’s just that last year, since the series of books was ending, they were constantly reminding us that THE END WAS COMING, so, it kinda changed my way of thinking about “The end” XD;;;

        *reads edit*

        Only one character? ‘TIS FAY!

        About the series ending at the same time, I think it was a bit expected and really cool, but it also makes me sad that we will be left without 2 series to follow, at the same time D: but yeah! bring on the end! XD

        Random: “Hey Waiter! I want a Black Mokona, please!”


  23. I figured it was only a matter of time before this happened: Fai wanted to avoid Celes so very badly and he’s obviously quite afraid of Ashura. CLAMP wouldn’t have kept emphasizing that if there weren’t going to be a “payoff.”

    It will be interesting to see what will happen, especially since Fai is now half as powerful and a vampire.


    • I’m really curious to know Fye’s reaction. I think he’ll panic inside but he won’t freak out O.o

      >It will be interesting to see what will happen, especially since Fai is now half as powerful and a vampire.

      Hum… yeah o.o I don’t think Ashura-ou is a threat for Fye, though o.o


  24. > Ashura-ou will wake up soon and the next country the gang will land is Celes.

    I think I just died. I knew something like this would pop up after we saw one of Fye’s flashbacks. I so cannot wait.


  25. -Ashura-ou will wake up soon and the next country the gang will land is Celes.

    can’t wait to read that! XD

    -CLAMP mentioned again that Tsubasa will have a Happy Ending. Although there might be a character (or more than one) who won’t have a Happy Ending (ohohoh~). However, CLAMP’s concept of “Happy Ending” is unusual, the person said that during RG Veda’s time, CLAMP also said that it would have a Happy Ending xD
    Happy Ending, eh?
    I wonder who will have the happy one & the sad one? XD


    • What I’m curious about, is to see what kind of sad ending they mean. We’ve seen that even “death” can bring happiness to some of their characters, so I wonder what terrible thing can make a character to have a sad ending. Probably losing his/hers most-loved person? O.o


      • O.o
        Duh! *slapforehead* I just realize that! ^^;;
        How can I forgot about it? XDDDD

        yeah, it maybe one of those CLAMP weird “sad” ending. 😀

        believe it or not, I’m still can’t believe RG Veda ending. it just too shocking. ^^;;


  26. -Ashura-ou will wake up soon and the next country the gang will land is Celes.
    wow! really!? really really!? that’s …great? i don’t know 😛 but that’s definitely exciting XD

    -CLAMP mentioned again that Tsubasa will have a Happy Ending. Although there might be a character (or more than one) who won’t have a Happy Ending (ohohoh~). However, CLAMP’s concept of “Happy Ending” is unusual, the person said that during RG Veda’s time, CLAMP also said that it would have a Happy Ending xD
    my guess would be one of the Syaorans… 🙂

    thanks for the…spoilers, chibiyuuto-kun~ ^^


    • Fye and Syaoran are the targets of the japanese fans too, they think either one of them is gonna end up badly =\

      I’m really excited and looking forward to Celes now *-*


  27. All of these revilations are so very interesting and I’m also betting that poor old Fye is the one with the not so happy ending…as to Clamp’s concept of a ‘happy ending’ considering how bad RG veda got that ending (sad though it was) could be construed as a positive thing…this leaves a world of possibility for how angsty Tsubasa will get in the future.

    Oh and the gang landing in Celes…am I the only one who smells Fye backstory??


    • >this leaves a world of possibility for how angsty Tsubasa will get in the future.

      That’s true… it is already very angst, and I think it’ll get even more o.o

      >…am I the only one who smells Fye backstory??

      Not at all ^^ I think Fye’s backstory is just about to begin, finally ^^


  28. There is something wrong in there : Fye wished to [b]never return[/b] to his world and go live elsewhere, and payed the price for it to Yuuko!!
    So, yeah, it ended up being a ‘shared’ wish between the four of them, but still, Fye is not supposed to never ever go there!!! Can we conclude that Ashura is more powerful then the witch of the dimensions and, when he woke up, forcefully attracted him to his dimension…? Or is there simply a feather in there and it was inevitable to get in Celes?
    But I was very surprised Clamp talked so much o.O Does that count as their New Year gift to their fans ^__^ ?
    As for the ‘happy ending’…beware of Clamp’s words…especially if they added afterwards “Although there might be a character (or more than one) who won’t have a Happy Ending (ohohoh~)”….and I really don’t think it was about FWR ^^;; *scary*


    • The price for the individual wishes was too much. Combined, they were all able to sacrifice their most important possession for Mokona, through whom they could all, in a way, eventually achieve their original wishes.


