Cybozu interviews CLAMP and Nanase Ohkawa

clampCLAMP served as a case study for Cybozu on how the Cybozu Live tool can be used for team management. CLAMP use Cybozu Live in their daily work to communicate between themselves and their editors.

Cybozu is a Tokyo-based software company that provides a web-based groupware known as Cybozu Office, popular in Japan (Wikipedia). Early in 2013, CLAMP tweeted their appreciation for Cybozu:


“We don’t use e-mail, we use ‘Cybozu Live’ to communicate with our editors and partners. It’s really useful. Thank you very much, Cybozu-san!”

Apart from the interview with CLAMP, there is also a talk with Nanase Ohkawa and a Cybozu staff member. To fit the company’s case study purposes, the interview with CLAMP is very Cybozu-centered and how the tool helps their daily routine. The talk with Nanase Ohkawa, on the other hand, touches various social aspects, including her view on minorities.

CLAMP Interview
Nanase Ohkawa talk

Although it isn’t very CLAMP-centered, this is the first CLAMP interview in years and we get to see a few pictures of their studio in Kyoto for the very first time.

I urge all the kind people who translate XXXHOLiC and Card Captor Sakura monthly to contribute with a translation to this interview. The CLAMP community would highly appreciate it.

12 thoughts on “Cybozu interviews CLAMP and Nanase Ohkawa

  1. It’s so funny that you should bring this up — I actually have the Nanase Ohkawa interview in a translation draft right now! I’ll let you know when it’s ready (most likely late tonight or tomorrow morning).

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love you?

      I was able to understand most of the CLAMP interview using Google, but I didn’t have the same luck with Ohkawa’s talk.

      Thank you!


      • It’s up! I’m sorry it took longer than I thought it would — there were some really weird parts that I struggled to translate into English. I was disappointed to find out that Ohkawa didn’t really discuss minority issues so much as she talked about larger themes of “difference” vs. “normality,” but it was a good read, anyway.

        Speaking of which, the new xxxHOLiC chapter should be out soon, right?


  2. As I expected. She never talks about minorities “explicitly”. It seems like she doesn’t want to label their characters and stories into something mundane, it seems like she wants to separate fictional world with real life. That’s why I never liked to label their characters as “gay”, “straight”, etc., because I always felt like CLAMP wanted to create a world where such things don’t exist, where people love who they love and there’s nothing more to say about that. After all, it’s fictional, everything is possible and perfect. There people don’t fell in love with bodies, they fell in love with souls, they even can fell in love with robots (lol), they can even be attracted to magic, something not possible in real world of course. Everything is pure in CLAMP’s fictional world. This is why I don’t see their characters as a “minority” in their world (or “different” as Ohkawa said). But of course, this is only my opinion on a fictional world, real world is very different (sadly) hahah.

    Thank you for the interview!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think you summed up real nicely my views on the topic as well.

      I get really mad when people who are not necessarily CLAMP fans ask me “Is Tomoyo a lesbian?” or “Are Touya and Yukito a couple?” I mean, they are what they are, no need to label them. No need to limit their loving capacities to gender.

      Like you said, Syaoran was magically infatuated with Yukito and later on he realized his true feelings were for Sakura but I’m sure he still feels the same way towards Yukito. He just realized what he felt for Sakura was stronger.


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