Aaaand, Kobato is back to the HEADLINE NEWS section !

– Next chapters scheduled:

10/10 – Newtype #11 – Chapter 1 (?).

No word about color images yet.

– Next chapters scheduled (red means new):

08/09 – Shonen Magazine #36 & #37 – Chapter 125 – 3 color pages, beginning of tank 17 (on sale).
08/23 – Shonen Magazine #38 – Chapter 126.
08/30 – Shonen Magazine #39 – Chapter 127.
09/06 – Shonen Magazine #40 – No Tsubasa scheduled.
09/13 – Shonen Magazine #41 – Chapter 128.

Finally a rest ^^”

Somehow I didn’t expect it so soon ^^” But the covers of vol 16 were announced !

(PS: If by any chance you’re not seeing the images, it must be my server, so click here and here to see them ^^)

I must say, both covers look beautiful ! I loved the one with the 2 Syaorans, and just as we expected, Kamui is featuring the deluxe one *–* It sure looks gorgeous.

The tanks will be released on September 15th.

The short movie of Tsubasa will be aired at japanese channels WOWOW and WOWOW2. For those who don’t remember, this is the channel where the X anime was aired.

Drama CD:
Excellent news for those who liked the first Drama CD (like me XD), the one with the Holitsuba academy, because a second one is on it’s way !
The application forms will come with Shonen Magazine #41, for the Shonen Magazine version, and Young Magazine #42, for Young Magazine’s version. Although I think this only works for those who live on Japan but, I thought you should know ^^”
However, I’m not sure, but I think the name has changed to 私立堀鍔学園, anyone could confirm this for me?

My one and only hope is that Ohkawa-sensei shall write this one as well ^__^

The cover of the 4th soundtrack can be checked here, and it’ll be released on September 21st.

Some preview pics of the 2007 calendar of Tsubasa and XXXHOLiC were announced:

Pretty much like the previous ones.

A peek at the Mokona=Modoki desktop calendar.

(PS2: If by any chance you’re not seeing the images, it must be my server, so click here to see them ^^)

– Next chapters scheduled (red means new):

08/07 – Young Magazine #36 & #37 – Chapter 115 (on sale).
08/21 – Young Magazine #38 – Chapter 116.
08/28 – Young Magazine #39 – No XXXHOLiC scheduled.
09/04 – Young Magazine #40 – Chapter 117 – Special Talk with Sayaka Ohara (Yuuko’s seiyuu) and Mokona.
09/11 – Young Magazine #41 – Chapter 118.

XXXHOLiC’s movie will air on channels WOWOW, WOWOW2 and WOWOW3. Even though I don’t think much of you are interested in this kind of news xD

Drama CD:
The same information posted for the Tsubasa Drama CD applies here as well.


Internet Radio:
CLAMP is going to participate of an internet radio program of the CLAMP-PLA.NET website on August 28th. However, only members shall be able to listen to the show.

I’m telling you, that is a very meany website u.u

89 thoughts on “CLAMP NEWS !!

  1. Gah, Tsubasa 16 is being released at a time that makes it hard for me to get it x3 But I will have that in my hands no matter what, ohoho. Not only does the Kamui cover look awesome, but the regular edition one with the two Syaorans looks great too *-* Haha.

    I think it’s funny how the soundtrack covers always seem to forget that there are characters other than Syaoran and Sakura in Tsubasa xD Whatever, all the bubbles and feathers on this cover crack me up.


    • >Tsubasa 16 is being released at a time that makes it hard for me to get it x3

      Oh, that’s bad… but don’t worry, since it’s not a limited edition, you’ll be able to get it anytime you want ^^

      >Not only does the Kamui cover look awesome, but the regular edition one with the two Syaorans looks great too *-* Haha.

      That’s SO true ! I’m so curious for Kamui’s one >.I think it’s funny how the soundtrack covers always seem to forget that there are characters other than Syaoran and Sakura in Tsubasa xD Whatever, all the bubbles and feathers on this cover crack me up.

      LOL !!! Well, it’s Tsubasa Chronicle, what can you expect? XDDDD


  2. Yo, Chibi-Yuuto! Thanks for giving us the updates for the scans for Tsubasa and Holic. As for the covers of Tsubasa volume 16: Sugoi ne!