    • -san has a very nice justification to what you thought it was a mistake (I thought it was too xD)

      >But I was very surprised Clamp talked so much o.O Does that count as their New Year gift to their fans ^__^ ?

      Indeed they said a lot ! XD It probably means that it won’t take long to happen ^^ Because everybody but Ohkawa knows what’s gonna happen with the story only a bit earlier than we do. Also, they wouldn’t give away something that will take months to happen, or so I think ^^


  29. -Ashura-ou will wake up soon and the next country the gang will land is Celes.

    -CLAMP mentioned again that Tsubasa will have a Happy Ending. Although there might be a character (or more than one) who won’t have a Happy Ending (ohohoh~). However, CLAMP’s concept of “Happy Ending” is unusual, the person said that during RG Veda’s time, CLAMP also said that it would have a Happy Ending xD

    Alex!!! you don’t know how much I love you when you post this kind of newsbits ^_________________~

    Not only for the Celes part but for the ‘not happy ending’, ahahahah, Clamp’s definition of ‘happy’ is two twisted 😀

    *dies in excitement*


    • Su-chan !!! I was waiting for you comment ^___^ You are the one Fye fan I know ! ^____^

      I was utterly happy to find that out ! And it feels like the end is in sight ^___^

      >Clamp’s definition of ‘happy’ is two twisted 😀

      HAHAHA And We ALL love it XDDDDDDDD It’s so precious


    • >infinity, you’re not infinite. shoo. CELES *__*

      HAHAHAHA I SECOND THAT XDDD Bring the nice clothes to Celes and everything will be just fine xD

      The people at the BBS were saying that it’ll take only 2 or 3 weeks O__o I hope they are right!


  30. gawwwd

    Thank you so much for letting us know this! it only makes us get more excited XDDDD… ._. yeah I know one or two have to die, I’m not sure if kurogane will die if we count what he asked to yuuko as his wish to return to home…but he still has to know the meaning of strenght so, maybe he could die protecting fai/sakura/syaoran 9_9 so he’d know.. or other thing but everyone’s betting on fai….I know one of the main characters has to die so I already know I’ll cry with tsubasa’s ending since I luv all of the main characters (except the one who started everything 9_9;; that old man)

    clamp has no common sense for what a happy ending is to anyone XD.

    But I’ll be waiting for celes! I wanna know more about like….EVERYTHING! XD FAI FAI FAI’S PAST…*dies*

    See ya soon! take care chibi yuuto-sama! x3


    • Re: gawwwd

      You’re welcome ! I hope this year will be full of climaxes ^^

      I also think that when Kurogane realizes the meaning of strength, he could even die and he won’t care. To me, if somebody is gonna die, it’s either Fye or Kurogane.

      See ya, minaya-san!


  31. Celes!? I’m sure a giant number of people out there are wishing for Infinity to end. And I’m one of them.:DD

    CLAMP’s ‘happy ending’ usually isn’t considered happy by normal standars…but they’re quite abnormal to begin with.XD

    Mind if I post this piece of info somewhere else?


    • I’m also one of them xD The people also said that it’s not gonna take more than 2/3 weeks…I’m not sure about it that’s why I didn’t post.

      >Mind if I post this piece of info somewhere else?

