Catching up…

In case you haven’t heard it, ladydarkmoon is back for good and she has awesomely caught up with everything, including Tsubasa, XXXHOLiC and Kobato.

Check her livejournal for her scans and her latest post has the most recent Kobato. chapter (Drop. 9) as well as Satsuki Igarashi’s column for this month (check her flickr for previous months) and the Code Geass clear file.

The Room of Requirement opens its doors again and has been majorly updated to host these recently released chapters.

Thank you muchly Alison for your hard work, and welcome back ! ^__^

It’s nice to get back to the old schedule again, and I want to get back on writing chapter commentaries as well =) Alison’s absence, duties with both my work and university, and the constant breaks (during these 4 months, only 9 chapters of Tsubasa were released, and only 7 for XXXHOLiC), all those things kept me very off-track. But I had hope she would return, so I decided to wait, sometimes it’s nice to take a break =)

13 thoughts on “Catching up…

  1. Ehe~
    Since she is in my Flist I knew first hand she was back as soon as I saw her first post ^^
    And it’s indeed really awesome to have her back! 😀

    I would LOVE to read your chapters reviews! I miss them so much!!! >.


  2. It’s nice that she’s back.

    But it’s too bad that Clamp have released only 9 chapters during those damn 4 monthes!! Lazy ugly girls. I bet that Tsubasa will not end this year anymore (maybe they’re just doing it for the sake of the ODAs – I hope so).


    • Easy easy, don’t call CLAMP like that ^^; They are doing their best while working on other projects as well.

      I’m sure it was just a moment of indignation, I understand XD

      But the ending is coming, it’ll happen, even with all those delays, so let’s have a bit more patience ^_~


  3. Yay~ So awesome that she’s back 😀
    somehow I haven’t read any chapters since she went away orz
    I need to catch up! > > with everything….
    Uh, anyway ^___^ Thank you so much! ♥


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