    I really like the two Syaorans for the ordinary cover. I definitely know that many fans will “squee” for the deluxe cover featuring a bishounen Kamui. I went celebrating by jumping around the room when I saw the deluxe cover for volume 16. Yatta for Kamui!!! ^o^

    Sore ni, arigatou for the scoop for the covers and pictures from the calendar and the Future Soundscape 4. I can’t wait to hear both the Tsubasa soundtrack and the Drama CD from Holic.

    Once again, arigatou for the Mid-August updates.

    Ki o tsukete, Chibi-Yuuto! Nyanko-san ^__^


    • >As for the covers of Tsubasa volume 16: Sugoi ne!

      Aren’t they? ^____^ I’m so excited !

      >I can’t wait to hear both the Tsubasa soundtrack and the Drama CD from Holic.

      I’ll be definitely looking forward for the latter one ^^ The first Drama CD was so funny ! XD

      >Ki o tsukete, Chibi-Yuuto! Nyanko-san ^__^

      Thanks ! You too and see you ! ^0^


    • YES ! Yay, it’s our time now, the Kamui lovers XDDDDDDD

      Subaru probably will be in the 17, or so I hope, so that hopefully Fuuma can feature 18 later, considering that he shall appear more at the story ^^


    • I’m also very very happy with the normal edition cover, too bad the pic is just too small >.< But the atmosphere of it is very cool~! And it's a brand new image, so ^^

      And you're welcome ! Thanks for commenting ^__^


    • hello!

      did you make that icon !
      is so cool!
      anyway, I CANT STAND IT !!!!!!
      nice….^_^~~* wistful look

      and the calenders are gorgeous!
      wish i could register the


  3. YAY! I knew Kamui would be on next cover, and he looks gorgeous, can’t wait to see it bigger. And that means that Subaru (or Fumma) are next ^______________^ The cover with the 2 Syaorans is going to make fans squeal XDDDDDDDDDDD

    Thanks 😉


    • YAY indeed ! XDDDD I don’t know how many “yay”s I’ve wrote for that cover so far XDDD

      >And that means that Subaru (or Fumma) are next ^______________^

      My fingers are already crossed ^___^ I think it’s the X’s round now XD But I wonder if more X charas will get some covers as well O.o Sorashi definitely should u.u


  4. OMG! thanks for the big news, Chibi Yuuto-san! *___*
    I really love both TRC vol. 16 covers! so kakkoi! *O*
    I can’t wait for the second Horitsubad Gakuen Drama CD! n___n
    I want the TsubasaxHOLiC 2007 Calendar! so pretty! *____*
    and Mokona=Modoki calendar is so kawaii! XD


  5. OH MY GAWDS!! I want the deluxe version >__< i guess i will have to go take a look at amazon japan when it is released…
    and talking about CDs, i was watching an episode of "XXXHOLIC" this morning and i was wondering if there are some news about a soundtrack of the show? i like the singles but sincerely i would be much happier with the BGMs haha!

    thank you so much again for all these news!!!!!


    • Amazon japan should indeed post a bigger version of the cover near the release date *-*

      About XXXHOLiC’s soundtrack, it’ll come with a limited edition of the 3rd XXXHOLiC DVD (out on September 20th). However, I hope they’ll release it separated as well o.o


    • It depends from series to series. For example, Chobits and XXXHOLiC, because they run on Young Magazine, need 12 chapters to complete a tank. It depends on the average number of pages per chapter. As for Kobato, if they follow the first tank published in Sunday GX, it’ll take 7 chapters to complete the 1st tank ^^


  6. Kamui !!!!! Sure, I have to get it no matter what (mmm, this sentence sounds familiar…)
    Somehow, it’s strange… I would have thought Kamui and Subaru could share a cover. But two covers with two vampires is better !