      Not at all !! If you link me back, I’d really appreciate it ^^


  32. Thanks alot for sharing chibiyuuto.
    Excited that the next country is celes and that Ashura-ou will wake soon. However, if i remember, Ashura-ou was just a bit ill tempered at times, but generally a gentle character, i doubt he’ll be vicious:/*hopes* lol
    What worries me more is the “some may not have a happy ending” -_- this better not refer subaru…the poor dear.
    Generally their idea of happy is just the two main characters being together (rg veda…-_-) So cruel…*sigh*
    *hugs* thanks again


    • However, if i remember, Ashura-ou was just a bit ill tempered at times, but generally a gentle character, i doubt he’ll be vicious:/*hopes* lol

      That is very true, and I cling desperately to that, but don’t forget that the true nature of the Ashura family is the God of Destruction (rebirth, but destruction first!) ^^;;;
      Ashura-papa was able to control his true nature but he had been doing all he could so that his son didn’t end up the recipient of the family “curse” (for all the good it did :p … well he ended up in Taishaku-ten’s bed, but for the rest XD)


    • >However, if i remember, Ashura-ou was just a bit ill tempered at times, but generally a gentle character, i doubt he’ll be vicious:/*hopes* lol

      Same here…. Fye probably got disappointed A LOT with him… but I don’t think he’s a threat for Fye, not even that he wants to kill Fye.


  33. I wonder why so many people think that the series is drawing to the end. I thought I read that it was very closely related to xxxholic and that one doesn’t seem to be drawing… anywhere ^^;;;


      • I’m friending you, hope you don’t mind =)

        And you’ve got a very lovely Fai icon and I love your current layout. Thanks for sharing the wallpaper version, it’s sitting on my desktop now *grins*

        I like your previous Syaoran layout and Doumeki layout which you made for too. You are really good with them =D


        • No, of course I don’t mind if you friend me ^__^ I’d be very glad, actually !

          >And you’ve got a very lovely Fai icon and I love your current layout. Thanks for sharing the wallpaper version, it’s sitting on my desktop now *grins*

          Aww X33 thank you ! For both liking my layout/icon and for taking the wallpaper >.I like your previous Syaoran layout and Doumeki layout which you made for ladydarkmoon too. You are really good with them =D

          Waaah, thank you so much ! *bows and blushes* =^^=


  34. Omg! This piece of info sounds sooo interesting =3, I’m not agree with something.. why everybody says the end is coming? when we saw Kurorin’s past in that book shaoran got into.. the end was not close even though we saw his past, not in his country and only shaoran saw it, but it was because of that..that shaoran discovered who was kuro’s mother murderer ;P! maybe if the group travel to Celes they discover something about Fye’s past and about that oddly character under the water..the one that is with fye in one of the covers or wallpapers.. maybe there is a feather in celes! but all this thing doesn’t mean is the end.. OK? (Im so sorry i was a little pissed off ¬¬”… also because CLAMP will give a happy “but no so happy” ending to TRC T_T that is so sad…u.u) Thank you for the info Chibi Yuuto! cyas, Kishiu~


    • >why everybody says the end is coming? when we saw Kurorin’s past in that book shaoran got into.. the end was not close even though we saw his past

      Yeah but we all knew that SOMEDAY they would have to tell Fye’s story too… so that was added to the “Before TRC ends, these things will have to happen first” list ^^” Now that we are gonna see it, it’ll be one thing less to be told. The list also has “meeting Seishirou again, and solve his situation with Subaru”, for example… xD


  35. =O~

    Wow, I can’t wait for the Celes!arc. Really, that’s one I’d like to see last a while Unlike Acid!Tokyo. *COUGH* Can’t wait to find out more about Fai’s past, as a lot of others have said.

    Though I wonder, am I the only one who thinks Fei Wong Reed is the one who won’t get his happy ending? I guess that might sound a bit too predictable for CLAMP, you know, OMGDEFEATTHEBADGUYZ and all…but…they said his wish is something impossible to grant, right? And that’s why he wants the feathers? I can’t imagine them bending the rules to let him get what he wants. =/

    Somehow, irregardless of who of the main cast is most likely to die (Fai or Kurogane…>>), I can’t picture the ending really being “happy” unless the main four (five with Mokona) characters are all alive, since one of the big things was how they call became closer to each other and became a “family”. They’re just having a little spat now, really. *bricked*

    I don’t know. I’m rambling now and I think my idea sounds really corny. =D;;;


    • Though I wonder, am I the only one who thinks Fei Wong Reed is the one who won’t get his happy ending?

