Feast on Scraps!

There’s too many pieces of news today XD

Happy Birthday ! (Late ^^”)

I totally forgot about this really important birthday (shame on me), I knew it was in the beginning of May but I was so busy with my college works that I totally forgot about it. Anyway, on May 2nd was the birthday of the head and most important person of CLAMP, Ageha Ohkawa ! But since all the CLAMP members were busy at that day and they decided to celebrate today, I’ll join them too ^__^ (I just wonder why her name was written as “Nanase” on her ALBUM entry o.O)

As a present, she got some sakes of course, what else?

I wish her a wonderful year, many happiness, that she makes all of her wishes come true and that she can be this amazing writer forever bringing to us the bests stories ^__^ Hontouni Omedetou Gozaimasu!

For Brazilian people!

JBC’s new manga: TOKYO BABYLON !

If you are brazilian and like CLAMP (probably, or else what are you doing here? XD) you’ll like this news!
With the end of X (number 18 comes this month), JBC’s new manga will be Tokyo Babylon ! I still don’t have more information such as price and date, all that I know is that it’ll come in tank form (as X).
This is exclusive and top-secret news since a friend of mine who has a friend who works on an editorial department told him so. I’m quite confident in him since he gave me sure, they plan to release it in an event that’s going to happen still this month !
Having a CLAMP been published is always good news !

I still have to make my review for Tsubasa #4, I still didn’t have time, but I’ll surely do it tomorrow ^__^

24 thoughts on “Feast on Scraps!

  1. kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!
    naum acreditooo!!! to taaum feliz agora!! *o*
    mais c tem alguma ideia d que evento vai c? achu q tem um no Sul esse mês num sei XP

    naa eu tmb naum sabia do nivers da ohkawa-sama!! como eu so um fã desnaturado U.u”


  2. Happy birthday, Ohkawa-san! 😀

    Heather and I are totally going to see that new Will Ferrell movie when it comes out JUST because it’s going to play the GoF trailer. XD


    • >Heather and I are totally going to see that new Will Ferrell movie when it comes out JUST because it’s going to play the GoF trailer. XD

      Ahahaha sure! XD That’s how is done!


  3. (By Subaru Sumeragi)


    Ok, por um lado eu fico triste com a banalizacao, mas por outro, mas por outro… AHHH EH TOKYO BABYLON! =))))))))
    Abracos Yuuto! =)


      • (by Subaru Sumeragi)

        É, CLAMP nunca é demais! COnsegui comprar todos até agora, e acho que vou comprar todos que lancarem mesmo.
        Mas eu queria os originais, sao tao mais belos! Principalmente Rayearth, q a edicao nacional eh medonha! =P


  4. >I totally forgot about this really important birthday (shame on me)
    Too bad I was busy,because I planned to tease you until the end of the day about it 😛 And you say you’re so in love with her…:P XP *runs because there’s Hatori Hanzo in sight*
    Anyway,happy birthday to our beloved Ohkawa-san!^O^


    • LMAO!!!!!! OMG XDDDD I’m cracking up!!!!
      It would be so much fun XDDDDD I’m REALLY ashamed! I mean… I was going to check it on the Profile section TODAY when I saw the post on ALBUM >..runs because there’s Hatori Hanzo in sight


    • Thank you ! Been the 5th CLAMP title means really much… means CLAMP is the best because not another single author has 5 titles published in our country. ^___^


  5. Feliz da vida!!! ^__^

    Waaahhh!!! XD Se tivesse apostado teria ganhado… ¬¬ Mas terá aquele pessoal criticando…
    Só no site Ohayo há um comentário mas não confirmaram nada.
    Li só os vols # 1 e # 5, foram os que consegui comprar… Só espero que mantenham as capas pois, provavelmente, a qualidade será inferior como aconteceu com Chobits…
    Não sei não, mas será que não vão segurar até o Animecon ou AF?!

    Tb postei atrasado mas… Omedetou Gozaimasu, Ohkawa-san! ^____^ Realmente, tb não entendi aquele “Nanase”…



  6. Yayyyyyy!!!!

    I was sure that when… why am I speaking english? 😛

    Desde que falaram que iam lançar X eu tive certeza de que teriam que lançar Tokyo Babylon… Não teria jeito. Até hoje não li TB inteiro. Mas achava que deveriam ter lançado TB antes de X. Agora todo mundo já foi spoiled :p
    E ainda vai ser aqui no Rio???!!! Eu sempre vou à Bienal do Livro, então com certeza acabaria vendo isso. Mas fico feliz de lançarem alguma coisa num evento aqui no Rio!

    Obrigada pela excelente notícia!!!


    • Re: Yayyyyyy!!!!

      Sim, a lógica teria sido essa… mas a ansiedade por X foi tanta ^^”

      Vc mora no Rio ? Vai ser legal pra vc conferir então ! Pegar em 1ª mão e contar pra gente como é ^-^


      • Re: Yayyyyyy!!!!

        Moro em Niterói. Agora já estou planejando de ir no primeiro dia da Bienal!!! E pode deixar que conto como é que foi… ^_^


  7. Oh! Where did you get that picture of Ohkawa? Do you have the other members as well? And the woman on the pic is Ohkawa, right?

    Anyway, happy birthday Ohkawa Ageha!



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