    • That would be very unique (For Kamui and Subaru to share a cover), because so far every character alone got his/her own cover o.o But it’s true that I also prefer each of them to get a cover ^^


  7. Wah, no preview of the new images in the calendar. Pft.

    *prepares herself for a series of X-related covers for more than a year, and tries to forget Clow existed so her heart won’t be broken again*


  8. meh why cant they make the pictures bigger -_’- .. WHYYYY no tsubasa today? i wanna wanna wanna know what happens to fai

    ohh the torture 😛 lucky people who can get there hands on the manga’s when they come out .. *looks at her useless TCless country*


    • Because CLAMP is MEANY !!! XDDD We’re gonna have to wait at least a whole month to get bigger scans u.u

      >WHYYYY no tsubasa today? i wanna wanna wanna know what happens to fai

      Double editions are always followed by a week of rest, for the mangakas, unfortunately for us, fortunately for them ^^


      • great way to turn rich .. giving the big fans like us HUGE cliffhangers like that ah well .. at least i got a distraction coming up to keep me from turning crazy. you just gotta luv school as distraction 😛


  9. Thanks for the news!^-^

    Yay! The covers for volume 16 are lurrve!X3 I want the deluxe version…but I also want the other one.T-T My poor poor wallet..

    I can see buckles in Kamui’s outfit!!! It seems that he has the same sense of style as he did in X…XD


    • >I can see buckles in Kamui’s outfit!!! It seems that he has the same sense of style as he did in X…XD

      ohhh really? *-* I hope so !!! Even though I know this is Tsubasa, I hope a very X-ish image ^_____^


  10. OMG!!!!!!!! *Dies*
    Two Syaoraaaaaaaaaaaans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *¬*
    I want it!!!!!!!
    And Kobato’s date was published too???? X_x
    And that calendar looks amazing!!!!!
    *Dies again*
    Arigatou Yuuto-san!!!!!!! YeY! \O/


  11. Ah, those covers are gorgeous–and I’m SO glad it wasn’t another happy group shot, I was looking at the cover of volume 15 last night and thinking, “But this is all fake, he’s actually evil!” Now the question: to deluxe edition or not to deluxe edition? (…Probably, to deluxe.)

    And hooray for Kobato too, though this creates another dilemma: to Japan Newtype or not to Japan Newtype? (Hooray for AnimeNation.)


    • >I was looking at the cover of volume 15 last night and thinking, “But this is all fake, he’s actually evil!”

      You know what, I was thinking something similar to that. I was thinking “How the hell CLAMP is gonna put TRC!Syaoran now, all happy and hero, now that he’s not who he used to be anymore?” And the answer was partially answered in this cover. But they can’t put the 2 Syaorans on every cover till the end, so I wonder if CCS!Syaoran (or whoever he might be ^^) will fill TRC!Syaoran’s place at the normal edition covers, from now on O.o

      >Now the question: to deluxe edition or not to deluxe edition? (…Probably, to deluxe.)

      *pokes* To deluxe ! To deluxe ! XDDDD

      >to Japan Newtype or not to Japan Newtype?

      *pokes again* To Japan Newtype ! To Japan Newtype ! XDDDDD

      Kidding, DON’T listen to me xDDD


      • ^_^ No, this is why I have a job, to pay for manga. OF COURSE I will get the deluxe…they are SO pretty…*pets volume 15 slipcase*

        About the covers, I don’t know. Maybe the group will resume their journey with the real Syaoran taking the clone’s place? Maybe they’ll go follow the clone & try to get Fai’s eye back (I hope so)? They’ll definitely be seeing the clone again, anyway, seeing as he’s obsessed with getting the feathers back. Though what Fei Wong Reed is doing with him at the moment I’m not sure either. I hope the real Syaoran fills in in EVERY capacity. ^_^


  12. Dang! Another one more week with no Tsubasa.

    But who cares when both the covers are so damn yummy! The two syaorans are simply soo cool. And Kamui! *scream* Someone said this before but yeah. The whole black and red colour theme is so X. I love it. Too bad both the pics are soo small. Do you happen to have any other bigger versions?

    I would love to have those calenders. Too bad there’s simply no way I can get my hands on it. *sob* Just like how I would never get my hands on other anime merchandises from Japan. Those lucky japanese.

    Btw, I never bought a deluxe ver. of the manga before so care to tell me what’s the difference between this and the normal ver.?