      You’re giving me hopes ;_;. *loves you* (yeah, we fangirls have tons of love to share…)

      Thanks a lot for this, chibiyuuto-san ^–^.


  36. Chibiyuuto san i want to thank you and ask your permission to publicate your news with another two forums one of them you already Knows is Crossed destinies and the other is a forum whwere i translate Ouran Host Club from english to spanish and have a miniforum of Clamp I’ll hope it doesn’t bother you and become my friend… greetings from Chile!!!


  37. Ah, I have nothing to say about this but O_______O !!!

    In my opinion, either Real!Syao or Clone!Syao will have an unhappy ending.
    Once Yuuko had said, when she receive two eggs from Sakura, that there are something shouldn’t have two versions, but Feiwang did it to the eggs and also ‘that kid’ – which she talked about Syaoran.

    Correct me if I’m wrong.
    I’m excited to know what CLAMP is gonna do with Tsu, and how Tsu &Xholic end together!


    • Yeah, she said it was “the same” with that kid(s) O.o Maybe yeah… I’m uncertain about clone!Syaoran’s future. Will he die and make Sakura unhappy? Or will he “come back to normal” and things will be perfect again? How’s he gonna come back to normal if he has no heart? (Or so we think…)


  38. THANK YOU! OMG All of this news is making me very very excited *_*

    I really wonder who that one character is going to be though and if talk about the endings is just to keep the fans happy or if it means that the series might be coming to an end sometime soon O.O


  39. Well, now that we know what CLAMP’s idea of a “happy ending” is, I can say with confidence that Tsubasa will not end with everyone in the world dying! 😀 …okay, yeah, I guess if you think about it in a certain way (i.e. for a select few characters, a few more if you consider it from some unusual angles, and the general populous you, the reader, never think about) RG Veda’s ending is happy, but it certainly doesn’t follow the normal idea of what a happy ending is.

    For just one character, though…my instincts are saying one of the Syaorans, since it’s hard to think of an ending that would be happy for both of them. But who knows, maybe CLAMP are being cheap and mean Fei-Wang Reed.

    Now excuse me while I go spaz about Celes coming up.


    • >RG Veda’s ending is happy, but it certainly doesn’t follow the normal idea of what a happy ending is.

      DEFINITELY ! One must have a very open mind, and be able see BEYOND, in order to understand RG Veda’s ending. I love it ^___^


  40. o.O ashura-ou….hm…i think it good. I want to know more about fai and his past.
    I think its so clearly that the person with the non-happy end (my english is not good…I don’t know how I can call it XD”) can only be fai.

    hm…I want a fight between fai + kurogane with ashura-ou *o* I don’t know why…but I want it XD”


  41. KYAH!!! FAI’S WORLD!!! I was just talking about this with my friend and I SO said next (soon at least) on the list was Fai’s world and she was all nuh-uh! And I was like wanna bet? So hopefully I’m about to make 10 bucks soon…
    Thank you so much for the report chibiyuuto-san!


  42. Somehow i knew that Tsubasa and xxxHOLiC were going to end together. Wonder if they’re going to combine the volumes?

    Could the person with the not so happy ending be FWR? (hahaha, wishful thinking). Looking forward to it. Did they mention how many volumes are left?


    • I had suspected that XXXHOLiC and Tsubasa would end if not together, at least close to each other, too.

      We know that XXXHOLiC will play a big part in TRC, so. I think XXXHOLiC will have like half of the tanks that TRC will have… and the last one for both series, I think, will definitely be released together.


  43. OHMYGAWD.*screams* Hhdaf;hmjdghegfd;harjg kfa;
    Although now I’m thinking that Fay is going to be the one with the not-so-happy ending.


  44. Something tells me that that ONE character that won’t have a happy ending will be Clone Syaoran or the other Syaoran- taken that both love Sakura. UNLESS! Sakura didn’t mind having twins for lovers! ;D I wouldn’t! (but I would prefer Kuroganes– even if I adore Fye, he’s too bishie for my female taste— then again, he belongs to Kuro hohoho!)
    Thanks for sharing!
    ZOMG THEY LAND ON CELES? I definately can’t wait for Ashura-ou to wake up! TEH ANGST!


  45. I can’t beleive it!!! Just a few days not online and I missed such an important news.

    I can’t sleep, OMG, (too excited), next chapter willl tell us what happen to Syaoran, and the Next(x?) one tell us about Fay’s past, but please don’t end so soon yet, things is jus getting hot…

    & please dun give Syaoran (both) an unhappy eneding…


  46. hello! I found your journal recently when i searched for something about tsubasa! Thanks a lot for the updates on all the clamp stuff 🙂

    though right now, reading this, i get sad:

    CLAMP specified that only one character will not have a happy ending (I wasn’t so sure about it before, sorry ^^”)

    oh nooooooooooooooooooo. Don`t let it be Fei or Kurogane *sniffles*

    Is it okay to friend your journal to stay updated about Clamp? (I just got into it recently ^^)


  47. -Ashura-ou will wake up soon and the next country the gang will land is Celes.
    ZOMG! that is so spoiler! LOL now… its hitsuzen again, isnt it. finally we can see a lot, or maybe all of fay’s life and secret. *thirst for more action and in fangirl mode :P*

    -CLAMP mentioned again that Tsubasa will have a Happy Ending.
    oooh… happy ending… XDD

    – CLAMP specified that only one character will not have a happy ending
    NOOOOO!!!! sob.. sob.. i cant think of anybody… maybe real syaoran? or sakura?

    -Tsubasa and XXXHOLiC’s climaxes will happen at the same time
    i knew it! both of the series are so deeply linked to each other. but, there will be lesser volumes from holic… T_T

    – The drink served at the event was called “Kuroi Mokona” (Black Mokona).
    wow! kuroi mokona even has its own name on the drink! but… why not yuko..? LOL

    – According to Satsuki’s column, there will be more events throughout Japan during this year, including ones outside Tokyo.
    ahh… they’ll be very busy then… bless them.. working hard and having more events.

    thanks for the report! new spoilers lol… oh well..

    Luna 😀


  48. I don’t think either. I think it’ll be more than 21, as we already knew, but less than 30. At the least 25 and at the max, 28, I’d say.

    They are probably release 4 Character Guides, and if each of them covers 7 volumes (as numbers 1 and 2 did), then we’ll have a total of 28 volumes in the end.


  49. I’m guessing that the one who won’t have a happy ending is real!Shao. I don’t think Kuro and Fai can be happy without each other (of course, this doesn’t mean that neither of them will die, CLAMP may well kill them both and call that “happy”). Sakura is simply Sakura, and if she is not happy, there can be no happy ending. Clone!Shao is out of the question IMHO, because he was the original protagonist and he is not really responsible for what he’s been doing lately. Real!Shao, on the other hand, has been going on and on about how he wants to get back something, even though he knows it is probably beyond reach now. The fact that he has already accepted that is wish cannot be granted would make is ultimate failure easier to accept both to him and the readers. In the end, what I’m saying is I hope CLAMP won’t be too evil this time. They just can’t, considering the fact that they are dealing with the main cast of CC Sakura.


  50. It’s obviously FWR who won’t have the happy ending~! xD
    ::is bricked::
    Ahaha. If it was only that easy >.>

    Thanks for the information! I knew we’d get to Celes and Ashura-ou would wake up, but I’m happy to hear it’s in the future.

    Thanks again~! ♥


  51. Thank you so much for the translation and news!! I really appreciate it and am excited to see where CLAMP takes this next. ^__^

    Honestly, I can’t see either Kurogane or Fay being the one that doesn’t have a happy ending. First of all, unless they get Fay’s eye back, if Kurogane dies then Fay will die and that’s more than one unhappy ending. Secondly, regardless of whether death is involved, Fay and Kurogane have been so clearly shown to be interconnected and tied together, that I feel separation would not equal a happy ending for both of them (despite Fay’s current angsty squawking to the contrary or Kurogane’s reluctant acceptance of how much he cares about the wizard :-p). Even if one where somehow able to have a happy ending free of the other, Kurogane logically learning the meaning of true strength or Fay could finally acknowledging and accepting his emotions by dying may not equate an unhappy ending in the eyes of the character passing, but certainly the deaths of Kurogane or Fay would be mean a very unhappy result for Sakura, Mokona and Syaoran who were deeply invested in them.