    • I enlarged the deluxe one a bit, but it’s still a bit blurry (the other one was way too blurry). Could probably be Photoshopped into an icon though. 😉


    • No bigger versions for the pretty pics, UNFORTUNATELY u.u This is the first time they announce it so it’s pretty soon for bigger scans. We should be getting them near the release date ^^

      >Btw, I never bought a deluxe ver. of the manga before so care to tell me what’s the difference between this and the normal ver.?

      Well, it has a hard cover, a case to keep it, the size is bigger (A5) and it comes with all the color pages ^^


  13. Thanks for the news!! I´m so happy with the covers, even when they´re so small!! Syaoran, my precious boy!! I want that cover!! Yes, the red color is just perfect for the lately events and for Kamui. oh, my, he look so sensual, makes me shake. He looks so much like in X. but.. Syaoran!! I´m so happy! Now is less painfull to wait till next week… nah, i lie, it´s a real torture!!
    anyway, arigato, chibiyuuto!


  14. The cover with the 2 Syaoran is simply wonderful! XD XD XD They’re just soo grrreeaaattt!!!! I can’t wait to see it in bigger ^__^
    The deluxe edition with Kamui seems ok too; but well, there’re already severals artbooks of X full of awsome pics of Kamui…so the Deluxe cover doesn’t excite me as much as the one with the 2 Syao together in color which we don’t see often 😛
    As for the OST 4…Well…no comment (T____T) *cries of despair*


    • Waah, so many people liking the normal edition’s cover with the 2 Syaorans, I’m so happy too, because usually is the other way around and people tend to like the deluxe’s one better ^^

      >the Deluxe cover doesn’t excite me as much as the one with the 2 Syao together in color which we don’t see often 😛

      I totally get your point ^__^ And good for you ! Don’t mind us all, we are just completely drunk for Kamui’s prettyness xDDDDDDD

      >As for the OST 4…Well…no comment (T____T) *cries of despair*
      Awww =\ But don’t waste your tears with that %$#&$ ¬¬


  15. >Grrr, let’s try this a second time. The first comment I accidentally closed out of the window. Baka me!

    Oh gosh, poor you~~~ Thank you for the perseverance, though ^____^


    LOL!!! You, more than anybody else, sure loved it, don’t you? XDDDDDD

    >Well, I’m sure it’ll be like last time and we’ll still listen to it! *o*

    Yeah, yeah, definitely ! Nice people do exist and they’ll surely share it with us ^^

    You’re welcome, darling ! And good luck at the training, hope the system will be nice to you XD *chuuu*


  16. yay… ^_^ Kamui is looking very fine on volume 16’s deluxe cover. Odds of Subaru and Fuuma are looking good (especially since King Ashura managed to get volume 13 without saying a word)…


  17. WOW!!! I like both covers but Kamui’s one is the best. A lot from X next month (I can’t be more happy)
    BTW, another DramaCD, I hope that Ohkawa write it too. (Since the other one was so fun XD)
    Thanks for the news as always ^_^


  18. According to a translation I saw Ashura-Ou said:

    Back then, this child was asked the same thing inside the tower, and chose you. Fay. No, your real name was Yuui, wasn’t it?

    Now… I know I’m stretching things but might it be that Ashura-Ou is saying that Fay chose Fay, in other words himself and not ‘Fay’, those name was Yuui? (maybe thinking that he were to leave Yuui to find someone who would help him?)
    But Yuui, taking his brother’s name, tried to fulfil what he believed was his brother’s wish, leaving, and became Fay…

    I know, it’s stretched, but it’s the only reason for which it might make sense for CLAMP not to show us the bubble. To let us think that Fay chose Yuui and confess us later that Fay chose Fay instead.


  19. The greatness of calendars is that we get text-less illustrations… we don’t have to wait for the artbooks =)

    You’re welcome!!


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  21. Yeah, so far we get the impression that Okiura is somehow related to the yakuza, if not their boss, but you might be right, he might not be related to them at all.

    And I also think he wants to protect her somehow.


  22. I think that would be pretty awesome, but I’m not sure it’ll happen. If it’s important for the plot then they surely will ^^


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