    I personally think it could be one of the Syaorans. Let’s face it–when it gets resolved, it’s highly unlikely that both will survive, particularly since they seem to hint the heart cannot be returned. Given CLAMP’s choice to angst up a usually happy couple, Sakura’s current need to protect and return the clone’s heart and True!Syaoran’s life of imprisonment which is lifted only to come to a world to protect a woman who appears to have feelings for the clone instead of him, I think one of them could definitely have the unhappy ending. Clow seemed to hint at that in the last chapter by telling Syaoran (while it appeared he was talking to the clone, Clow always knows so much perhaps he was talking to the imprisoned true!Syaoran) that there is unhappiness awaiting him with the words: “Even if he’s someone you should have met, you can’t meet him. Even if you stretch out your hand, you can’t touch him. Even if he reflects in your eyes, you can’t reach him. Even if you’ve chosen them for yourself, the painful things won’t change. Even like this… you want to protect, right? Once you have decided something, you can’t resent that.”

    I’d consider True!Syaoran being cheated out of living life a second time to be an unhappy ending, and even if the Clone is the one who meets demise, that means an unhappy ending in terms of all the memories lost. I feel the death of clone!Syaoran could only be isolated as the “one” unhappy ending if everyone grows to care about True!Syaoran as much as they cared about clone!Syaoran by the end of the series. Also, I don’t think many have taken into consideration that it could be a more minor character who suffers the unhappy ending. Fuuma, Kamui, Seishirou and Subaru still have quite a bit to work out (and I really, REALLY hope Sei and Sub finally get their happy ending). I think Tomoyo knew exactly what she was doing when sending Kurogane away and while it meant losing a friend and loyal servant, she knew it had to be done. If he doesn’t return home to Japan, perhaps her ending could be a bittersweet one of both happiness for Kurogane and sadness at losing that bond. Ashurou-ou could be the unhappy ending as well. If he cared deeply about Fay and was wronged, and ends up either dying, losing Fay, being further betrayed (whatever the backstory ends up being) even while Fay’s troubles may be resolved, Ashuru-ou’s resolution might not be happy.

    Haha, sorry, that comment got a lot longer than I meant it to. ^__^


  52. Yo, Chibi-Yuuto! OMG, it can’t believe what I’m reading!! O__O You mean to tell me that they are going to land on Fai’s world?! No way!! I knew that time will come sooner or later. Looks like Fai’s wish won’t come true at all(I think…)! Now I’m very anxious for the chapters now.

    Also, arigatou gozaimasu for the report of CLAMP’s New Year Bash party.

    Arigatou for the scoop!

    Ja ne!
    Nyanko-san ^__^


  53. Oh wow. That is some news. Thank you so much for posting it.

    (somehow I see one of them Syaorans getting a bad ending too. Unless Sakura doesn’t mind a hot and steamy 3some…)


  54. What if that one character without a happy ending will be Watanuki? D:
    CLAMP didn’t specifically say that one character from TRC only will not have a happy ending so this could include HOLiC aswell no?



    Aha! Of course, the character that wouldn’t have a happy ending is Fei Wang Reed. >:D *doesn’t want to think about someone from the main four five dying or whut* It’s him. It must be. IT MUST BE.

    I hope the Infinity arc/world ends soon~ Fufufu.

    Thanks for the news! *lurker*


  56. Well, nothing is full of light in life .__. I would be disppointed if they showed up a happy and shinning ending XDDDD I know you would prefer it, though, you are sweeter than I am XDDDD


  57. About the blood…

    Thanks again for the job with the translations and the scans!!!!
    I really apreciate that!
    But I have a doubt… The bleeding eye is some how related with Sayornan’s magic power?
    Please if anyone can explain it to me…. I will apreciate it!
    A huge hug for all the Tsubasa’s fans!!!
    Danny- Brazil


  58. aw! ;0; Celes? NOO!! Dx; I dun like Ashura-ou ;_; hope anything wrong happen ;0;
    …thx for the news ;w; i guess… *dies*
    I want a happy ending! Dx; for everyone! ;0;


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